
Thursday 27 August 2015

Five things about me . . .

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 One of my earliest memories is of sitting in church and looking at my hand.  I can remember being able to see a slightly glowing but blurry outline around it . . .  bordering each finger, down my hand and up my arm  . . .  and thinking to myself . . .  "That's my spirit."   Yes, I have always been a very spiritual person.  I have never doubted that we are much, much more than what you see on the outside of anyone.  I've also been able to see that glowing outline around other's, an aura as it is called.  And sometimes I see colours.   You may be cynical about such things and think they are not real, but they are real to me.

And that is number one in a five things about me post.
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I've always been a person who prays.  My mother taught me to pray.   From "Now I lay me down to Sleep," at my bedside when I was a very young child, to my personal prayers and conversations that I have with God today through my Saviour Jesus Christ . . .  I have always been a praying person.   There was a time when I did not think that any of my worries and concerns were important enough for my Heavenly Father to care about . . .  but that never stopped me from praying for others.  I have always believed in prayers and answers to prayers.  I am so grateful that I came to a place where I finally learned that my worries and concerns mattered also, even the smallest of them.  I do not know where I would be without prayer.  It embroiders every minute of my every day.

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I believe in living life with gratitude.   No matter what, there is always something to be grateful for.  I firmly believe this.   It may be very difficult sometimes to see the silver lining  . . .  especially when your tunnel seems very dark . . . but experience has taught me that it is always there and that eventually I will be able to see it.   I trust in the goodness of God and I know and firmly believe that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  When the rain starts falling I know that things could always be a lot worse, and so I am able to find strength and beauty in the rain.  What I see as my worst moments may well be the equivalent of  someone else's best moments.  I know that to be true and knowing this helps me to be grateful for even my very worst of days.

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A spoonful of sugar always helps the medicine go down.   I am a woman of great faith and trust for sure, but I also have a very whimsical side.  A side that believes in fairies and elves . . . in magic and happily ever afters.  I saw my very first Victoria's Secret store yesterday in the Trafford Center.   The underwear didn't draw my attention so much as the wings . . .  those feather angelic wings.  I would LOVE to have a pair of feather wings . . .  and I would wear them.  Maybe not outside my door because I am not quite that bold . . .  but I would certainly wear them around the house for sure.  I wonder what Todd would think?    haha   He'd probably just shake his head and keep on keeping on.

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I'm a daisy picker.  That is a person who is able to pick out the good from the bad, to see the wonder in all things, to be able to find the miraculous in the seemingly ordinary.  A half full glass kind of girl.  A Pollyanna.  I am grateful for my ability to find the daisies in a field filled with thorns.  For my ability to bloom wherever I am planted.  To roll with the punches.  No, I am NOT cheerful 100 percent of the time.  I have my boo hoo moments also.  But thankfully they are few and fleeting, and I've always bounced back quickly.  There is great healing to be found in tears.  They are the balm of gilead.  They help to water the daisies.  They help to wash away the cobwebs, and after the rain . . .  always the sun, and if you are lucky maybe even a rainbow.

And that's my five things about me for this week.

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Hooray, we were able to get Todd's iPad back and working and he didn't lose anything he had on it.  When we got to the Apple Store, there was no record of his having an appointment with an engineer so he had to stand in a queue for a while, but eventually he was seen to and they were able to get it up and running.  Thank goodness.  The alternative would have been that he would have been able to replace it with a new one for £199, which, although a very good price for a new iPad, would have been far beyond our means at the present time.   God is good!

And I finally got to see the Trafford Centre.  I would call it jaw dropping.  I would definitely recommend you click on the link and read a bit about it.   The food court looks like you are on a cruise ship.   Seriously.   I've never seen anything like it before in my life.  Even the toilets were magnificent.   I walked and walked and walked.  My right hip and both knees were protesting last night when I got into bed, but it was worth it.   I am so thankful to the Johansens who drove us there.   They had been there a couple of times before and their driving us made things so much easier.  I repeat, God is good!

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 I just have to share this picture of these amazing Sister Missionaries we get to work with here in our Zone.  (Chester/Wrexham)  From left to right . . .  Sister Walker, Sister Brill, Sister Barlow and Sister Gregson.   These young ladies are the best.

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And then we have Elder Singsam (from New Zealand)  Elder Dadd (from Weymouth) and Elder Atkinson from Utah.  I don't know where Elder Thomas was.   I promise you that's not him in the Roman Centurian costume!

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Sister Johansen from Utah.   I love her so much.  She's become such a great friend.  I will surely miss her when she goes back home next July.  She and her husband have been a great support for Todd and I and are just the best Senior Missionaries.

I just had to show you these photos of these amazing people we get to work with!  They make me smile.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

The more you give,
The more you get  . . . 
The more you laugh,
The less you fret!
~Helen Steiner Rice

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In the English Kitchen today . . .  Chicken Tostadas with a Mango and Strawberry Salsa.

Also Lemon Curd and Raspberry Pots.  Easy peasy!

 Have a fab Thursday!  Wherever you go and whatever you do,  don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Just so pleased that Todd got his I pad sorted..seems like you had a fun kind of day..these are such nice photos of the sisters, they look a good fun group...bless them the idea of today's recipe the pudding looks so easy and New Zealnd friends Heleh leaves again today at lunch time...such a quick visit but is so nice she wanted to come and spend a couple of days with me during her three week visit to England....nice to get all the up to date news about friends and family over would be so nice to go visit them again...but can't see that happening unless we win the lottery...and as I very very rarely buy a ticket I don't think I have much chance .LOL have a lovely day hope your hip and leg are not to troublesome xxx

  2. That shopping center would be sensory overload for me, I think, but I'm glad you had a great time. That you didn't have to drive made it more of a treat, I'm sure! :)

    I love that you see auras.

  3. Marie I am so pleased that the iPad fixed. I love the Apple store and have only had one bad experience in all the time s we have been there. The shopping centre sounds oppulent. I would love to experience just once. However, I think my money worries would feel mulitplied. I have seen those wings in the Sydney airport and can imagine you wearing them. Why not do it if it makes you feel happy? Todd might smile too.

    I try to ocncentrate on the brighter side too. Have you seen the quote about the glass half empty of half full? It ends with something like they have missed the point because the glass can always be refilled.

    God bless you.

  4. Sybil, it is always so very nice to be able to spend some time with a beloved friend, even if it is a flying visit. I only see my friend Jo about once a year, but we make the most of every minute and it is great! I only ever very rarely buy a lottery ticket also. I know you have to be in it to win it, but I only buy when the jackpot is really big! xoxo

    It was really amazing Val! I don't think you could ever see all of it in one day. We basically only did the Apple Store, then Sister Johansen and I went to M&S and I got a new sweater on sale (I needed one!) for only £12 marked down from £20. And then we went to the food place and felt like we were on a cruise for a while. We wandered a little bit after that but not much. It was pretty huge! xoxo

    I like to window shop Suzan, which is a good thing because I don't have the money to do much else! I did enjoy looking at the furniture in M&S and dreaming a bit and looking at all of the colours of the Kitchen aid mixers in Selfridges! I love LOVE the apple green one! Lovely jubbly! xoxo

  5. You have great inner strength..

    Good news on the IPad..
    What a mall..overwhelming! Did you eat in the food court?
    Was the mall packed?
    I went to a large new mall in FL..J's not bigger or nicer than it is..

    was fun to see a few stores we don't have here..but I am not a mall shopper/buyer..
    Pretty..lovely people in your pics.

  6. Hi Marie, so glad Todds iPad is up and running again. If you get the chance Marie, visit the Trafford Centre at Christmas, it's amazing! Lots of love xxx

  7. Oh my dear Marie; I have missed reading your posts. My life has been out of control for this past month.
    I loved the 5 things about you. I find you so amazing and unique in so many ways. I still think we are a lot a like in some ways too.
    I sometimes feel I can see Aura's too. It's interesting.
    I don't know what I would do without prayer. I pray a lot especially when driving for some reason. Of course, part of it is because I have a driving paranoia so I pray to be safe.
    I believe in living in gratitude too. I try to look at the positive side of things. You expressed just how I do feel about life and gratitude.
    I am so happy that Todd was blessed to have his I pad fixed. I know that they use those on missions here a lot.
    I love that you were able to visit the center that you wanted to see; sweet!
    I really enjoy the pictures of the Sisters, Elders and Missionary couples. I am so thrilled that you are having this opportunity.
    I will share later about the mission that we are going to be serving.
    Sending love and hugs your way and I am happy i had a moment to read your thoughts today.

  8. Thanks Monique! The mall was not too busy when we got there, but that changed soon after and it got very busy. I cannot imagine it when there is a holiday. It must be insane. We did eat at the food court. The men were both happy with what they had but Sister Johansen and I were not happy at all. We made poor choices! I am not a real mall lover either. I much prefer smaller locations! I hate crowds! xoxo

    THanks Kate! I have heard it is amazing at Christmas! Love right back! xoxo

    I think we are a lot alike too LeAnn! Ohh, I am so excited you will be serving another mission! I can't wait to hear about it! Love you! xoxo


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