
Thursday 6 August 2015

A very quick catch up!

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My computer upgraded to Windows 10 last evening and I have been beset with computer hiccups this morning!  Another learning curve methinks!  It is already almost 7 am and this is the first that I have been able to get on to post anything, so I don't think there will be a regular post from me this morning.   I am trying to be thankful about changes!  Change and me don't always get along, but I do at least give it a go!  So today will just be a quick update!

We had a lovely time yesterday at the transfer meeting in Manchester.

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We got to say goodbye to Sister Brimley (that lovely young lady on the left.   Sister Wagner is the missionary on the right and she went home a while back and has gotten married.)   Chester was one of the first areas that Sister Brimley served and I was so happy to be able to get a chance to say goodbye to her before she leaves to go home to America today!

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We also got to say farewell to Elder Siriyachan (on the right, the other Elder is Elder Nebesny from Russia who went home a while back and is also now married!)    He flies home to Thailand today.

There were lots of others leaving as well, about 20 altogether and it was so wonderful to be able to hear their parting testimonies yesterday.  Very uplifting.  It was also fun to see and meet the new Missionaries arriving in the Manchester Mission fresh from the training centre.   We have a new Sister here in Chester now, but bad me I can't remember her name.  We also have a new Elder from New Zealand, whose name also escapes me at the moment.

It was a very long day, but very rewarding and uplifting.  Transfer day is always  a day of mixed emotions I am finding.  Sadness at seeing people you love leave and joy at seeing old friends and making new friends!

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Speaking of friends, I was so please last evening to talk to my good friend Lura!  It had been a while.  It's her Birthday today so give her a huge shout out!  Happy Birthday Lura!  I hope you have a fabulous day!  She is working in the Temple today, but I can't think of a better place to be on your Birthday.  I might just do that next week myself on my Birthday.   We had such a fun conversation yesterday and we finally figured out how to facetime each other!  Yay us!  It was so funny though because at the end we couldn't figure out how to disconnect!  haha  we were both laughing so hard.  We managed to end the video feed, the the voice was still going.  We both ended up having to turn off our iPads to end it.  What are WE like?  haha so funny!

And with that I will leave you with a quick thought for today . . .

Courage is not the absence of fear, 
but rather the judgement that something is
more important than fear.
The brave may not live forever, but . . . 
the cautious do not live at all.
~The Priness Diaries II

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  A Mixed Grill.  Pub fare!

Have a fabulous Thursday! Don't forget . . .

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 And I do too!


  1. I wonder when I will have to update to the new windows...or even if I have know me and new things I am w rose than you !..glad that all went well yesterday and hope the new missionary's will soon settle into their new places....Oh Marie what wonderful fun to be able to SEE Lura on FaceTime we will have to give it a go ourselves...not that I have any idea how we do it in the first place. I do know that my friend Joy and I chat every morning at 7am for about 20 just makes our day to be able to do that...Actually it was the main reason I bought the apple I we could see each other.....hope today is a good day for you and that you get a bit of a rest after your busy day yesterday. I am feeling better this morning so will go and help at coffee morning and go see Mary this afternoon."Lyn went for me yesterday. Mary was on her feet with the physio behind her....she was walking with a zimmer that had wheels....she walked quite a way Lyn said and so was very excited hope they get her on the sticks soon and she will get home to Todd and a wee clap for Mitzie. Xx

  2. Good morning Marie. Happy birthday Lura.

    Lots of love to you. FInd some rest time today. God bless.

  3. Oh Sybil, I am so glad you are feeling better today and that Mary is also doing better. Enjoy your coffee morning. We MUST facetime soon! I'll work on it! xoxo

    Thanks Suzan! Same to you and yours! xoxo

  4. Hope you soon get all the bugs worked out, but it looks like you did fine with your post even getting the pictures in. Hope all is well with you today. Happy Thursday!

  5. Ours too's not that big a diff..just My Pictures and things..

    I like things to be left alone;)

  6. It doesn't seem to like Mozilla at all Pam! MAnd I prefer Mozilla. Sigh . . . Xoxo

    I am with you on liking things to,stay the same Monique! Xoxo


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