
Wednesday 22 July 2015

Wednesday musings . . .

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We only have a small patch of it in our garden . . .  tis not really indigenous to back gardens, unless you live in the wilds or moors or rolling heath . . .  Heather.  I am waiting patiently for it to bloom.   It's such a tiny bloom and people don't really pay it all too much attention but when you chance upon rolling hills of it when out on a Sunday drive . . .  it fair takes your breath away. with it's wild beauty.

That is what happened to us a few summers ago.   We somehow got off the beaten track on our way back from Betwys-y-coed when all of a sudden we found ourselves amidst a rolling pink and purple coloured landscape.  It was most beautiful.   I decided then that I had to have some in our garden and the next year we bought ourselves a small pot and whenever I see it blooming I am reminded of the wonder of that moment we chanced upon the heathered hills in Wales.

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Our lilies are blooming.    We had no idea what colour they were going to be when we bought them.   There were only two pots left and the blooms were tightly closed but they were lowered in price and so I asked Todd could we give them a home and he said yes.    I am not fond of bouquets of lilies in the house  . . .  it's the smell and the pollen from the stamens that annoy me . . .  but in a garden they are just beautiful.

I remember a neighbor's house when I was a child . . .  the whole front was encapsulated with big orange tiger lilies.  They made an obvious impression on me, for I remember them still . . .  and I was a child long, long ago.

In any case these beautiful star gazer lilies are delighting me now.

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The garden is a riot of colour at the moment.   It's like all of the blooms can't wait to burst into colour and flatter us with their presence.   I said to Todd yesterday that all of the blooms on our hydrangea seem smaller this year  . . .  and indeed, one is not blooming at all.    Could it be the lack of rain?  We have not had a lot . . .  which is most unsual.

Todd carries pots of water out to the front of the house at the end of each day.  It's a lot of work for him.  To use a hose would involve running the hose right through the house from back to front and I am not overly fond of that idea.  Too many leaks.   Terraced house . . . it makes things like that a tad bit awkward.

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The roses are so beautiful at the moment . . .  a riot of bloom and colour.  We had to cut down one rose bush completely.  It was old and had hardly any leaf or flower on it this year, or indeed years past.   I had been wanting to pull it out for a long time now and finally this year Todd agreed with me.  It's been replaced by a pot filled with things for now and we will decide over the winter what we will plant in it's stead.

Things like this require thought.

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Lavender delights at the moment as well.  It is humming with bees.  I keep thinking I am going to go out and photograph them, but then . . .  I forget.  Perhaps I will get a chance today.    The bees are fat and rambling  little yellow and black powder puffs . . .  their  leg sacs bulging with pollen.  You look at them and think to yourself . . .  what a miracle of creation they are . . .  with their tiny wings and those huge bodies.   They should not be able to fly  . . .  and yet they do.

Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor . . . these things mystify me, and fill my heart with gratitude.

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The Summer's zenith has been passed,
The longest day has come and gone,
The fields are mown, the hay is stacked,
Oh . . .  why must time go rolling on?
The corn has ripened in the sun 
The fruit turs red upon the spray.
If only I could stop the clock
And hold this fair and lovely day . . . 

I have a really busy day ahead of me today.   I am off Visit Teaching at 9 this morning (which means I need to hustle) and then this afternoon Todd and I are doing visits ourselves.  We don't seem to have much success visiting people in the morning and so we are going to try afternoons.  If that fails then it will be evenings . . . then tonight, we have a meeting at the chapel.  I am enjoying this busy-ness of my days.

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Mixed Greens with Goats' Cheese Truffles and a Honey and Lemon Vinaigrette.    A feast for the eyes and tummy.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, no matter what you get up to.  Stay safe and stay happy and don't forget!

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And I do too!



  1. Glad to see the lovely flowers this morning Marie, the colour in my little patch of garden seems to have mostly faded away, although the hanging baskets are still looking good...also the two window boxes are still quite good. I do think the hydrangeas are poor this year, mine has very tiny is in a pot so think might need repotted, there are two in a garden next to where I got my friends the BB they are huge and magnificent but think they are in the ground but we certainly have not had so much rain certainly have a busy day ahead, hope the you are both taking plenty rest in between times of busyness! My visitors leave this morning to return to Thetford, has been lovely having them, we have been out and about every day, and I have not really had much we have eaten out every day. Except the day they arrived on Saturday...they have loved all the old fashioned inns around us here...but are amazed at the prices they are so much more expensive over here and services seems very slow to them...but seem normal to us LOL....they were facinating by Lacock yesterday, where most if not all of the BBC series on Jane au stuns books have been filmed and in fact any series that need 17th18th century background...must go now as I am collecting them from the BB earlier this morning so we can have an hour or so before the coach time, leaves I think 10.30Dave has early onset dementia and gets very anxious about being late for anything....have a lovely day xxx

  2. God bless your day and your activities today.


  3. Enjoy your day:)
    Your gardens are beautiful!
    I just chopped down a rosebush..not strong enough to yank it out..same with our magnolia..chopped right down..

    C'est la vie..

  4. We are enjoying the beauty of the flowers here too. It is a wonderful time of year and so full of color. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday. Take care !

  5. Yes, I think all of our gardens will soon begin to look tired Sybil. It is getting to that time of year. I think in August we begin to see changes more than ever with the shortening days and lengthening nights, but not yet! I am glad that you have had a nice visit with your friends! I would think that this country would not show such differences between one area and another price wise, but I expect that any areas that would be popular with the tourists might be more expensive. Someday I hope to visit you! xoxo

    Thanks Suzan. God Bless you as well! xoxo

    Thanks Monique, they are very wild and not very manicured. But that is how Todd likes them, and I guess I do too! He works very hard with it all! I am blessed. It is sad when you have to chop down bushes, but they get old and tired too I guess! xoxo

    It's a beautiful time of year Pam! You are right there! Hope you are having a lovely day also! xoxo

  6. Just a word about lilies, Marie: I read somewhere that the pollen can be poisonous to animals...just a thought. Precious Mitzie!

  7. Oh, my dear friend; I hope you VT and your other visit go well. I would so welcome you if you came to my house.
    I loved all the photos of the flowers. I can just picture in my mind your lovely garden of flowers. I wouldn't take a picture of ours because there really isn't any. We have just managed to get flowers planted; although I did do a patio garden that is doing well. I have tomatoes and one Zucchini thus far.
    Blessings and hugs for you two!

  8. Oh dear, I will keep a watch Bunny! I wouldn't want anything to happen to our precious baby! Thanks! xoxo

    We were able to see one sister LeAnn, but the other one evaded us as she normally does. One has to wonder why? In any case one is better than none! We gave up on vegetables a couple of years ago as the slugs ate better than we did, lol Blessings and hugs to you too! xoxo

  9. Delving further into the subject, it seems that cats are more vulnerable to lily pollen than dogs; dogs may get gastric upset and depression - heavens, how do you cheer up a depressed canine? Didn't want to be alarmist x

  10. Not sure how to cheer up a depressed canine. Lots of cuddles? xoxo


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