
Monday 27 July 2015

Small and wonderful things . . .

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

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Getting to come home on Friday night instead of having to stay in the hospital.  I was praying so hard that I could come home.   I would never have been able to sleep in there.  It was far too noisy with machines beeping and people snoring all around me, not to mention nurses coming in and out etc.   I don't know how anyone could sleep in there!  I was so grateful when they said I could go home.  There truly is NO place like home!

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Being able to go to church yesterday, even if it was in a different Ward.   Church is where I get my spiritual battery recharged.   We travelled a bit North of here, up the Wirrel to Birkenhead Morton Ward.   It was nice to see some friends we had not seen in a while and it was also nice to have the opportunity to bear our testimonies.  Also very grateful to be able to travel in safety both there and back.  Always a blessing is that.

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I live in a country where I am free to be who I am, to worship as I may, to think as I do without fear of persecution.  I think this is something which we all tend to take for granted.   If you are reading this you are amongst the  few in the world who also share in these  same blessings.  I can only imagine the terrible tyrannies that all of those boat people are fleeing and my heart goes out to them.  I am not sure what the solution is for them.

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The opportunity I have each morning to write on a fresh page and do better today than I did yesterday.  There is always something we can do better.  None of us is perfect.   Grateful for fresh pages.

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Facetime with my awesome brother on Saturday.   I love my brother so very much.    He's just a really, really good man.   I love this photograph of him.  He looks so happy in it.   I am happy that he is happy.   WE had a great talk and a few laughs.   I am so grateful for the miracle of modern technology.

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Unconditional love.

Never underestimate it.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

If we could be given that
for which our hearts now ache . . . 
would it really prove a blessing,
or a big mistake?
It's as well we have no choice.
It's not for us to say  . . . 
but to make the best of
whatsoever comes our way.

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Bacon and Rarebit Quickie.   A quick and easy light supper to enjoy!

May the week ahead be filled with a multitude of small and wonderful things for you!  Don't forget  . . .

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And I do too!  Happy Monday!


  1. Good morning to you Marie. My day has seemed long. It is just the usual stuff. I should not take my freedom for granted but at times living here is very restricting. I am thankful for a sunny day after a length of gloomy ones and that the washing is dry and off the line in seven hours. In summer it is far quicker. I have unconditional love too and it is a special thing.

    God bless your week and especailly today.

  2. Unconditional love is a small thing but huge in the scheme of things Suzan! Animals are experts at giving it! We could learn a lot from them! xoxo

  3. My first comment went I know not where !! Anyway glad that you had a good time at the other ward...and that the travelling was ok....I know that you are not good at the time you finish your mission work you will be well used to it !! He this goes this time....will e mail you later xxxx

  4. Your brother does have such anice face..
    Home home home..bestest place.

  5. I agree, the hour I spend at church each week refreshes and renews me too. I'm thankful for the technology that keeps me connected to my family too. I talked with 3 of my sons yesterday. Hope you have a wonderful Monday !

  6. Will look,forward to your email Sybil. I don't know if I will ever be used to being a passenger! Poor Todd! Xoxo

    Thanks Monique! East West, Home IS best! Xoxo

    How wonderful to be able to talk to three of your sons Pam! Happy days! Xoxo

  7. Will look,forward to your email Sybil. I don't know if I will ever be used to being a passenger! Poor Todd! Xoxo

    Thanks Monique! East West, Home IS best! Xoxo

    How wonderful to be able to talk to three of your sons Pam! Happy days! Xoxo

  8. This was a great post for me today. I do believe we have such blessings. I am grateful that I can worship and believe as I choose. However, I also see the United States spiraling down into more evil and pray that the freedoms we enjoy are not taken away. On another note; if it get's worse I also believe that the Savior isn't that far away from his coming; so that is a good thing.
    I am happy that you didn't have to stay in the hospital; that isn't fun at all.
    The Sabbath day is always what recharges my batteries for the next week; it is such a gift in my life.
    I love the picture of your brother; he does looks so happy. I love that you can have some chats with him. Having lost both of my brothers; I really miss having chats with them. I feel a lone in that.
    Oh those pets how they lift us and I do love how excited Sammy is when we come home.
    Thanks for sharing these thoughts; it was a fun read and I always love your posts.
    Blessings, hugs and love coming your way from me~

  9. I, like you, believe that it can't be long before the Saviour's return LeAnn. If I will see it or not remains to be seen, but you are right, things are escalating more and more. All the more reason to listen to the Prophet's voice! Love you! xoxo


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