
Monday 20 July 2015

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

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Last Thursday evening we had the opportunity to travel to the Mission Home in Manchester and have dinner with all the other serving Senior Missionary Couples in the Manchester England Mission.   We were saying goodby to couples that would soon be leaving and welcoming new couples to the Mission.   What a wonderful time we had!   I guess there is a restaurant group in American called Cafe Rio?   Anyways, the meal was set up Cafe Rio style and we each got to build our own salad/burrito thing and there were some lovely desserts to share as well.   As we ate and chatted it was nice to get to know some of the other Senior Couples, but the best part of the evening came afterwards when we all sat in a circle under the trees in the back garden and had the opportunity to share individually with each other.   It was really nice learning a bit about each Missionary and where they had come from and about themselves and their families.    What a fabulous group of people!  I am so grateful for this opportunity to be able to serve with them and to get to know them better as we go along.

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This is my middle son Doug's dog Baya.  She is a real sweetie pie.  That face just melts you.  I had a lovely facetime date with Doug on Friday.  I am so grateful for this strong and sensitive son of mine and his family, and the efforts they make to stay in touch with me.   He has finally been able to secure a job after having been unemployed for a time.  Its not what he is trained to do, but it is a job and I am grateful for that.  Prayers have been answered now that both my unemployed sons have jobs.  I also had a lovely telephone conversation with my eldest son Anthony on Saturday, which did my heart good.  He is a good man.  I appreciate all that these two sons of mine do for me.

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This cheeky chappie and his companion are staying at ours overnight tonight.   The mission is doing a church history tour for the young Missionaries tomorrow,  and they have to catch a train very early in the morning, which would be impossible for them to do where they live, and so they will be staying in our spare room tonight.  We are grateful for the opportunity to be able to do something for them both.   Todd will have to be up extra early tomorrow morning to take them in the car to the station, but not as early as he would have to do if he had to drive all the way to Buckley to pick them up and take them from there!  We are so blessed to be able to serve with these wonderful youngsters.

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This amazing man I get to spend my life with.  I truly am blessed.  He always has my back and even though we have moments when I am sure we irritate the heck out of each other they are few and far between.  Most of the time we get along like a house on fire.   I know that he cares deeply for me and that I am important to him.  He makes me feel special and I hope I make him feel special too.  I am looking forward to spending eternity with him.  He loves the bones off me and isn't afraid to show it.   This is just a tiny bit of what he said about me on facebook the other day.  I was chuffed to say the least.  

"I feel inspired to write that I am a real lucky guy. I have a wonderful wife who loves and cares for me. She is always finding ways to please me. She cares about people and tries to help and support them in every way she can, even when to do so causes her difficulties and inconvenience."

It is a truly wonderful feeling to be loved and know it.  I waited a lifetime for this man.  He was worth the wait.

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We went with the Missionaries in Wrexham last night to visit the same lady we went to visit with them a couple of weeks ago.  I was really looking forward to seeing her again. She was ever so nice, and apparently she was looking forward to seeing us again also.   Last night I was prompted to bring my actual scriptures instead of my ipad.  I didn't know why.  They are heavy and cumbersome in comparison, but I followed my promptings.   Towards the end of our visit as we were talking I was prompted by the spirit to give her the bookmark that I keep in my scriptures.    This is a picture of it below.  It's a bookmark I bought at Deseret Books when I was in Utah six years ago, featuring the art of Liz Lemon Swindell on it.

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When I gave it to her, she told me that she collects bookmarks, and it was only then I noticed what the words on the bookmark actually said and I thought to myself  . . .  this is a Divine Signature and meant to be.   There is no such thing as co-incidence.

This is what was written on the bookmark in the words of the artist:

As I painted this piece I found myself looking into his eyes and wondering, "Who is He looking for?"  One day I thought, "Maybe He is looking for me."  The Saviour knows and loves each of us and no matter how far we may wander, He will never stop seeking after us until He has found and carried us home."

I love it when that happens.

And those are my small and wonderfuls for this week.   Goosepimply moments.   I am happy to be back with you this morning.  Life is hard at times and we sometimes need to pull back and have a good think and a cry.  I missed you.

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . . Skillet Chicken and Rigatoni with Pesto.

I wish for you a fabulous week, just filled to overflowing with small and wonderful things! Don't forget . . .

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 And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie,

    I see you have been busy, The book mark story gave me goose bumps. I am gld ayou can see the positive side to the work you are now undertaking.

    Nevr be afraid to take a little break. You need time to nurture you too.

    I have dinner in the pressure cooker. Tonight it is a simple pumpkin and sweet potato soup. We have been havinga wintery blast and I looking forward to that soup.

    God bless you,


  2. Glad it wasn't just me with the goosebumps Suzan! Soup on a cold day is always such a treat! God bless! xoxo

  3. How sweet that Todd speaks his heart!
    You two are just right together:)

  4. Thanks
    Monique! He's a keeper for sure! Xoxo

  5. And we are are so happy to have you back with us Marie. I've missed reading about your day and hope that you were able to find the answers you were seeking and come away refreshed. Sending love from "home".

  6. This was such a lovely post Marie. You are an amazing woman and you have an equally amazing hubby. I love that you are getting the opportunity to do a mission. I know that you both are going to be very successful and getting to know the other couples will be awesome. You will form eternal friendships.
    We loved serving our Inner City Mission and hope to do another mission soon.
    I loved the picture of your son's cute dog. I am so happy that you have two sons who are caring like their sweet Mom.
    Sending blessings, love and hugs your way!

  7. Thanks Noelle, I did really miss my daily correspondance with you all! I probably missed you all more than you missed me! Bouncing love back to you! xoxo

    I remember your inner city mission LeAnn! I always loved reading about it! Love, hugs and blessings to you too! xoxo

  8. Hi Marie! Your mission sounds like it's getting into full swing. It's nice to hear all about your doings in it. The bookmark incident was certainly from a prompting from the Spirit. I love moments like those too. Also, I saw Todd's post on FB and really thought that was just so tender and loving to say about you. He's a keeper Marie! :-)
    The skillet chicken dinner looks yummy too! Thanks for all you share with us. Have a wonderful week doing the Lord's work. Love and blessings! xoxo


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