
Saturday 11 July 2015

Saturday this and that . . .

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It's hard to think that the year is half gone already.    High summer may be kept for a few more weeks, but the twitterings of the birds will soon begin to quiet and the woods will be filled with a feeling of heaviness as drowsiness follows the fulfilment of June . . .

To be sure there is still much to anticipate  . . .  the harvesting of corn and fruit, the pageantry of the mid-summer garden . . . but for those of us who are in tune with the moods of the earth . . .  we sense impending change . . . as days shorten  . . . . imperceptably at first, and unconsciously we turn our faces towards the sunset of the year.

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Loveliest now . . . in summer's golden hours, the foxglove . . .  She lifts her purple towers above the wildflowers at her feet.  No hands are needed to tend her.  She stands proud and dignified . . .  almost regal in the wildflower garden.   Her stately steeples rock and all of her fairy clappers ring with each sudden rush of wing or wind.

Oh that mortal ears could hear the chiming of the foxglove bell . . . 

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We had the most beautiful day at the temple yesterday.  The sun was shining gloriously and the flowers were all blooming so beautifully.  I think this was the first time I have been to the Preston Temple in summer.   Normally we have been so busy or away at this time of year, or it is raining when we go.  Yesterday was "just perfect."

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Of course this sweet young couple added to the wonder of the day.    They are so cute together.  I don't think Jose ever stops smiling.  He seems so easy going.    Todd told him that the two most important words to remember as a husband are "yes" and "dear."  I told him the  most important rule to remember is to "leave your woman's chocolate alone."   haha

Seriously we had a great day.  We were both exhausted when we got home last evening.   The traffic on the way home was horrendous.  I said to Todd . . .  it's Friday afternoon, everyone is eager to begin their weekend . . . the motorway was terribly congested and busy.  We got there in the end though.  The two younguns were dozing away in the back seat.  It was just like having kids again. ☺

Today we are off to a Summer Fete in a village near our chapel.  We are putting up a Marquis there and there will be games of chance for the kiddies to win simple prizes.  We are doing face painting and we have a Disney Princess (Elsa) in attendance for children to have their photos taken with.  Plus the Young Missionaries will have a display and be handing out invites to the "Meet the Mormons" event we are holding at our chapel tomorrow night.

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If you are not familiar with it "Meet the Mormons" is a film which came out a year or so ago and is available now on DVD.  It follows the lives and examines the diversity of six members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, taken from around the world.   It's really good.  We've seen it twice already. We are inviting people to come and see it at our chapel tomorrow night at 6 PM.   It promises to be a great evening!

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . .

"If we have each other, nothing matters,
come what may.
Life to us will bring new hope
with every passing day . . . 
Alone I halt and falter, but together we go far.
Love shall be our guide,  our sunset lamp,
our morning star . . . "

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Bumbleberry Slump.   Delicious!

 Have a wonderful Saturday.  I hope that wherever you are the sun shines down upon you!  Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Morning Marie, I am so pleased that yesterday went so well....with the exception of the is bad everywhere on a Friday afternoon, I know Mary and I went to collect Lyn at Bristol airport and coming back through Bath took ages what with traffic and road works....why do they decided to do road works when the tourist arrives....looks like a dry start so do hope the sun shines for your fete and that everyone enjoys themselves looking forward to hearing all about it tomorrow...
    Take care though and don't do to much...God Bless. Xx

  2. Morning Marie, I am so pleased that yesterday went so well....with the exception of the is bad everywhere on a Friday afternoon, I know Mary and I went to collect Lyn at Bristol airport and coming back through Bath took ages what with traffic and road works....why do they decided to do road works when the tourist arrives....looks like a dry start so do hope the sun shines for your fete and that everyone enjoys themselves looking forward to hearing all about it tomorrow...
    Take care though and don't do to much...God Bless. Xx

  3. Marie I wish you every success for today. I went out prepared for rain, hail and snow. It stayed about+8C today so there was rain but no snow. I think I have carried my over coat without need. God bless your day.

  4. Hope you have a wonderful summer day there. Happy Saturday !

  5. It used to be just bank holidays Sybil, but it now extends to weekends/Fridays! And you are right road works are to blame for most of it! I am home now. The sun shone all day. No rain, except for a few errant drops and I am so tired! I was standing for 3 hours, but I managed to place two books of Mormon and hand out quite a few invites to the movie tomorrow night. We took three daughters of a friend with
    us. They enjoyed it alot! It was great! xoxo

    Thanks Suzan! I keep forgetting that it is Winter down under now! xoxo

    Thanks Pam! Happy Saturday to you too! xoxo

    Oh Monique, you just want to smile when you are around them! They ooze cuteness! Their happiness is contagious! xoxo

  6. You know that you have such a way with words; I think some of your writings should be published. I loved your thoughts n the seasons and the foxglove.
    I am so happy you had a great day at the temple. My husband is finally going to retire and we will turn in papers for a mission. I wish we could go foreign but alas he has too many health problems. We plan to try for a temple mission at some point and England actually has temple missions. Well, I can dream. I will be happy with state side missions. We are probably going to just stay here for a MLS or family history one. Reading about yours makes me excited to turn in our papers. That young couple look so sweet.
    I will look forward to reading about your Summer Fete.
    Blessings, hugs and love for you both~ Have a sweet Sabbath Day!

  7. Thanks LeAnn! You are too kind. If you can't leave your home for whatever reason the Service Mission is the way to go! I am sooo happy that our Bishop told us about them! We are loving every minute of ours! It's been a month now. I am still pinching myself! xoxo


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