
Sunday 5 July 2015

How I spent my Saturday . . .

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What a gorgeous day we had yesterday for our Barbeque!  Most unsual for a Barbeque actually!  Any other time we have planned a picnic or some such, its ended up raining!  Not so yesterday.  It could not have been any nicer.  Sunny and warm.   Not too hot.  Not too cold.  Just right!

And the kids had a fabulous time, which is what it is all about.  So did we, a happy bonus!  Todd was right in his glory.   He lived on his own for twelve years before he married me.  I promised him he would never be alone again, and I think that for the last fifteen years I have managed to fill his life up quite amply.  That makes me very happy!   Everyone's a winner!

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There's one in every crowd! haha  Not really Elder Johnson took over the job of cooking the burgers and dogs.  He's from Las Vegas!  He did a fab job of it and with a smile on his face.  The rest of us were getting smoked out, but it was worth it because the dogs and burgers were delicious!

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Sister Cristobel (from Brazil via Spain)  did a great job of helping out also and that is Elder Johansen you can see in the background.  We adults were just happy to let the youngsters get on with it!

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From left to right . . .  Sister Johansen, Elder Dodd, Sister Walker (back to us), to the front the two Wrexham Elders (Elder Thomas and Elder Wilkenson)  and the two Wrexham Sisters (Sister Barlow, new to the mission field . . .  and Sister Brill, her trainer)  Sister Cristobel and Elder Rayner (yay!)  Todd was really enjoying himself!

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We had lots to eat . . .  burgers and dogs, BBQ Beans, Potato Salad, potato chips, jello salad  . . .
cake, berries and cream for dessert.  Plus two bite brownies.   Yummo!

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It was really nice to see the youngsters relaxing and chillin'  The Elder on the far right (I think his name is Elder Wilkenson)  is a new Missionary so still a tiny bit shy.  The blonde Elder is his companion and trainer.    These young people all become very good friends while they are serving together.

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And then they discovered the pond . . .  which held great fascination for them all.   No idea why . . . but they loved the fish.

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I am not sure the fish loved them.  I think they might have been getting a bit traumatized.   They are not used to people paying such close attention to them.   Cats, yes . . .  people no.

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Elder Johnson is a real character.  I am sure you can tell . . . wet knees and all . . .

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By the end of the evening I was calling him the "Frog Whisperer."   He had a way with the frogs.   He even managed to show the girls how to put frogs to sleep, much to their glee.   (No harm was done.   Apparently when you lay them on their backs they go to sleep.)

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Mitzie was also right in her glory!  She just loved having all these youngsters around.   She just loves people and she especially loves attention.   She had a great time too, which also made me happy.  Sometimes I feel bad about us being so old.  I think she would enjoy having young people/children around more often.

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We played games.   This one was bouncing ping pong balls into cups of water.   Don't you like Sister Walker's shorts?   Very patriotic!

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Yay, she got one in! haha

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Sister Brill was very determined.  (Look at that face!)  She did really well and got quite a few in!

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Elder Johansen knocking water bottles off the table with a pair of panty hose on his head, containing a ball in the toe.   A lot harder than it looks!

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Seriously difficult.   But Elder Wilkenson outdid everyone and managed to not only get all of the pingpong balls into the cups, but knock off all the bottles also and each time within the prescribed one minutes time!

Before too long it was time for them to catch their trains back to their apartments.   Missionaries have to be in house by 9 PM  Sad to see them all go.   The guys drove them to the train station and Sister Johansen and I got to have a good old gab while they did.

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Mitzie of course  . . .  was sad to see them all go . . . poor baby.

We did have a great time together and it was nice to see these fabulous young people getting to let their hair down and have such a great time!  It was also great practice for the village fete in Hawarden, which we will be having a booth and games set up for next Saturday.  I hope the weather co-operates then too!

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I've decided that throughout my mission I am going to bear my Testimony to you on the first Sunday of every month.   It's something that means a lot to me, these feelings of mine.  I wouldn't be serving if they didn't.

I know that we have a Heavenly Father who loves each one us so very much.  He knows us by name and counts every hair on our heads and every tear in our eyes and hearts.   We matter to Him not just as a whole, but as individuals.   We are His spirit children sent to earth to gain experience and to learn.  To find a fullness of joy.  To become more like Him.  We have a Saviour, Jesus Christ, who was sent to show us the way back to our Heavenly Father . . .  to be an example to us in all things.  He is at the head of our church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  The Saviour did all the things we read about in the scriptures while He was here on earth, and much much more.   There is nothing that we can feel, that He has not already felt, that He cannot empathise with.   He died so that we might live.  He gave us His all, and He will return one day to gather up His elect.  I believe in the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and all that it entails.  I believe that by living through the guidance and  principles of the Gospel, man can draw even closer to His Heavenly Father.  I believe that we have a Prophet on the earth today and that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, sent and translated by the power of God to the earth, to help support and bring a deeper understanding of the Bible and also to help and guide us in the way of the Saviour.  It will not hurt you.  It can only bring you closer to the Saviour.   I don't just believe all these things, but I know these things and I know them because of the assurity of the Holy Ghost which has touched my heart and testified to me of the verity of all these things and much, much more.  I am where I am supposed to be.   In Jesus name, Amen.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

A word of encouragement means a lot
to those who are trying to do their best.
It helps them put in that extra bit with 
a lighter heart and a greater zest!
~Patience Strong

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Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Honey and Lemon Chews.   Delicious!

Have a fabulous sabbath day!  Don't forget . . .

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And I do too! 


  1. It looks like you had the most wonderful of days. I have never heard of the games and would have loved them in my youth. I hope you have very many days like this over your mission.

    Fancy being the frog whisperer. That is so sweet.

    God bless.

  2. It was great you could get them all together for a wonderful time. It has to be very hard on the young ones to be away from home for so long. You and I both know how hard it is to have children that live far away from us and I'm sure your celebration helped them to feel a little home away from home. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday !

  3. Looks like you had a ball:)
    No panty hose on my hair ok;)?

    Everythink looks like it was delsih and fun..That is Sweet Baby Ray's right? My fave.

  4. Thanks Suzan! I just watched the games and encouraged those who played! It was a lot of fun! Xoxo

    It is hard on them for sure Pam and especially on holidays! You have a wonderful Sunday too. Xoxo

    It was fun Monique. No panti hose on my hair either! Those days are over! Xoxo. Yes, it was Sweet Baby Rays!

  5. I really really enjoyed reading about this missionary activity. I hope you will share your missionary experiences as you can. Working with the young Elders and Sisters is so much fun. I really enjoyed my time with them as the Nurse for the mission. I got close to several of them and I treasured that time. I know Todd and you are going to have such a great time. You will cherish forever your friendships with the younger and older missionaries that you work with.
    Thank you for your beautiful testimony of the Gospel.
    You are such a choice sister friend. Sending love and hugs your way! Blessings for you dear friend~

  6. Oh my what a wonderful day you all had...I just knew that you would be so good at making everyone feel welcome and happy...glad that Mitzie enjoyed herself as well...thank you also for missionary words for Sunday ..I am very late commenting today, I was so tired this morning not having slept at all well....but I will try to have an early night to make up for it. It is much cooler tonight so that might help.nso rather than say good morning I will say good night !! God Bless and I hope you sleep well x x xb

  7. What a fun and blessed day for all! Thank you for your strong testimony of Jesus Christ and for sharing it will us all! You both are wonderful examples of good Christian people! Big love and hugs! xoxo

  8. Thanks LeAnn! I will try a much as I can! As you know I have always had a good heart for the missionaries! xoxo

    Sybil, I do hope that you were able to get a good nights sleep last night! It ws a lot more comfortable for sleeping at any rate! God bless! xoxo

    Thanks Valerie! Not sure about that, but trying my best! xoxo


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