
Tuesday 7 July 2015

A little bit of this and a little bit of that . . .

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I know that Tuesday is my Simple Woman's Daybook day, but that is a post which takes a long time to do and we are off early this morning to a meeting in Rhyll which is quite a ways a way and so I am postponing my Simple Woman post for tomorrow when I will have more time!

I did that little girl up there at the top of this post late yesterday afternoon while we were waiting for people to arrive.   We had invited a single mum and her girls over for a FHE last night.  We had a small lesson we were going to teach and a short video to watch.   Some simple games to play and some snacks to end the evening on.   The plan was to teach them the importance of setting special time aside for doing things together as a family.   Unfortunately they didn't show up, nor did they call to cancel.   I was a bit disappointed because we had really looked forward to seeing them, but that is all a part and parcel of being a Missionary.   People often don't show up for things or cancel at the last minute.     We will try again another time.   She probably simply forgot.   It happens.

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That is not a simple thing to do.   Our human side gets hurt or angry, disappointed etc.   The natural thing is to react in kind.   It takes work and determination to let kindness and love rule your reactions.  It flys against our very nature.   It can be done though, with practise . . .  and the more you do it the easier it becomes.   Although, every once in a while you will still slip up a tiny bit.  Nobody is perfect I guess, but at least if you are trying, then that is progress!

This is the video that we were going to share last night.   I really like it.  I can relate to it.   How often do we wander through life only enjoying a portion of what we are entitled to enjoy . . .  quite simply because we did not know what we were entitled to enjoy?   Life is a big banquet of joyful things . . .  do we only grab a few potato chips surreptitiously and eat them in the corner?  Or do we allow ourselves to belly up to the banquet table and feast upon that we have offered to us?  Do we snack or do we feast?

I am a feaster.  Now.

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But for many years I just snacked.  (If you want watch the video which is on my favourites list right after that one.  It's a girl and her brother singing and it's fabulous.  So talented!)

And with that I will leave you for a thought for today . . .

Exhaust the little moment, soon it dies.
And be it gush or gold, 
it will not come again in this disguise.
~Gwendolyn Brooks

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Barbequed Turkey Meatball Sandwiches for Two.

 Have a wonderful Tuesday.  Whatever it brings to your table, don't forget  . . .

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And I do too!



  1. Good morning Marie,

    I pray you have a fantasitc day. You will be seeing lots of beautiful places along the way.

    I was very anxious as Beth has booked bare bones accommodation. The site listed that we had to pay for toiletries, towels, no fridge and so many other things like breakfast are not part of the deal. I rang them this morning and sorted it out. I am too old to be lugging extras like towels around the country. Beth will be busy most of the time and I will be on my own. So i will explore and rest as well. I am so tired and in tears so much lately. I can take my computer as I have access too. What wonders a little mummy conversation can achieve.

    God bless.

  2. Oooo... how cute is this lil girl--love her crazy hair!! Sorry you didn't get to have your evening visit with that woman and her children... Maybe it can be made up? Hope so, that did sound nice... Enjoy your trip today, and wishing you all a good rest of the week there! So good to catch up with you, Marie :o) ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  3. I hope you have safe travels and enjoy the meeting. Life is certainly busy for you now. A good busyness though and that makes a difference. Each day brings so many beautiful things and those are the things we must dwell on, not the hurts or disappointments. Hope you have a terrific Tuesday !

  4. We never know why ..some appointments are not made..
    Like that box of cookies in the airport? :)
    I hope they reschedule and are hoppin' busy Sister Marie!

  5. You are an amazing lady Marie...

  6. Oh dear Suzan, I wouldn't like bare bones accomodation either. I expect it's expensive irregardless! I am glad you were able to sort it. I think a break away will do you good. (((((hugs))))) Praying you have a great time away. xoxo

    Thanks Tracy! I need to e-mail you. I am struggling to keep up with everything. Look for an e-mail soon! Love and hugs. xoxo

    Thanks Pam! Life IS busy but in a very good way. We are enjoying it for sure! xoxo

    Very true Monique! We will try again with them for sure. They probably just forgot as the mom had been very keen to come! Happy day to you Monique! xoxo

  7. I am not sure about that Unknown! haha I am just me. xoxo

  8. Hope that you have had a good day at Rhyll. Shame about last night especially as it was your first one...still as you say there is probably an excellent excuse...I have had. Really tired day so will have an early night...can't understand why I get this weary feeling....going to hospital in morning to see about my eyes...hope they can do something soon...although Peter just started his new job yesterday he has tomorrow off so he will drive me in which is good...then in afternoon he has an appointment for his eyes !! Going to have an early night. God Bless x x

  9. Your posts always brighten my day in some way. I loved your latest art piece; just precious.
    I am sorry that your family didn't show up. I remember that happening a lot on our mission. There will be other special moments that will work out.
    I do love the thought of being kind to all and it is hard sometimes. My sweet daughter has had such a time with her husband since he is doubting the church. I have told her to be kind and courageous and she is trying hard to do just that.
    Sending love and hugs your way dear one! Big hugs for you~

  10. I love the mention of the found heart in your last post. :)

  11. I hope they can help you with your eye Sybil! ((((hugs)))) Hoping that Peter really likes his new job! xoxo

    Thanks LeAnn! You are right. I will keep your daughter and her husband in my prayers. xoxo

    Thanks Val! I don't think it was a co-incidence either. Just God reminding me that He cared when I was really needing to feel cared for.xoxo


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