
Wednesday 17 June 2015

Wednesday ponderings . . .

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Yes . . .  this is an old photograph of my craft room.   I think it is from February 2013, which is probably the last time my craft room looked so neat and tidy. I don't know how other crafters are, but most of the time when I am working on projects . . .  which is . . .  ahem . . .  most of the time . . . my work area is a bit of a tip, with bits of this and bits of that all over the place.  It drives Todd to distraction.   He is always saying . . .  "I don't know how you can work like this."

But then he says the same thing about the kitchen.   Too much stuff.

Neither my kitchen nor my craft room even remotely resemble any of the photographs that I have seen in a magazine. . . .  with a place for everything and everything in it's place.

But then again  . . .  I think that is a bit like my brain.   Cluttered.  Too much stuff . . . but when I really want to get down to brass tacks . . .  I can put my finger onto anything I need.

I seem to be losing words however.   Words or names of objects.  So far it's only obscure things, and I can't tell you what they are because I can't remember.  But every once in a while I am faced with a dilema . . . like . . . what is a surgeon??  Not too long ago we were watching a television program and there was a door with a nameplate on it saying "Surgeon."    I remember looking at it and thinking, I should know what that is, but all I could think of was a fish.   Yes, I was confusing the word Surgeon with Sturgeon.  I had to ask Todd . . .  what is a Surgeon?  And then of course . . .  I totally made the connection!

I'll know I'm in trouble when I have to label the toaster.

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We drove out to Wrexham for our meeting yesterday afternoon, to find out what we will be doing on our Mission.  I think we will be fairly busy over the next eighteen months, but in a very good way.  We will be working in tandem with the Senior Missionary Couple that we have in the Chester Ward area already.   They are from America.  We will have a very large area to cover . . .  all the way from Porthmadog to Liverpool and everywhere in between.  It will involve visiting all of the wards in between those areas.   We will only be attending our home Ward in Chester about once a month, with us being in other Wards the other three Sunday's of the month.  We'll be assisting the full time younger missionaries, co-ordinating with the Ward Mission Leaders, giving talks, etc.  There will be some days that we may not have much of anything to do  . . .  but there will be others when we feel like chickens running around with our heads cut off.   But mainly we will be serving . . . the members, the missionaries, inactive members, whatever way we are needed.   (And there is help for the petrol from the Missionary fund if we need it, so that is a bonus . . . plus we will be given a Missionary Cell Phone to use as well which will help with those costs also.)

It's a very exciting time.   And I don't mind saying a little bit scary . . .  until we find our feet.  But . . .  the Lord qualifies those He calls and so everything will eventually fall into place and we will be surely blessed by our serving and, like the youngsters . . .  I am sure that at the end of it all we will be sorry to see it finish!!

Oh, and something I've wanted to talk about for a long time to see if I am alone in this.  There are two trends which I have noticed that I just don't understand  . . . 

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One - kissy lips in photos.   Almost every photo I see of a young girl person lately they seem to be affecting this kissy lip pose.   Like air kissing, but without anyone to kiss.  What's this all about?  Where did it come from?  Will it ever go away?   Does it only bug me?

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Umm . . .

Two - at the risk of offending Liverpudlians . . .  what is commonly known as the  . . .  "Scouse Brow."   I see it all over the place.  A girl got on the bus I was on one day and it looked like two black butterflies had landed and taken root over her eyes.   Do they honestly think this looks good?   Do they think this enhances their natural beauty?  Again  . . .  where did it come from and will it ever go away?   And . . . does it only bug me?

Or maybe I am only jealous because at my age (almost 60) I no longer have eyebrows or lips.   I am developing a killer beard, however.  But that's a whole 'nother story.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . .

When life is sweet, say thankyou and celebrate.
And when life is bitter, say thankyou and grow.
~Shauna Neiquist

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Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Banana Nut Muffins for the smaller household. It makes only six.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.   Don't forget!

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And I do too!!


  1. Gosh it des seem as if you and Todd are going to be busy..I am pleased to see that you will get petrol expenses asa you really coudl not afford to pay petrol on top of all the other things that you will no doubt find to do that will cost money..Always remember to acdcept any help that they do give you Marie...Poor Mitzie is going to wonder where you are when you leave her lots of the days !!... When do you actually start your "job"....Well it is a very dull and grey morning down here, hope the sun gets out soon. Peter Mary and I thought we might go to Nunny Castle today, we discovered it by accident when we saw a sign to it when on our way back from is only about 35 mins. away. Not sure what teh access will be like but we will go and see...First MAry ha steh man comming to srvice her gas boiler, think he said he woudl be hear around 10.15...Hope that the sun shines for you today and that you might even get some "sitting out time" with Mitzie enjoying having you there with her !!! xxx

  2. Good Morning Marie.

    I am glad you have some more informaiton about you mission.

    I dislike the trend for over emphasiing body parts. Trout pouts are out in my book. My Beth defines her brows quite starkly. Iam not fond of this of this either. However, I pick and choose my arguments and this is minimal so I leave it alone. Pip is way too blonde for the heavy brows but she does darken hers slightly.

    I am so messy too. My latest crazes live by my bed. I have the yarn for a blanket I am making for dad. Plus all of those adult colour in books and being very obsessive I bought myself a huge box of 120 pencils. For the first time in my life I am not sharing those. Will and Pip love this too but have their own pencils that i gave them when they asked about the books. Add my books, Bible and other stuff and every morning I have a tangle to fix.

    Gos bless your day my darlings,


  3. You will be SOOO busy!
    I know you wanted this..congratulations!

    I hate selfies..we went to Giulianas dance recital.. we sat in the audience and I observed so many girls constantly looking at themselves on their phone screens..making faces and taking pics.
    Kardashians.They must have been Kardashians..Sorry I don't get it at all..All of it.

  4. Our hours will be broken up Sybil and we will make sure that Mitzie is well taken care of on the days we must be out for longer. Our friend Peter often comes over and spends time with her. I have never heard of Nunny Castle. I will have to look that one up! We sat out with Mitzie for a long time last evening, but it's very overcast and close feeling today. Ugh . . .

    Thanks Suzan. You are right when it comes to girls, you must pick and choose your arguments. My youngest daughter shaved her head once. I was livid! Her father said she could without asking me. Livid! God bless your day also. xoxo

    Monique, I think we have the Kardashians to blame for a lot of things and none of it is good. Not a fan. So NOT a fan. Talk about Idol worship. It's all bad. xoxo

  5. I can confess that my office doesn't look great when I am on a project either. I don't have enough room to store things so I have several boxes under my desk.
    I have the same problem with words. My spelling isn't great anymore. I can of think it might be caused by having spell check on the computer. I have been trying to spell it right a couple of times before using the spell check.
    Your mission sounds very busy but I know you are going to love it. Again, I am just so thrilled for you.
    I don't know what to think about the lips and eyebrows. somethings they do now days with their face is a wonderment to me. Just strange, I would say.
    Wishing for you great blessings and sending hugs your way!

  6. Glad I am not alone in the messy desk while I am working LeAnn! I am still a great speller! My dad used to make us look words up if we asked him. I used to read the dictionary. That probably helped! xoxo


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