
Sunday 7 June 2015

Today . . .

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I'm not really here this morning.   I am off to Rhyll where we are going to watch and listen to a special broadcast from Edinborough for our church.  Jeffrey R Holland is going to be the main speaker so I am really excited about that.   I expect to be well fed spiritually and I am really looking forward to it.   This man is a very powerful and impressive speaker.  I have never listened to a talk of his without coming away wanting to be or inspired to be a better person.

If you want to be impressed . . .  turn off any music and listen to him speak here.   You will then know what a treat I am in for and Lord knows I am in the mood for a real treat today.

When I feel blue, I find getting into my craft room and getting stuck into my paints, listening to good music and great talks helps me.  I am normally pretty pleased with what comes out of these sessions, and this is what came out yesterday  . . .

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A Christmas Panda Bear.  Pretty happy with this.

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Another Bookmark . . .  this time with birds.  I wonder where this one will end up?

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And then this bookmark  . . .  again, where will it end up?   I don't know!  YOU may be surprised!

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And finally a little Princess.

Inspired.    I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

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And in The Kitchen today  . . .  some Jammy Splodgers.

I love you my readers.  You are all very special to me.  You truly are.

Have a blessed Sunday.


  1. Don't know what is happening to me this morning but I don't seem to be able t get this comment GO...
    I try again. Have a really lovely day Marie. I am sure your visit to Rhyl will be wonderful Take care xx

  2. Don't know what is happening to me this morning but I don't seem to be able t get this comment GO...
    I try again. Have a really lovely day Marie. I am sure your visit to Rhyl will be wonderful Take care xx

  3. Enjoy your day and your speaker.

    You truly had a productive day yesterday. So much to share.

    God bless.

  4. You were busy and got lots done. I love the saying on that one bookmark that says reading gives a place to true I have been to many wonderful places by reading books. Hope you do have a wonderful Sunday.

  5. I am afraid you misunderstood me yesterday when I said I didn't want to post my troubles here but would love to message you. Our heart is broken by our only child and there seems no way through this. I have prayed and prayed and will continue to do so and now all the worry and heartache has made me ill. Kids sure can hurt their parents. And it goes the other way too. I hope you have a wonderful day today.

  6. Great therapy..that last little one..I picture your nighties like that:)
    You are SO CREATIVE
    THank GOD!:)

  7. Oh, Dee, please e-mail me. I promise to answer. mariealicejoan at aol dot com

    I'll be waiting for your message. I am so sorry that you are feeling this heartache as well. xoxo

    We had a wonderful time in Rhyl Sybil. Hands down the best talk I have ever heard from any speaker on the BOM. SO inspired. xoxo

    Thanks Suzan. Sometimes a lot comes out! xoxo

    I too am a great armchair traveller Pam! xoxo

    haha, it does remind me of one of my nighties Monique! Thank you so much! I don't know what I would do if I couldn't create! Thank God for that outlet! xoxo

  8. I hope your trip to Rhyll and back was a good one and you enjoyed the broadcast. As you already know, I love Elder Holland too! I love the art work you did yesterday! It reminded me of John Denver's ex wife, Annie who once basically said that John wrote his best songs when he was a in a melancholy mood. I really like the "Little Princess" work that you did. Is it based on the new little royal baby girl? Also, I love the Jam print cookie cutter. I have to get that for myself. I usually don't like making cut outs but these make the most darling cookies. Thanks for all you posted. Love ya! xoxo

  9. There is just something about being a bit melancholy to stir the creative juices Valerie! Yesterday was amazing. Elder Holland's Talk was the most inspiring and amazing talk I have ever heard. Hands down the best talk ever and that says a lot as you know! xoxo

  10. I agree!

    That's great to hear Marie! Must have been plenty powerful! :-) Wish I were there with you and Todd.

  11. Oh my gosh, your drawings are spectacular. I loved all of them. Someone has to find a way for you to make money with these. I am so happy you are able to go and hear Elder Holland talk. I love it. Hugs!

  12. Thanks LeAnn! I keep plugging away and getting nowhere. Oh well, that's life! At least I am enjoying what I am doing. I always tell Todd I'm going upstairs to colour now! xoxo


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