
Tuesday 9 June 2015

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

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FOR TODAY, June 9th, 2015

Outside my window ...
The sun is shining to beat the band.  It looks to be a glorious day!

I am thinking ...
Last evening the doorbell rang and it was a neighbor from along one side.  Her cat is always in our garden.  She wanted to know if we had wire around our fish pond because her cat has come back twice with cuts on it's side.    We have plastic netting around our pond, no wire  . . .  but I thought it was a bit of cheek seeing as her cat seems to think our fish pond is a drive through restaurant/playground.    IN any case we assured her we do not have metal around our pond.  It's probably some other garden he's terrorizing.

I am thankful for ...
Each one of you!

In the kitchen ...
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Steak With Pizzaioli Sauce.  Grilled steaks served with a delicious sauce.

On my "To Cook" list ...
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White Chicken Enchiladas from The Pioneer Woman.  I Just have to find tins of green chilies.  Or roast my own. Probably much easier to roast my own.

I am creating ...
If you've been on facebook you will already have seen these, so bear with me.

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Blue Chubby Tiny Dancer
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Pink Chubby Tiny Dancer.

So much fun doing these little girls.   I think each of them took me about 15 minutes from beginning to end.   I so enjoyed them.

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Loving the Ruffled Clothespin Bags.   You can buy the pattern on Etsy from Perfect Pie Lady.   So cute!

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What an adorable little sweater for a baby girl.  I Love it.  Pattern from Ravelry.

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No source, but what beautiful mason jar cookies.  Oh to be able to and have the patience to decorate cookies like that.   You'd almost hate to eat them.

I am reading ...
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The King's Curse, by Philippa Gregory

 It is a well-known adage that history is written by the victors but, in The King’s Curse, Philippa Gregory gives voice to those who lost in the death throes of the bloody struggle between the houses of York and Lancaster. Spanning 40 years and charting the dramatic and brutal rise of the Tudors, this expansive novel is told by the last York princess, Margaret Plantagenet. She bore witness to the actions of her increasingly tyrannical cousin Henry VIII in his attempt to make his dynasty unassailable. King Henry VII of England has kept his cousin Margaret at a distance from the court, but the marriage of his son Arthur, Prince of Wales to the Spanish princess Katherine of Aragon brings Margaret out of obscurity. Her subsequent struggles are improved when the new king Henry VIII puts his daughter Mary in her care, but Margaret's ties to the royal bloodline put her and her family in the center of the intrigues swirling around the king. I love a good historical novel. Just beginning this one, but so far it's living up to my expectations.

I am hoping ...
Still waiting on my camera . . .  It's taking a long time.  Over two weeks now.

Makes me smile ...

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 Hmmm . . .

I am learning ...
Just Let Go . . .

Around the House ...

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I love this lounge.   I love the colours and the wood floors.  I love the rattan baskets.  I Love the coffee table, etc.  I love it all. Not sure how practical the colours would be with a man and a dog in the house, but  . . .

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I adore these Victorian Tiled Floors.  Would love one in my front hall.  Easy to keep clean.

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I am love, loving this.  I have a shabby chic heart and a dime store budget.

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I love these beautiful tiled sinks.  Sigh . . .

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Can you believe it?  These are decals you just stick on your walls to make it look like you have a little fairy door . . . I love it.  From the Etsy Shop Lola Murals.   Quite reasonably priced as well.   Not sure I would invest however if we may have to move.

I am pondering ...
Last night when I was getting into bed I noticed a hard lump on the back of my right thigh.   Where the heck did it come from.  It doesn't hurt or anything.   I will have to keep an eye on it.

A favourite quote of the day ...

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`*.¸.*✻ღϠ₡ღ¸.✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ.. (¯`v´¯)

Perfection is achieved
not when there is nothing more to add,
but when there  is
nothing left to take away.
~Antoine de-Saint Exupery

One of my favourite things ...

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Polka Dots!   It has ever been so!

A peek into my day ...

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I try to leave a heart print wherever I go.

And that's my daybook for this week!

                ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
              ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small
*´¯`.¸¸.☆ ⋰ ⋮ ⋱

blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆

✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
 ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you!
 Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. I do so love thee wee fat angels Marie..some of teh cutest you have done I think they must make anyone smile...I rememeber making some baby jackets just like that one with the little holes along the edge and the wee bits round the neck...You are so clever at looking things out for us to look at....What a cheek the neighbour had asking about your pond ! Lyn has had terrible trouble with a cat in her garden as well but I think after drenshing it a few times with teh hose pipe she might have got rid of him she hasn't mentione dhim last few days/ They are a perfect pest. Mary's amber and Peter's Ryan go along to Lyns as well but she said they don't do any damage jsut lie around and catch the occasional mouse...which she does not like ! she is a real wildlife lover and would never kill anything including mice !!
    that other car ripped up her plants invadede her greenhouse threw everthing about in there then sprung right at Joy landing on her chest...ins from her face ! she got such a fright...when we complained to people over the other side where it stays they said oh it'sjust being friendly !!! I'll give it friendly said Lyn LOL...
    Anywa the sun i shining down here again this morning but stil that horrible cold wind it i really spoiling the day not to be able to get out and enjoy the sunshine as where we sit the wind blows right at us...we need a sheltered pot !! Hope you have a great day much love winging it's way north xxx

  2. How funny Marie. this weekend I set my kindle aside and started reading the Philippa Gregory books that are already in the house. My day has been quiet. I did a little housework, drove mum out to see dad, took dad out for a while and then came home to take a walk. Miss Pip recieved her college papers in the mail today and is excited. She has decided she will cook dinner tonight and I am pleased with that too.

    Lots of love and prayers for a blessed day.

  3. Cats are a real nuisance Sybil! I know people love them. I used to love them, but only indoors. It's hard to keep an indoors cat here in the UK because there are no window screens. I empathise with people and their cats, but find them so very annoying! The wind is very cold! If it weren't for the cold wind it would be blistering hot! xoxo

    So happy you have had a good day Suzan! What will you do when Pip is away at college? Enjoy the peace and quiet! haha Love and hugs! xoxo

  4. Pip won't be away at college. This college is in the middle of our city.

    I promise my two cats are strictly indoors. They have to be by law. As for Beth is a vocal girl, she and Pip fight, mum is qute determined that everyone is entitled to her opinion each and every last one of them. It is far from quiet here.

  5. Cats can be a nuisance but it is nice to know that one didn't get hurt in your garden. We have several in our neighborhood that are always trying to catch the birds we feed. I like cats and have had some but they were indoor cats. For their safety I think that is where they belong. Dogs have to be leashed and not let run and I really think cats should be the same. I feel bad for these in the winter as they are never let inside. Oh well, hope you have a terrific Tuesday !

  6. Oh well, Suzan. I thought that you would have more peace and quiet with the girls away working or at college. Dream on I guess! I am glad your cat is an indoor cat. They are a lot safer indoors. I don't dislike cats, but where we feed the birds and have fish and they are always killing them, I do dislike that! xoxo

    We would never want any animal to get hurt Pam! I have had cats, but yes, they were always indoor cats. It is so much safer for them to be kept indoors. Over here however, most people seem to let them run free. You have a great Tuesday also! xoxo

  7. Love this post dear and all adorable!
    Your little dancers (cute)

    And love these wonderful cookies jar!

    Im sure Ihaven't this patience but admire these lovely cookies.

  8. The kittie cat owner..

    Love the new wee folk Marie..and the cookies for sure..I have never made an enchilada

  9. Marie - Love your chubby tiny dancers. I think they are my most favorite!
    I made some clothes line bags just from an old child's jacket ( ). They were very easy to make and very cheap.
    I love the look of the clean and fresh but living on a farm/ranch, it just wouldn't work in my home, but I guess a girl can always dream.
    The little tiny vinyl fairy decals are so cute. I like the fact that they are removable so you can use them over and over again. Coming from where I do though, my first thought was what cute little mice doors - ha!
    Thanks for the heart following your blog.

  10. Aww thanks Gloria! You're such a sweetheart! xoxo

    I thought you would like the cookies Monique! xoxo

    Thanks Marsha. Youre a treasure! xoxo


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