
Friday 26 June 2015

Friday Finds . . .

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A few of the wow moments and things that I find each week that tickle my fancy. I hope that some of them might tickle yours also!

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How to Clean and Care for your Mattress.  Always handy to know.   From  Clean Mama.

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Colouring Tips for shadow colouring on fabrics.   Found on Quilt Maker.   I think this pillow is just beautiful, don't you?

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I am the Queen of Google Search.  I use it all the time, multiple times a day. It drives Todd crazy.  Whenever I have a question I want answered, information, etc.  I click Google and I search!

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I love it.  Not that I ever have any kids around here, but I might!  From Live Like You Are Rich.

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Free Printable Storage Labels.  From BHG

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25 Ideas for A Storage Smart Garage.   Again BHG.  I am assuming some of these would work in a shed also.

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 Ten Sneaky Ways to Hide All the Clutter.   I need this.   Again BHG.  There are some really great tips here.

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The Top Ten Best Ways to Display Family Photos.   From Top Inspired.

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DIY Dry Shampoo.  I may give this a go once my hair gets long enough that I don't wake up looking like a crazy maniac each morning. From Story by ModCloth.  (Seriously, every morning when I wake up, my hair looks like I have been spinning on the top of my head all night!)

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Lego Brownies.   From the Instructables.  I would use my own Brownie recipe, not a boxed mix.   Simple to do however.

And that's my Friday Finds for this week.  I hope you found something you like amongst them!

I have done some more chubbies this week.  I've been fitting them in here, there and everywhere while I still have some free time.

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Once Upon a Time, far, far away  . . .

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A little gardening one . . .

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I can't pick a favourite.   I love them all.  I have done ten chubsters now and I love them all.

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

Every man dies,
but not all men truly live.
~William Wallace

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In The English Kitchen today  . . .  a Basic Macaroni Salad.  Delicious!

Have a wonderful Friday! Hasn't the week just flown by! Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. I for one am grateful that you take time looking out all Bethesda wonderful ideas for us So you can tell Tod that you have to google to keep us all happy !! I am always looking at ideas for extra storage where I can keep/hide things!!! Another lovely morning down here warm and sunny despite it being Glastonbury weekend usually rains....and although the forecast is s howlers for today it looks ok now...Hope that you are looking forward to a lovely day ahead x x x

  2. No idea where that extra word came from.....Bethesda ?? Ignore please. LOL

  3. Marie you have made me smile. Your description of your hair in the morning is an absolute classic! I wake up looking like a greasy, meesy haired Harry Styles every morning. Unfortunaltely I am not he and this look is not acceptable at my age!

    I like the paintings and have fallen in love with that pillow. Beautiful sights for weary eyes.

    Mum and Beth travel on Sunday and the stress has begun.

    God bless.

  4. If you are using an iPad Sybil, they come from out of nowhere. I am always amazed at what comes out when I message on the iPad. Sometimes funny, haha funny, othertimes embarassing! I hope you have a lovely day. It is showery here today! You're very welcome about the idea finds! Pinterest. It's a goldmine of ideas. xoxo

    I am glad Suzan! You are right, great looking on Harry Styles, but not so cute on us! I hope you can get through the next couple of days. Just focus on the peace after they are gone. That is how I used to get through the overnight packing hours when I worked at the Manor! xoxo

  5. I am very thankful for Google too. I don't miss the hours that I used to spend with an encyclopedia, dictionary and thesaurus looking up things. I do love the internet. It's a rare thing when I can't find something I'm looking for. Love your little people. They are adorable. Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

  6. Fun finds and adorable art:)As always!

  7. The ideas you post make me swoon Marie!!! Also, LOVE all of your Chubsters!! What talent you have! They are just precious! xoxox

  8. Oh Marie, I do love your Chubsters pictures; they are adorable.
    You certainly found some great links. I am sending a couple of them to my husband's email. He will like the garage one I know. He is always complaining about how he needs to organize it.
    We need a new mattress but I like the how to clean link.
    The pillow is so beautiful; I would like to buy it. Lovely!
    What would we do without google. I do the same thing; I look up all the questions I have.
    I think parents do need to Kid-proof the tech things.
    Thanks for the free printable storage labels; that is awesome.
    I could use the ideas on hiding clutter. I need to de-clutter sometime soon.
    I love new ideas on how to display family photos; this is awesome.
    I haven't tried dry shampoo; and my hair doesn't look to great in the morning either. I am losing quite a bit of it; which is sad. I think it is genetic and just getting old.
    I do love brownies.
    Thanks for this one and blessings for you dear friend. Love and hugs being sent your way.

  9. Thanks Pam, I'm with you on that, PLUS it takes up a whole lot less space in the house! haha Hope your Friday was swell and your weekend also! xoxo

    Thanks Monique! xoxo

    Thanks Valerie! xoxo

    Thanks LeAnn! I am glad you found a lot of this useful! You are so very welcome! I enjoy doing it! Blessings, love and hugs to you too! xoxo


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