
Friday 19 June 2015

Friday Finds . . .

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A few of the wow moments and things that I find each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that some of them might tickle yours also!

I found a tutorial online several weeks back by Tracey Fletcher King.    It was a water colour demonstration on how she does her paintings and she painted some carrots to show some of her techniques.   I wanted to try it out and I had a chance to yesterday afternoon!  This is my result!  I am quite happy with it!  If you have an inner painter struggling to get out, I highly recommend!  She's an Australian artist and a cancer survivor.

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The Kim Six Fix.  How to update a kitchen on a budget.  The difference is amazing!

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Meal Planning using Pinterest.   From Sunshine and Hurricanes.

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You've still got time to print out some of these Father's Day Tags!   A free printable found on Eighteen 25

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Toilet Roll Mermaids and Hula Girls, a complete tutorial from MollyMooCrafts.   Kids love toilet roll crafts.

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How to dye seashells from Rainy Day Mum.    I love the pretty pastel colours.

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Making Straw Rockets.  Printable Templates and tutorial.  Found on Buggy and Buddy.  So much fun for the kiddos!   Hours of fun colouring, cutting, putting together and then enjoying the end results!

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Last Minute Father's Day Gifts.  Once again by Eighteen 25.   There is a ton of great ideas!  All of them quick and easy and very last minute!

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Home Remedies to always keep on hand.   Very informative!  From Double the Batch.

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Now this is really creative don't you think?  I would never have thought of this.  From A Journey To a Dream.

And there you have it, my Friday Finds for this week.  I hope you found something useful!  I know I sure did!

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

Down in the dumps?  Then consider
There's sunshine to follow the rain.
And after defeat, if you keep on your feet,
There's some little triumph again.
Remember, when ready to sigh,
There's always a star in the sky!



Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Not Your Mamas Potato Salad.   Scrumptious!

 Have a wonderful Friday!  Hasn't the week just flown by!  Don't forget  . . .

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And I do too!



  1. I can hardly believe that it is Friday Marie...where do the weeks always some great ideas for us to look up.
    Did you have some more details about you mission,and todos yesterday ? I a so looking forward now to hearing what you and Todd get up to..The sun is shining brightly already today so another lovely hot day ahead...Mary and I will get sitting out..I said to Peter we were having a day of rest today ! ...we took Masy to vet yesterday for her booster and check up, she was in good condition and weight just that's that for another year I am so pleased that last year I paid £99 that is for life all her boosters and check ups...if I hadn't it would have been £35 for booster and £15 for check...Anyway have a lovely day whatever you find yourselves doing

  2. That's a good deal Sybil! We will have to look into that! I am so tired today, not sure why. Just am. We had the Missionary Sisters for supper last night. I just did burgers, salads and a store bought berry cheesecake from Aldi. I know bad me! We had a meeting at the chapel afterwards with all of the Ward Missionaries and of course us full time missionaries! (Love saying that!) This week has been somewhat quiet mission wise, just getting our toes wet, Wait til next week when it will be full on! xoxo

    Thanks Suzan! Enjoy your evening! xoxo

  3. Uncanny..I just added a link to an at class I am loving:)
    The carrot tut looks fun!

    The salad? Wonderful.
    You are so busy..
    :) Bonne Journée~

  4. Oh MOnique, I love art classes. I will have to check out the class you are taking. I thought you would like the carrot tut! I posted that basically for YOU! xoxo

  5. Oh I really enjoyed your Friday finds today, Marie.
    My husband and I are thinking about redoing our kitchen area; so we liked looking at this link.
    I also liked the meal planning idea using pinterest. We are getting ready to retire and I need to be a little more careful with shopping and I think that will take some more meal planning.
    The 12 home remedies was great too.
    Best of all I loved your painting of carrots. You really are a great artist.
    Love, blessings and hugs~

  6. Thanks LeAnn! So happy you found some useful buts! Xoxo


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