
Monday 18 May 2015

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

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Maryn and Cameron enjoying some together time.   They both look so happy together.  I love the look on Cameron's face.  It is quite simply priceless.  I know I am a bit biased, but I think they are two very beautiful children.

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This is my oldest son Anthony and his wife Anne.   They celebrated their 16th wedding anniversary this past week.  They have been together since highschool.  As a mother it is a wonderful thing to know your children are happily settled.   These past couple of years have been really difficult for Anthony and Anne, first with losing a baby and then the job loss, but things seem to be on the upswing now.  I am grateful for that.    Life can be so very hard sometimes.  There is no such thing as a charmed life.   Sometimes you just have to hang on and plough through it all in faith that there are better days ahead.    Life has never been easy for these two.  It is a testimony of their great love for each other, and their family,  that they keep plugging away.   I love them both so very much.   I really hope and pray that things have truly turned for them and that there are more happy days than sad days ahead for them.

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Speaking of Anniversaries, my brother David and his wife Christine just celebrated their 28th wedding anniversary.   In those 28 years they have built a beautiful life together and raised a family of four girls.  My Sister In Law has home schooled all of them until their last few years in high school.  One is now a graphic designer and another in her third year of nursing, one is in high school and one still at home being home taught.   My brother and his family are a brilliant example to me of what a marriage and a family can be in a Christ centered home.     I was really grateful for the time I got to spend with my brother a couple of years ago when we were both home for my mother's cancer operation.  It was a special time of us and a time in which we were really able to reconnect without anybody else around.  I love my brother very much and he is my hero.

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Another angel.   I don't know how many more of these I have in me, but whilst they are still clammoring to get out I will go with the flow!  I think they would make great little figurines.  I know I am really enjoying doing them.  This one came about in the middle of the night.  I often struggle with insomnia and I had a bout of it two nights ago and this little angel popped into my thoughts in the wee hours of the morning.

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Kisses, laughter and dreams.   I am grateful for all three which I have in abundance in my life.

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The day has dawned overcast and filled with drizzle.   I had hoped for a sunnier day to spend with Bonnie and Jim, but we will make the most of the time together nevertheless, and who knows, it may clear yet!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

Normal day, 
Let me be aware of the treasure you are.
Le me learn from you, love you,
bless you before you depart.
Let me not pass you by in 
quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow.
Let me hold you while I may,
bot it may not always be so;
One day I shall dig my nails into the earth,
or bury my face in the pillow,
or stretch myself taut, 
or raise my hands to the sky and want . . . 
more than all the world . . . 
your return.
~Mary Jean Iron

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . .  Spam and Beans.   Call me crazy but this was delicious!

I wish you a week filled to overflowing with small and wonderful things.   Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Morning Marie from a wet and windy Box...when oh when is our summer going to arrive...I am daft...well you know that already...but I had thought that it was yesterday you were meeting up with your friends. I sure hope that it clears up a bit for you to be able to get out and about or even just to get out in the garden...I had a call from a friend last night asking if I would take her to the Drs thi morning...if it was wet !! is , very, so unless it clears by 9.45 I will be taking her. Then Pam will arrive around 10.30 depending on the trafic comming out of Bath. Lyn will be home around 12.15 I was going to collect her from Bath forgetting I have Pam ! So peter will go and get her for me..Have a truly lovely day Looking forward to reading about it tomorrow...

  2. Good morning Marie. Thank you for sharing the happy stories this morning.

    Today has been drizzly here. However, H&M opened at our local shopping centre. Pip is now the proud owner of some $5 jeans. No one could compete with that opening special. Pip had the best time and shouted me to coffee after.

    I am about to cook dinner which is a rack of lamb and whatevery I find to go with it. Then I will watch Masterchef and knit some socks for me.

    Oh and I booked a steam train trip for next week. After booking I found it is going to be so very expensive to get back!

    God bless.

  3. You have a busy day ahead Sybil! I love hearing about all the comings and goings in your life. One day we will make it to Box! It is on my bucket list! xoxo

    Rack of lamb sounds good Suzan! I was looking at Lamb in the shops on Saturday thinking to do a lamb curry, but alas, it was far too expensive. You do get about! A steam train trip. Sounds lovely! God bless you too! xoxo

  4. It is crazy Marie. It costs me $22 to do the train trip of about five hours and about $65 to bus home. I think i will be hiring a car as there is a group of us

    I ended up roasting the rack sith some potatoes, greens and carrots. I made a very quick sauce to cover the taste of the greens. I found for racks of lamb on clearance a few weeks ago So when there are three of us as one rack does us proud. It is gone now. Most of our meat is bought at mark down. I can't afford it otherwise. Most meals we eat about 50 grams of protein. However, mum is chronically anaemic so I make her eat meat.

  5. Maybe everyone can chip in on the cost of the car Suzan! Meat is very expensive here as well. Chicken is the cheaper option, but one gets tired of eating chicken all the time. Sigh. You are a great daughter to take such good care of your mum. xoxo

  6. Hi, Marie! LOVELY to see the family photos and hear about everyone! Your grands are soooo CUTE!! :o) And LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these angels you're creating! I don't feel I'm very good at drawing. So I see your angels--and all your beautiful illustrative work--and just marvel!! Sorry to be slow to visit again... These days just fly, LOL... Hope you all have a good week there! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  7. Thanks Tracy, I do hope I don't have to wait too long to be able to see them again. Cameron will be two in June and I have yet to hold him in my arms. Oh well. I have been to your page several times, but you haven't posted anything. I will try again. Love you! xoxo

  8. Seems May is a popular month for weddings. One of my sons is celebrating their anniversary today too. It's been wet and steamy here with the high humidity making it feel warmer than it is so I've spent a good bit of time indoors. I do love your angels. Each one unique and beautiful. I've always like Spam too so I'm checking out your recipe. Hope you have a wonderful visit with friends and have a Happy Monday !

  9. Another sweet post did your visit go?
    I bet it was wonderful..I could see your angels as figurines also!
    I still think a whole kitchen line would be adorable:)

    Tea towels..etc of your other designs..

  10. Love your angels, Marie....keep them coming! You have such a gifted talent. My husband and I really like spam so this recipe will definitely be a part of our recipe box.

  11. Thanks Pam! I do hope you like the Spam and Bean recipe. May and June have always been popular wedding times. I think it's because gardens and flowers are at their best! xoxo

    We had a lovely visit Monique! I really enjoyed it. Thanks! I still have my fingers crossed! xoxo

    Thanks Marsha! I do hope you both like the recipe! xoxo

  12. Another lovely post from you; I always love your thoughts. Your grandchildren are just so adorable; I love this photo.
    The other two photos are precious too. I too hope that you sweet oldest son and his wife have happier days ahead. Losing a child is just such a hard trial. Throwing in a lost job is really tough. They look like a couple that are deeply in love and will just keep holding hands through it all.
    I am happy that you had some sweet moments with your brother.
    I miss both my brothers and parents all the time. I don't think there is a day that goes by that I don't wish I could just hear their voices again or see them. Someday, I will.
    Sending lots of love and hugs your way!

  13. Praise to the Gospel which teaches us that families are eternal eh LeAnn! Such comfort in that. xoxo


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