
Saturday 23 May 2015

Saturday morning this and that . . .

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Early last evening we went to the movies.   It's not something we do very often these days as it's so expensive.  Our good friends Peter and Audrey asked us if we wanted to go and it seems as if lately we are always saying no every time they invite us out, so yesterday to make a change we said yes.   The film was "A Royal Night Out," and not one we really had planned on going to see, or actually wanted to see, but you know  . . .  being a good friend means that you have to give as well as take.

Our prognosis . . . highly implausible, but entertaining.  We do know that the Queen and her sister Margaret were allowed out of the palace on the eve of VE day, so this film is loosely based on a reality and that fact is pretty much where the reality ends, lol  All the way through it I kept saying to myself . . .  I seriously doubt that happened.

About the only real thing about it was the way that the Princesses were portrayed as experiencing certain things for the first time . . .  like riding on a bus . . . or just being incognito.

If you are looking for reality, don't see this film.   But if you are looking for an entertaining and almost satirical romp without any violence, swearing or sex, this is the movie to see.

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It is hard to believe that we are already in the last weekend of May, and June will be upon us in a little more than a week.   This is a Bank Holiday weekend over here in the UK and I know it is in America as well.   Ours is called May Bank Holiday, but it used to be call Whitsun, which was traditionally thought to be the day of the ascension of the Saviour.  In America it is Memorial Day, which is similar to our Remembrance day.

Here in the UK this is usually a weekend which is set apart to do work in the garden . . . although I am not sure why, as it is a very rare bank holiday weekend that ends up being actually fit for gardening.   Normally they are rainy and cold.  We shall see what happens!

I took a wander down the garden yesterday and already there are small apples growing on the apple tree and it looks like there will be plenty of them this year.   I couldn't see any baby pears of plums, but I probably didn't look hard enough and the gooseberry and black currant bushes are just loaded with tiny fruits. Our strawberry patch is also loaded with blossoms, as are the blueberries and logan berry bushes.   So much to look forward to!

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Have you ever done this???   I never have  . . .  but I have always wanted to.   I am afraid I am too bug-aphobic to ever really truly do this type of thing.  Something might land on me or crawl over me.  I could sleep in a hammock . . .  maybe . . .  but I could never sleep on the ground.  I guess that means I would be a less than ideal camper.

I did go camping once.    Many moons ago, when I was living in London, Ontario, my ex was working at Camp Iperwash for the summer.  He was a Military Policeman.  One of his work buddies said he could borrow his tent trailer which was parked at the camp for the weekend, and so my ex thought this would be a fabulous idea for us to come out and spend the weekend camping there.  We only had the four children at the time, with the youngest being about 8 or 9 months old.  And the rest were 2 1/2, 4 1/2 and about 6 years old.

It.  Was.   A.   Disaster.

None of the zips on the camper actually zipped shut.  The place was haven for mosquitos.  Nobody slept all night because the mosquitos were so bad.  My youngest daughter did not have an inch on her body which was not bitten.   We were packing up the car and getting ready to go back home by 5:30 the next morning.

Never again.

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Are you a hugger?   I am a hugger.  And a pat-er.   All of my hugs come with back pats.  One thing I am not though is an air kisser.   I wonder about air kissing. It always just feels very in-sincere to me.  It's like  . . .  I'd kiss you, but I don't want your germs, so I'll just kiss the air outside you instead.  Air kissing to me is affected and very insincere.  Kiss or don't kiss  . . .  but this no-man's land in between the two is a very uncomfortable place for me to find myself.  I don't know why.

How do you feel about air kissing?  Pro or con??

Susan's next book is almost finished.   I have pre-ordered.  I am reading her last one again for about the fourth time.  (A Fine Romance)   I am not sure what the great appeal is  of her books, but I'll try to explain . . .  it's almost like you are being made privy to someone's diaries . . .  they are like little mini scrap books . . .  filled with ancedotes, and pictures, sketches . . .  and life stories.  Part running dialogue, part memory . . .  totally entertaining.   At least they are to me.  I find them whimsical and entertaining and engaging.

Just like her blog.  She is one of those rare and lucky people who found her happily ever after and is living it.

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These are the best photos I have been able to get of the peonies in the garden. My camera is not performing like it should out of doors.  It's not performing like it should indoors either for that matter.   I am trying to sort it out.

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At the moment the blooms are so very beautiful and I so much want to show them to you . . .

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But it is just not happening.   What you see here is only after much painstaking editing, and they are not true photos.   This is the reality . . .

As you can see  . . .  darn near impossible to work with, and it is almost the same with my food photos.   I don't understand it.   A week ago it was working fine.   Now  . . .

I am taking it to church tomorrow and a photographer in our Ward is going to have a look at it with me.  I have probably changed some setting some how . . .  it's a mystery.

And with that I will leave you with a thought to carry around with you today . . .

Learn to value spiritual things
over material things.
They last longer, cost less,
bring more.
~Linus Mundy, Keep-life-simple Therapy

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In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Cinnamon French Toast Batons.

Have a fabulous Saturday.   We are going to a Baptism this morning.   Don't forget!

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And I do too!!


  1. Marie those flowers are absolutely beautiful. I never see those here.

    I am glad you enjoyed the movie. Last night I was almost tempted to take Pip to see that movie. The state of my purse declared otherwise. I might take her next time she seems sad.

    God bless your day. I am looking forward to taking myself to bed early tonight.

  2. It's quite entertaining Suzan. I think Pip would enjoy it. I hope you have a nice sleep tonight! xoxo

  3. I have to say I'm not an air kisser either and the first time I received one from one of my grandchildren I felt quit hurt. The air kisses do come with hugs so I hug back and try to appreciate the hug. Hope you have a super Saturday. It looks like a wonderful blue sky day here.

  4. I can see where that would be hurtful Pam. But I like that you are able to appreciate the accompanying hug. I would too. It's overcast here today, but no rain. Still and ominous I guess. xoxo

  5. My little boys kiss on the lips.
    Marie something is definitely up w/ the camrea.. on auto you should be getting way better shots.I wish you were beside me..I ahve looked at the camera on line..if nothing is broken you should be a few settings aways to having it work worse take it where you bought it and ask the technician to reset.

    But do try A mode;)

  6. I am taking it to church tomorrow Monique and a photographer there is going to look at it with me. If we can't sort it out I will return it to where I bought it. I did buy an extended warantee/free replacement on it as it was so expensive! Thank you for your help and suggestions! xoxo

  7. I like you am a hugger Marie but cetainly not an air kisser !..good kiss or no kiss is what I woudl say !..Sorry to be late again in commenting, however had another bad night...I do wish we coudl find out what cause these "turns" however gla do say that by mid day I was back to my usual self again...really odd. Been a glorious day down heresun out all day and it got very hot MAry and I ha dto come in and out as it got to hot sitting out at times..thought this evening would be nice however it clouded over and is nou chilly...Hope that you have had a good day and that tomorrow you get the camera sorted out...

  8. I have wondered about that movie; although I haven't seen it where we live yet. I wonder if it will come here. My husband and I love to go to movies; but not very many good ones anymore.
    It has been raining everyday here and it is needed a lot; but I wish the temperatures were a little higher. As you know we are off to visit the town I was born in to decorate graves this weekend and visit some friends and family.
    We used to camp a lot and sleep on the ground in tents; which isn't so bad. Your camping trip did sound like a disaster. Your children were so young so that had to have been more difficult.
    I am a big hugger and I don't think air kisses are good at all.
    If you were here I would give you a great big hug. Blessings for you my friend.

  9. Happy to see a comment from you Sybil. I worry when I don't! I am so sorry you are having these bad turns. Very worrisome and I do hope you can get to the bottom of them. Sending you much love. xoxo

    THanks Leann, there would be a big hug in return! xoxo


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