
Wednesday 20 May 2015

I could never be wordless on a Wednesday . . .

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Even though the sun's not shining
And the sky is dull and grey . . . 

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Even though you watched the postman
Walk straight past your door today  . . .

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Even though the phone's not ringing
When you wished and hoped it would . . .

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Look around you, count your blessings . . .
Life is precious, life is good.

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Even when you're disappointed
And your plans have gone awry . . .

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Even when the friends you trusts
Never call, or walk on by  . . .

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Put those troubled thoughts behind you,
Look ahead, the way you should . . .

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Tell yourself, with each new morning,
Life is precious, life is good!
~Iris Hesselden

Sometimes in life it can be so easy to only dwell on the negative.   I am no Pollyanna, but I prefer to dwell on the small positives.  Each day brings me a multitude of blessings and small miracles . . .  some of them so small that you could almost overlook them, that is . . . unless you learn to cultivate a grateful heart . . .  a heart which seeks the good.

And I believe there is good in all people, all days, all experiences.  We may not see it right away, but if we are patient, we will see it.  It may take a lifetime, but it is there.

It's a simple matter of perspective.  Is the glass half full . . . or is it half empty.  YOU decide which.

Brrr.... chilly this morning, I have had to turn on the heat.  One doesn't expect that in May.  Todd makes a habit out of checking the weather all around the world each day.  I am not sure why.  Yesterday he delighted in telling me that it was a balmy 24*C in Ottawa.  Warmer than it was in Barcelona. 

Speaking of things that come from Spain . . .

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Somebody is having a great time at a two day Hen Party!  They are doing something called Glamping.   I think that stands for glamorous camping, but I could be wrong!  Looks like she is having a lovely time whatever it is!  And since she is a Mormon and doesn't drink alcohol, she'll still be able to remember it all in the days, weeks, and years to come.  Life is grand!

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The sun must feel so good after a winter which was filled with snow, snow and  . . .  more snow!   Baxter is basking in it.

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Mitzie's cough is all better.  Perhaps she just had something caught in her throat?   I don't know, but I am glad that she is not coughing or wheezing today.   That's the thing with our furry family members . . .  they can't tell us what is really wrong and we can only guess.  In any case all seems to be alright for now!

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . .

The world is a looking-glass that gives back
to every man the reflection of his own face.
Frown at it, and it will in turn, look sourly upon you.
Laugh at or with it, 
and it is a jolly, kind companion.
~William Makepeace Thackeray

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Chicken and Garlic Potatoes Casserole.  Deliciously simple.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.   Don't forget  . .

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And I do too! 


  1. We sure have si much to be thankful for Marie. Thi morning for instance the sun is shining and althugh cold when I got u it is warmeing up a bit with teh sun shining through the windows..I am thankful for that, Also very thankful to hear that Mitzie is better. we do worry about our pet's I am till sorry for my niece who is grieving the loss of Megan who was 17 but the longer you have your pets the harder it i when they have to go...
    I enjoyed very much all your pictures today, you are so clever....Glad that all is going great over in Spain...Hope that you have a lovely day. We are away to Bath this afternoon to the theatre so see Oklahoma...Peter is driving us in so won't worry about parking...another thing to bevery thankful for xxx

  2. God bless Marie. Everyday has precious and thankful moments.

    Today hsa left me tired and thankful that I missed an accident JUST. Pip was distressed that her bag flew and I said I was thankful that nobody was hurt.

    Off to cook dinner soon.

  3. The sun is shining here for the moment Sybil, but it is very cold and it looks like we will get showers. At least we didn't get the downpours, hail and thunderstorms that many got yesterday, although the wind is really picking up! A friend of mine in Scotland said they had a twister yesterday! I hope you enjoy Oklahoma! I really love musicals and especially when you get to see them live! Have a wonderful time! You are so lucky to have good people like Peter living close by to you. xoxo

    I am thannkful nobody was hurt as well Suzan! I hope your dinner goes without incident! xoxo

  4. Like you I'm always trying to look for the bright and beautiful moments in the day. Our attitude is important as well as the choice to be happy instead of glum. I'd never heard of glamping before, but it sounds like a wonderful time of it for them. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

  5. I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday as well Pam! YOu are one of the most positive people I know! xoxo

  6. Chilly and windy here too..

    Glad Mitzi is well:)
    You must be relieved!

  7. Very much so Monique! We don't have any pet insurance, so if she gets sick, we have to come up with the money somehow. Whew! xoxo

  8. I always love your upbeat personality. I like to look at the good that surrounds me and have a positive outlook.
    I was a bit sad this morning. My sweet daughter and her husband have been here for a few days from Australia. We had such a good visit in between the time he spent with is family due to his Grandmother passing away. It was hard to say good by and know we won't see them for a while.
    I loved all the pictures and the lovely thoughts. Hugs for you dear friend~

  9. It is always hard to say goodbye LeAnn! I know everytime I see my parents, I think it will be for the last time. :-( Hugs to you as well. xoxo


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