
Friday 29 May 2015

Friday Finds

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A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy. I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!

How to make the perfect bow.  Something I always struggle a bit with.  They somehow always end up a bit wonky!  From On Sutton Place.

How to makeover a Card Table.  (Can you still find these things?  I would love one!)  From Pretty Handy Girl.   A complete Tutorial.

How to transfer any image using Freezer Paper.  (I wonder if they have that stuff over here.  Probably not.)   From  Home Frosting.

Never buy dryer sheets again.  I would love to have a clothes dryer, but haven't had one since I moved over here.   This is a fab idea however.  From On Our Weigh To Health.

 Streak Free Window Cleaning.  No wiping or squeegee required.  From One Good Thing.

A sew it yourself Soap Pouch.   Very simple.   Pouch doubles as a flannel (face cloth).  From Happy DIY Mom.

 Vintage patterns.   Thousands of out of print vintage sewing patterns.  I love it!  From Vintage Patterns Wikia.

I just love this Dresden Bunting!  Very nostalgic looking and quaint.   From Make It Do.   Scroll down the page a bit  and you will see it, a complete tutorial.

Log Cabin Slippers, using mostly scraps.   From Charm About You.  I love these!

 I just LOVE this pretty Daisy Doily!  Oh how I wish my old eyes and fingers would co-operate.  Pattern is in Japanese Symbols.   Very easy to follow.   Found on La Passion De Crochet.  I've crocheted many doilies through the years, but sadly I don't have any myself.   They were all given away.  My mother has a particularly beautiful one I did in variagated pinks.

And those are my finds for this week.  I hope you found something of interest here!

There was a knock on the door yesterday afternoon and I was so excited to open it and see Ariana standing there.   She popped in for a visit before she left to go to Spain for her wedding.  It was nice to have a good sit down and a chat.   I made her a cup of herbal tea and she had a piece of my peanut butter cookie pie.  (She loves peanut butter)  Then Todd drove her home.   She is now in Spain and about to begin one of the most exciting chapters of her life!  We wish her all the best in the world!

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I did this yesterday.   I think it's my favourite one yet.   I just love it and it normally takes me a few days to love something.

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Also did this.  Not as enamoured with it, but it will do.

This is my oldest son Anthony who is turning 40 today.  It was his first birthday.  It's hard to believe that he is now 40!  The years have just flown by.   I love him so much.   I hope he has a lovely day.   I'm going to sing him Happy Birthday on the ipad after this to surprise him when he wakes up.  That is if I can get it to work.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . .  Rice Krispie Chicken.   Tasty!  Simple! And kids love it!

For beautiful eyes,
Look for the good in others.
For beautiful lips,
Speak only words of Kindness.
And for poise,
Walk with the knowledge you are never alone.
~Audrey Hepburn

 I wish for you a beautiful Friday.   I am off to the Opthamologist at the hospital again today for more eye testing.    Wish me luck!  Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. As alwasy some great finds. I love these slip on slippers..not that I could wear them but nice to look at..Yu are so clever at finding things. Hadn't realised that it was today you went back to eye hospital. Praying that all goes they feel any better ? I can't believe how quickly my cataracts have grown...if that's what you call it...I just wish they could be haurried along with the appointments....what a nice surprise for you to see Arianne at the door, she seems such a very nice girl...I wish her every happiness in the future. Take care today I look forward to hearing / seeing what happens next xxx

  2. I pray for abundant blessings for Ariana and her husband as they beging their life together. God bless you today.

  3. I hadn't realized it either Sybil, until the letter(s) arrived in the post. I have two appointments there today. One following the other. When I left the opthamology dept the last time my next appointment was scheduled for July! Thanks for your happy wishes for Ariana. I am sure she would appreciate them! xoxo

    Thanks Suzan. I know that she will appreciate your prayers. xoxo

  4. Hi, Marie! Such fun here today... Must say I LOVE the Dresden bunting... and those log cabin slippers! Oh, how sweet the last visit with Ariana before we left... *sigh*...The time with her there went so fast! Wishing her all the best for a happy wedding and happy life! Happy 40th to your Anthony!! Your domestic goddess illustration is FAB!! I'll take her dress & cute shoes! ;o) Wishing you all there a happy weekend now! In a few days we travel to see my family--so excited! Will be in touch after we get back again. ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  5. Thanks Tracy! I am hoping and praying all goes well with your trip home. May everything settle in just right. Love you! xoxo

  6. Hi Marie...some great ideas there as usual, and a tasty recipe to boot! Just wanted to let you know that you can get freezer paper in patchwork and quilting shops if you need it.
    Best wishes

  7. Is that over here in the UK Sandie? I will have to look for one! Thanks! xoxo

  8. Yes, I'm sure I got some in a shop called Just Between Friends which is fairly local to me and I think they do mail order. Although I have to confess to not doing any P&Q for quite some time!

  9. How cute your son was on his 1st birthday ! Hope he has a happy day and celebrates. My oldest is 44 this year and it's hard to believe time went so quickly. Have a fantastic Friday and hope everything goes well with your appointments.

  10. I had to go to the states to get the feezer paper a number of years it is everywhere you probably have it there too!
    I have a card table..set up in my craft room.. gives me an extra spot to work on things:) Or when the boys come..or an extra table for outside w/ a tablecoth..our Walmarts have them..even Candaian Tire I think..


    Our eldest..Mylène..will be 40 August 10th..

    Wait..weren't we 40 last month?

    I favor your new artwork too..she's perfectly beautiful and vintage!

  11. Love the homemade slippers.......... Also, your newest painting with the woman holding a plate of cookies is fabulous. Of all your works, I think this one is one of my favorites. Thanks for doing all the ground work and finding such fun and interesting things to blog. - Marsha

  12. Thanks Sandie! I will keep an eye out! xxoo

    Thank you Pam! I don't know how it happened either, but time is passing by! xoxo

    It seems like just yesterday I turned 40 Monique! But apparently it was almost 20 years ago! whew! Time has flown! Thanks very much for your compliment re the artwork! xoxo

    Thank you Marsha! She is my favourite one too! xoxo

  13. Fun finds for sure Marie! Hey...LOVE the art work! The first one is my favorite (I need to dress that way next time I make chocolate chip cookies...Ha!) The second one is really adorable too. I love how you transferred your idea on paper. Wonderful! So very talented! Happy 40th to Anthony!!! Wow, can you believe you have a 40 year old son? I hope your Mom is getting stronger each day still. Love you my dear friend! xoxo

  14. Awesome Friday finds; I always love them. Thanks for the link for how to make a perfect bow; I don't do well with those.
    I love the made over card table. I really like the idea for never having to use dryer sheets again. One I will look at for sure.
    Our windows really do need cleaning; so thanks for the tips link.
    Very creative soap pouch. I love that people come up with these ideas.
    I would love a pair of the log Cabin slippers; but I doubt I would try this. I just don't sew much anymore.
    I love crocheted doilies. I have inherited some from my grandmother and mother; I treasure them.
    As always I love your art; you are so good. I also love the era of the art; it is my favorite.
    Happy Birthday to your sweet son and I hope you got to sing to him.
    Sending thanks, blessings and love and hugs!

  15. I know Valerie! I can't believe it myself. How did it happen that I got so old as to have a 40 year old son? I'm only 59, for a few more months anyways! haha xoxo

    I tried to sing to him LeAnn, but I couldn't get the iPad to send the message. I don't know what was up with that. I had to settle with a written message instead. xoxo


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