
Wednesday 1 April 2015

Welcoming April . . .

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Farewell to March . . . you've often been rough and unmannerly.  Your impish winds have whisked off caps at inconvenient times and blown the bird feeder over . . .  uprooted the trellis.

But I am a forgiving person for your footsteps also brought Damson blooms and they made the Daffodils dance . . .

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April has broken with a wave of green on the countryside sweeping round the woodlands and hedgerows  like a rising tide.   It's mounting wave of living green rolls round our world as upon each twig and branch new leaves . . .  such tenderness . . .  begin to unfurl.

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Lambs gambol upon the open fields . . .  and down the street the flowering cherry tree has exploded like a white sailed galleon upon a restless sea.   A ship adrift before the wind, a fair and graceful thing riding in on the tides and green waters of Spring.

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April, April . . . 
Laugh thy golden laughter,
But . . . 
the moment after,
Weep thy golden tears . . . 
~Wm Watson

As the footprints of Winter sunlight falls and buds unfold, April follows in it's path, strewing the ground with fairy gold.   Where morning frosts have glittered . . .  where snow has lain . . .  Spring dances in . . .  young, lovely . . . bouquets of primrose in it's arms.

It is my prayer that I never fail to find my joy . . .  my peace . . .  my delight . . . in nature's sweet companionship.

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I am out to lunch today with a friend and her daughter.  I don't often take myself out and about on my own without Todd, but I am looking forward to the companionship of these two dear ladies.  I spent most of yesterday baking buns, which thankfully turned out.   When I took them out of the rising drawer after the first rise, I realized I had forgotten to put in the eggs.   So I quickly beat up the eggs and added them to the bowl of the stand mixer along with the dough and a bit  more flour.  Thankfully they came together and I had fantastic results at the end.   The buns were/are beautiful.  I confess I have had one for my breakfast.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

“ 'April, April, laugh thy girlish laughter, 
and the moment after, 
Weep thy girlish tears, April.' ” 
~Angus Wilson

Are you ready for April Showers?  They do bring the May flowers.

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Baking in The English Kitchen today . . .  Iced buns!  Yay, I did it finally . . .  turned out a bun that is gorgeous.  And by hand.  No bread machine.  That makes me happy.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.   Don't forget . . . 

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And I do too!


  1. Our April has come in with teeming rain. We do need it though. Enjoy your lunch out. I went out for lunch because my boy rang and said I had to come and eat the day's special at his workplace.

    God bless.

  2. Oh how nice Suzan. Lunch invites from the boy. Very special. xoxo

  3. Those buns do look wonderful! I'll check out your recipe. Hope you have a great time with your friends and have a wonderful Wednesday !

  4. Oh I have done similar things w/ recipes..heart palpitations:)
    They do look did the doctor go?

  5. Thanks Pam! The buns are so easy and unforgiving. I am sure your family would love them! You have a wonderful Wednesday also! xoxo

    I am on anti-biotics for three days Monique, and on the third day I am to call to see if I need more. By then the results of my urine sample should be back. xoxo

  6. Oh those ice buns look so good. I must try this one.
    I loved all your thoughts about April and the wonders of Spring. Oh the pictures were sweet.
    I hope you have had a jolly good time with your friends.
    Sending hugs your way dear friend.

  7. Thanks very much LeAnn! Happy Easter to you and have a great Conference Weekend! xoxo

  8. Lovely spring time post Marie - it has been beautiful down in Dorset this weekend and long may it last, as it was very rainy last year. All the years of living up North and the weather down here was worse lol! Wowzer those iced buns, I will be pinning away at you recipes later on! - Keri xxx

  9. Keri, it's been so good to hear from you! I don't think I knew your real name before. We have had a gorgeous week up here in Chester. Today is supposed to be beautiful. Of course it will all deteriorate by the weekend! But at least we have had a few sunny days!! xoxo


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