
Wednesday 29 April 2015

Wednesday this and that . . .

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"So much is happening in garden and countryside that I run this way and that trying to hold everything at once:  the wall flowers, the tulips, the lilac and the apple-blossom.  I should like to stay the pace of Time here at this point and to linger over the last of April, but all around life rises like a tide and I am carried forward into the exciting anticipation of pleasures to come."
~Patience Strong

It is a very gloomy day out there today and showery . . .  also quite cool.  But here and there I see glimpses of blue sky and white cloud amidst large tears which rip open the dark grey clouds which hover over the house.  I have to go into town later this morning as I have an appointment  . . .  dare I hope that it will clear.

My fingers are crossed.  I shall just have to sing through the showers and hope for the best!

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Remembering of course that it is the showers which bring about all the beauty in the garden which I enjoy in great abundance.

I had a message from my sister yesterday to say that they had taken my mom into hospital by ambulance on Monday evening.   I had only just spoken to her Monday afternoon.   I didn't have my weekly phone call with her on Sunday because my sister had taken her to outpatients as she wasn't quite herself.   They treated her for bronchitis and the beginnings of pneumonia and sent her home with anti-biotics and a puffer.   When I spoke to her on Monday afternoon, admittedly she still did not seem like herself.   I didn't speak with her for long because I was afraid of tiring her out.  By Monday evening she was struggling to breathe and my sister ended up calling the paramedics and they took her to hospital.   They were able to give her a breathing treatment at the house and she was given more in the hospital.  My sister had been hoping they might let her come home yesterday, but alas . . .  they have admitted her and she is there for however long she needs to be.  There are no visitors allowed at the moment due to the Norovirus which is going around, which is a bit annoying because my mom will be all on her lonesome with nobody to break up the time.

Please could you keep her in your prayers for healing and that she will be allowed to go home soon??  Thank you so very much!

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I have been praying for all of the people in Nepal.   This earthquake they have had must seriously be the worst natural disaster which has occurred ever, or at the very least in my lifetime.  The devastation is grim.  With over 4,800 people known to be dead at present,  more than 9,200 injured, and over 8 million people affected . . .  it is unfathomable and quite overwhelming.  We are both praying for the people of Nepal and of course will be very generous with our fast offering this week.  

In sitting here and wondering what I could do to help I was struck yesterday that I could do a piece of art and then auction it off to raise some money for the help appeal.  And so that is what I have done.   I don't know how to go from here with it.  This is the piece which I have created, but I don't know how to get it out there.   I have had one bid on Facebook for £25, which is great, but I know I could do so much better.   Does anyone out there at all have any idea how I can get this out there to a larger audience and raise more money for aid?  I need help!  I think I can do much better than £25, or maybe I am being naive in thinking so.

My own means to donate financially is severely limited, but I want to be able to do so much more.   I have written to the local television news service, but I am probably batting way out of my league in doing so.  

I just want to help.

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

"May we ever be found doing the work of the Lord."
~Thomas S Monson

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  a Tomato and White Bean Salad.  Delicious!

Have a great day.  Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Good Morning Marie,

    I hope your artwork raises some money. I am not sure what to do. Pip will ask at church to see what they have set up as they missions there. IT must be dreadful for those who live there as the weather would be far from kind.

    Another day of doing the same thing over and over. IT has begun to rain here too and we are expecting to be alot of rain too. Some areas have just "unfolded" after last week and they are facing it all over again.

    God bless.

  2. I hope it does too Suzan, but we will see what happens. I hope you don't get a ton of rain. xoxo

  3. Very kind!
    I have no idea Marie..But I have seen things on FB called GoFundMe? Not sure all.

  4. I think Go Fund Me is something where if people need to raise money to help themselves do something they start a fund that people can donate to. I recently saw one to buy a lady a pair of false teeth. I'll just have to keep searching! xoxo

  5. The only thing I can donate is my prayers at this time. I really have no idea about raising funds but it is so thoughtful of you to do so. I saw on the news this morning that the numbers have risen to over 5000 now. I will keep your Mom in my prayers too. It has to be hard for her with no visitors allowed. I'd not heard of the virus at all so now I'll have to check it out and see if we have it here.

  6. Ethan's you so much for your prayers Pam! I know the hours must be very long for her without any visitors. I hope that she doesn't have to stay in for very long. Xoxo

  7. I am so sorry to read that Mum has had to go into hospital Hope she won't be in for long...It must be awful for your poor sister not being able to go see her. That is an awful thing many hospitals seem to get it during winter. I know that our local hospital closed quite a few wards recelntly and one of our care homes was closed to visitors for 4 weeks....
    I hope that you can raise money for your print it is so lovely. I will e mail you seperately to explain why I won't bid for it. But certainly pray taht someone knows the value of it. Been a nice sunny day down here but a cold wind...Take care much love to you Todd and Mitzie xx

  8. Thanks Sybil. I got your e-mail. Thanks so much for your prayers for my mom and for me. Love you! xoxo


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