
Sunday 5 April 2015

Sunday morning meanderings . . .

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What a wonderful Conference we had yesterday filled with uplifting messages concerning love and family.  I have to say I am most grateful for each of the talks which we listened to.  I always end up feeling even more grateful to be a follower of Jesus Christ.  And of course this is the day that people all over the world will celebrate the miracle of His resurrection, which brought about eternal life for each of us.  Some would say that His mission ended there, but it did not,  as He continues even to this day to lead and guide His Heavenly Father's children home to that place from whence they came.  His mission will not end until all of His Heavenly Father's Children have been safely gathered in.

I am so grateful for that and for His example.  I can testify truly that if you follow His teachings, not only will life be more filled with joy, but it will also be easier to bear.

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I think one of my favourite talks yesterday was the one given by President Henry B Eyring.   He spoke of the love which our Heavenly Father has for all of His children and how much we wishes to bless each of us, both spiritually and temporally.

But then . . .  I always get a lot out of each talk given.  I have been well fed spiritually.

And we get to do it again today.

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The Easter Bunny has been and there are three lovely eggs and a bunny sitting on the dining room table waiting for everyone to be up and about.   They are not Lindt.  I think the Easter Bunny did his collecting at Aldi this year.  But experience has taught me that these will be every bit as tasty as Lindt.  ☺

Price is not everything.

I did our Easter Dinner yesterday as I knew I would have more time.  Today there won't be a lot of time for cooking and so we will just have leftovers.  I like leftovers.   I often find they taste even better than the initial meal.

But then again . . .  I would be happy with beans on toast.  I am not hard to please.

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Most people believe their weeks begin on Monday.    I believe that Sunday is a fitting beginning (and end) to every week.  It is the day when I can both show my appreciation for the week which has just passed . . .  and have my spiritual battery recharged for the week to come.

When you get to my age, just being able to open your eyes in the morning and put one foot in front of the other is a blessing.  Each day is a gift, even the bad ones . . .  because each day affords me the opportunity to grow and to be better and to love.  Each day brings me a measure of joy.  Some days more than others, but I have a joy seeking heart and I always find it, no matter what.

I am grateful for that.

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Hope springs eternal from the soft and loving heart.

A thought to carry with you through today.

"Sometimes the Holy Ghost prompts our
hearts to talk to someone about God . . . 
and sometimes the Holy Ghost prompts 
our hearts to talk to God about . . .  someone . . . " 


Cooking in The English Kitchen today   . . .  Ginger Cheesecake Squares.  Delish!

I wish you a Happy and Blessed Easter Sunday.  Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!



  1. Eaaster Blessing to you and Tod this glorious morning...He is Risen indeed.
    I hope that you have a lovely day full of whatever you love doing best....Looks like the spring is really on it's way this week with warmer weather in sight...
    God Bless xxx

  2. Good morning Marie and Todd. Happy Easter Day. Enjoy the day throughly.

  3. I can't wait Sybil, although the ants have already been marching into my kitchen. Drives me to distraction! Happy Easter! God bless you all. xoxo

    Thanks Suzan. I hope you have also had a Happy Easter. Love and hugs. xoxo

  4. Happy Easter to you both! Enjoy your day, your conferences and of course your eggs! Lots of love xxx

  5. Happy Easter to you both! Enjoy your day, your conferences and of course your eggs! Lots of love xxx

  6. Thank you so much Kate! Happy Easter to you too with lo Even! Xoxo

  7. Hi, Marie! Happy Easter! He is RISEN... Hallelujah! So much to be thankful! And I thank you for the lovely Easter greeting you sent! :o) we had TJ's parents over for a big dinner. And I'm glad we did it yesterday, for it freed up today for church, prayer and relaxation... And no cooking--for there's lots of leftovers. ;o) Oh, but I'm concerned about your IBS/IBD. My Mom has IBS, had had for many years... very sadly, she's got it bad, and can eat very little and has had to give up many favorites over the years. I hope you will be able to find ways to keep healthy (and happy) in spite of the IBS. Be taking good care my friend... :o) Wishing you & yours a BLESSED EASTER!! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS)) P.S. Those cheesecake squares look dangerously good... LOL!

  8. Have a beautiful day..I just love that little Hopw photo;) Happy easter to all of you.

  9. Happy Easter Marie! I loved conference. Today (Sunday) it was Jeffrey R. Holland's talk that was my favorite even though they were all wonderful. Thoughts of you ran through my mind many times. :-) Love ya! xoxo

  10. Happy Easter to you too Pam! xoxo

    It's really annoying Tracy. I am finding more and more things bother it. :-( Sounds like you had a lovely blessed Easter! How wonderful! God bless you and TJ and Charlie! xoxoxo

    Thanks Pam, it was a gorgeous day here. Sunny and mild for a change! xoxo

    His talks are always my favourite ones too Val! Great minds and all that! xoxo

  11. Marie, this was such a lovely post. I loved the testimony you shared. The quotes graphics are so beautiful. You are such a treasure and I love your writings. Thanks for blessings my life to do with your gift of writing.
    Love and hugs for you!

  12. Thanks LeAnn! Wasn't conference great!! xoxo


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