
Saturday 25 April 2015

Saturday Meanderings . . .

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I thought seriously about taking a few days off, but decided that I just could not.  This is too big a part of my life and something which really brings me a lot of joy.   I may have to just shorten my posts a bit if that's okay.   And I think it will be.

So I was reading up about Posterior Vitreous Detachment.   I know  . . .  you shouldn't go online looking for trouble, lol, but . . . I really wanted to understand what the Doctor had been talking about.  I'm almost 60 and severely short sighted . . .  this type of thing is not at all uncommon for people meeting those two criteria.  What worries me more is the area of white which he saw at the back of the eye, which he says is a blocked artery.  He said it will never fix itself, but was probably caused by plaque or cholesterol.  On a positive note he also said it had probably been like that for quite some time which is why it was white.

Hopefully everything will right itself with the PVD and things will be back to normal in due course.

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I love this.   The idea of painting yourself in a different colour.  Its a good thing as Martha would say.   If you could be a colour what colour would you be?   I think I would be red with white polka dots.  Because I like red and I like white polka dots and I love the two together.  And I know a lot of other people do.   No, I am not into popularity contests . . .  but I don't mind being liked or representing something which makes people happy, or brings light into other's lives and I think red with white polka dots does that.

But then again . . . there are other days when I selfishly would like to be ALL the crayons in the box.

Things I have enjoyed and/or been grateful for this week:

  • The Love and Prayers of a multitude of friends
  • The love and tender mercies of my Heavenly Father
  • A loving and caring husband and the blessings of the Priesthood in my life
  • Outlander
  • The Vikings  (Ragnor Lothbrook got Baptised)
  • Playing hangman with Todd in the waiting room
  • Meeting a new Doctor  and he was really nice and made me smile
  • Sour Patch Kids
  • A bowl of hot tomato soup with crackers crushed into it (supper last night and it was good)
  • Sunny warm days
  • Taking time to just  . . .  breathe . . .  and think  . . .  and pray.
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Crazy friends who make me smile.   Plus a whole lot more.  Life is as good as you make it.

The end.   Til tomorrow . . .  Don't forget

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 And I do too.


  1. Adorable photo. I hope this is the last of eye troubles for a long time. It sounds like a scary week, and the previous mention of the stinging eye drops/solution alone made me say "Eek!"

    Love and Hugs,


  2. I'm glad you decided to make your daily post. I can understand how you feel. I enjoy it too and would find it hard to take a break away. I think the only times I ever have were when I had computer problems. It was good to see your thankful list. I think counting our blessings makes us realized just how blessed we are and always makes me feel better. Hope you do take it easy though and let some healing happen.

  3. have always LOVED the Jack Lewis quote!

  4. I love you too Suzan! xoxo

    Thanks Val! I hope so too. You tend to take your sight for granted until it is in jeapordy. Not out of the woods yet, but it's looking good! xoxo

    Thank you Pam. I am trying to minimize my online time, but I will try to do my daily posts. They are just such an important part of my days. They may be a lot shorter though! xoxo

    I love CS Lewis quotes too THistle Cove! xoxo

  5. We take everything for granted in some ways until it is threatened..or harmed..or damaged or lost.
    Walking ,touching,eating,seeing..hearing..
    The simplest of things...are the extraordinary things.
    You just have to lose the use of it..or have a resricted use..and nothing is the same.
    I read up too..:(

  6. I'm glad that I popped in just before going to bed..I just had a feeling you might have written..Thank you..but as I said before just take care and limit your time on line...( I was looking up your eye comlaint as well as I have said I am not happy with my eyes at the moment but they say it is ok just my age !! Take Care God Bless and Night night xx

  7. You are right about that Monique! I am guilty of taking a lot for granted that I shouldn't! xoxo

    Thanks Sybil. Sorry to hear you are not happy with your eye sight as well. ((((hugs)))) I am starting to think that getting old isn't for cowards! xoxo

  8. Oh this was a cute one. I think it is always good to know exactly what your diagnosis is because it helps you deal with it better. It's that fear of the unknown that is hard. Of course, what would we do without a Priesthood blessings during these times and prayers of course.
    I loved the thoughts and quote changing your color.
    I think I would be yellow and blue. I love those two colors. I think maybe I am a fairly happy person (yellow) and calm like (blue).
    I love the pictures of your friends; just so cute. It is nice to have crazy friends.
    Hugs for you dear friend.

  9. Thanks LeAnn! I think I see you are those colours too. I do have some crazy friends. Love them to bits. xoxo


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