
Friday 3 April 2015

Friday Finds

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A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy. I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!

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I just love this sampler afghan.  Perhaps not the colours.  I think I would do it in brighter colours.  It might be a great way to get rid of some yarn.  Found On Ravelry.

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I love the idea of a small bowl of stones that are inspiring.   You could do them one at a time as the spirit inspires.   Very meaningful.   Found on Home and Garden.

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Wild Flower ice cubes.  So pretty.  These have Monique written all over them!  Found on A Cup of Jo.

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New edges for old blankets.  I love these.   They're so pretty.   From Flickr.

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A very clever idea for a card for a child.   What child doesn't love new crayons and a chance to colour?  Found again on Flickr.   Depending on the age of the child, I would not put beads on the card.

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Stitched flowers on a menu, or an invitation, etc.  I love this idea.  You can often buy already cut out felt shapes that would be perfect for this.  Found on All Things Paper.

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A very clever use of stairs, from Buzz Feed.  Normally there will be a broom closet or some such under the stairs.  I think this idea is quite genius and very attractive.

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Eighty Seven Freezer Meal Recipes.   From Everything Mom.

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How to clean a computer keyboard without having to resort to expensive sprays etc.  From a page called Save Thousands.

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This is pure genius.  How to keep things fresh by reusing the tops of your plastic soda bottles.   Brilliant!  

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Did you know that you could keep cake layers fresh overnight when waiting to stack and ice them by laying a slice of bread over top of each?   I am going to try this.   From  Baked Bree.

And that's it for this week.  I hope you found something useful here!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

But he was wounded for our transgressions,
he was bruised for our iniquities:
the chastisement of our peace was upon him;
and with his stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Oven Roasted Smoked Sausage and Potatoes.  So good.

Happy Good Friday.   I hope you know that . . .

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and I do too.


  1. Dearest Marie,

    The season of Easter has begun.

    I have dealt with severe pain today ad have done very little as a result. I am not coping with the negativity that exists within the house at present.

    God bless your day,


  2. Oh, I am so sorry you are dealing with all of this Suzan. Sending you some positivity and some love. xoxo

  3. Thank you my friend. It has been long, long say and I am sorry I didn't keep it very quiet.

  4. The sausage and potatoes looks good, I'll have to check out your recipe. You always have something that appeals to me and makes me smile. Hope you have a good Friday !

  5. Great ideas:) We graviaite to so many of the same sites;)

  6. Aww thanks Pam! I hope that you have a very blessed and wonderful Easter. xoxo

    Thanks Monique, I think we are a lot alike! xoxo

  7. I really liked your finds today.
    I especially loved the 87 freezer meals.
    I have some blankets that could use some new edging.
    I think the rocks are a cute idea.
    Gosh, I wonderful if the tops for the Chocolate chips would help to keep me out of snacking on them when they have been opened. Probably not!
    Have a wonderful Easter Celebration dear friends. Love and hugs!

  8. LeAnn, you're such a sweetie pie. I hope you enjoy Conference this weekend! xoxo


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