
Sunday 8 March 2015

Sunday this and that . . .

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The kiss of the sun for pardon, 
The song of the birds for mirth, 
One is nearer God's Heart in a garden 
Than anywhere else on Earth. 
~Dorothy Frances Gurney

We had a gorgeously beautiful day here yesterday.   The temperatures got up into the mid teens and the sun shone all the day through.  I know it must seem like a cruel irony to those of you who are sitting under four feet of snow, and I am sorry for that.  But take heart dear friends, as sure as the night turns to day . . .  Spring will come to you eventually.  ☺

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Todd spent some time pulling up old brush and digging and all sorts.  He loves to be in the garden puttering away.  I think it takes him back to his days as a cow man.  He is a man who loves nature and animals  . . .  I know he does not miss getting up at 5:30 to milk cows every morning  . . .  but he still loves to get his hands dirty with earth and to be outdoors in the sunshine.

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Mitzie really enjoyed yesterday also.  She loves to be over onto the grass side of our garden.  Most of the time in the Winter we keep it shut off with a gate, but after having had a pretty dry week and the sun shining down onto it, we felt safe yesterday to let her over onto the grass.   The strawberry patch seemed to be her favorite spot . . .

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I posted this photo on Facebook and someone called her a "Daff-o-dog!"  I thought that was cute.   You can see the rhubarb coming up as well.  My mouth is watering at the thought of rhubarb pies and cakes . . .  and squares.  I do so love rhubarb.   Always have done.

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Of course she can't enjoy my attention for very long and she has to come running.   She is such a happy little soul . . .  and that in turn makes me very happy as well.

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Children just love gardening and growing things.  I can remember being thrilled when I was a child and we grew grass in potatoes in our Brownie group.   It's very easily done and it looks like hair.  You just cut a slice from the top of the potato.  Scoop out some of the insides and replace them with dirt.  Sprinkle on some grass seed and wait.   Grass is very fast growing.   Kids love this craft.  You can add eyes and stuff if you wanted to and really make it look like a potato head.  It will grow as long as you keep watering and clipping it.

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I found this which I think is just fascinating. The idea of regrowing food from kitchen scraps is a wonderful idea.  I know I have done spring onions . . .  and I think a Pineapple years ago . . .  but I did not know you could use all of these other things in this way. . . .  I found this on DIY Crafts.

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Here are some of the snowdrops we also have blooming at the moment.   They are such pretty little things.  I think I could hear them tinkling  in the grass . . .  or maybe that was just my imagination . . .

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What a cute game and easily done.   It's a Spring-time Tic Tac Toe game you can make for the kids in the garden.  It only takes some rocks, a bit of paint and a tree stump.  Now that is what I call inventive.  I found this on Chicken Scratch NY.

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Another type of lady bug.  I know this isn't a great photograph because I took it when I got up this morning and it was still dark out.   But my latest doll is "Ladybird."  I have been working on her for a couple of days.  I was quite pleased with how she turned out.

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She has a somewhat flowery personality.  Most ladybirds do you know.

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My mother always likes to tell the story about how she caught me sitting on the windowsill in our home in Germany when I was only a wee one chomping away on Ladybirds.  Didn't kill me as I am still here, but brrr . . .  the thought makes chills go up and down my spine.  Yuck!

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This little cowboy turned nine yesterday!  It's hard to believe that my oldest grandson is now 9!

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It doesn't seem all that long ago that he was a mere babe in arms.  They grow up far too fast.   My oldest son . . .  and my oldest grandson . . . 

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It's hard to believe that papa will be 40 in May.  How did I become old enough to have a 40 year old son?   When did that happen?   I did not notice . . .  but, sigh  . . .  it is true.

Time marches on . . . 

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And my baby is 26.  And dabbling in ice caves.

Isn't life fabulous?

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

Do everything with so much love in your heart
that you would never want to do it any other way.
~Yogi Desai

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Baking in the English Kitchen today  . . .  Peanut Butter Milk Cake.

I wish for you a beautiful Sabbath Day.   Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie. I wish you a very happy Sunday. Pip has shared her cold and I have spent my day sympathising. Hopefully it will be short and soon over.

  2. Oh dear, I do hope everyone feels a lot better soon Suzan! xoxo

  3. Morning Marie, not so bright this morning, but still quite mild..Just had Peter in to waste some time before he goes for the coach to Heathrow....he get's quite nervous before he leaves...
    I hadn't know that abut growing stuff from bits of vegs. I am going to go and look at that...
    Hope that you have a lovely day, relax and enjoy xxxx

  4. Just like you..our eldest grandson is 9 and our eldest daughter will be 40:)
    I can't believe Todd is gardening already!
    If I can find some earth closeby I might start some indoor Easter baskets w/ grass:)
    That's as far as it goes..It's lightly snowing here..
    The cake looks great!

  5. I forgot to say so much..

    Like how cute the newest member to your doll family is..and all the people photos:)

    Bon Dimanche~

  6. It was very dull this morning and raining Sybil, but now the sun has come out and the sky is blue and it's a bit warmer. I am not surprised that Peter is nervous before he flies. I am too! I hope you are having a lovely day too. xoxo

  7. We really cannot complain about the weather here Monique. We don't really have it all that bad, except for the times when it rains, and rains, and rains . . . Easter Baskets with grass, you need to do a post about that. I would love to see that! I with you a Bon Dimanche as well! xoxo

    PS - Our lives have many parrallels!

  8. What a sweet adorable daff o dog you have ! Thanks for sharing the picture ! What a day brightener it is ! Although there is still a couple of feet of snow on the ground it is warmer here today and the sun is out melting some of it away ! What a beautiful day !


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