
Saturday 21 March 2015

Saturday this and that . . . .

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So, yesterday here in the UK, we experienced a Solar Eclipse.   Here in the Chester area, we acheived about an 85% coverage, but it the covereage got greater the further North you went.   I didn't see it directly . . . I did get a picture of sorts . . .

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Which doesn't really show you much of anything.  It started getting a bit darker and darker . . .  twilight like.   The shadows on the shed in the back garden looking like early evening . . .  the birds got quieter and quieter . . .

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It was almost eerie . . . .

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We saw far more on the telly than we saw right here in Blacon  . . .  except for the getting somewhat dark bit.   The birds did quiet down and we did experience a mild second Dawn Chorus . . .

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I think this little fella was wondering why on earth I was taking is picture.  He was sitting up on the eaves of the house next door . . .

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One wonders what goes on in the minds of wild creatures when these natural phenomena occur?   Do othey find it rather disquieting?   In ancient times humans would have thought the world was coming to an end I suppose.

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If we had been thinking, we would have gotten outselves some special solar eclipse viewing glasses earlier in the week, but we didn't and so we couldn't actually look at it directly.  It was exciting nonetheless.

I remember there being a total solar eclipse in Nova Scotia in the early 1970's.  It's the one that Carly Simon wrote about in her song, You're so Vain.   I can remember my mother giving us old photograph negatives to look at it with.  It was pretty exciting stuff then too.  Exciting enough to have a song written about it.  Well . . . kinda about it at any rate!

Turn off the music above and listen to this. (Just click on the two standing up bars at the beginning of the music bar.)  It will take you back for sure.  Yesterday was the first day of Spring and this is a very sunshiny medeley of songs.

Back home they have had an enormous amount of snow over just these past couple of weeks . . . .

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This is the window above my mother's kitchen sink . . .  just to give you somewhat of an idea of what they are experiencing.  It's quite a lot of snow.   The problem now will be it all melting at once.  I hope that doesn't happen or there will be flooding, and we don't want that for sure.

But officially it is Spring now . . . .  even if it might feel very far away for some.  Spring . . .  the very word brings up visions of tender young leaves, baby lambs, crocus and daffodil . . .  Easter  . . .   baby chicks . . .
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I found the neatest Etsy Shop.   Chicks in Hats.    It's owned by Julie Persons and she likes to take photos of baby chicks in hats.  They are quite simply ADORABLE.   She sells them as notecards, jewelry etc.   I am always amazed at what people are doing out there, at their inventiveness.  This woman's photography is exceptional, truly exceptional.  I am in love with her pictures. I am saving up to buy some of her notecards.   I think they are so sweet.

But would I be able to bring myself to part with any of them once they arrived?   Now that is the question . . . .  probably not!

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It is hard to believe that a week from tomorrow will be Palm Sunday.   I can remember bringing home a palm leaf every Palm Sunday from Sunday School when I was a girl.   These would remain in my bible as a bookmark for the following year.   I wonder if they still do that.  Our church doesn't.  I would like a palm leaf  . . .  I know it is only symbolic and I don't need a palm leaf to remind me of the atonement  . . .  but it would be nice to have one. 

Most often than not Easter Weekend marks our church's Bi-Annual Conference . . .  with sessions being presented on both the Saturday and the Sunday.  I always look forward to these Conferences and hearing what our leaders have to share with us.   The talks are always so uplifting and soul enriching. 

Speaking of church, today is a busy day as there are four Baptisms this morning at our chapel and so I best get myself off here and get on with my day.   Sorry today has been a lot of tat . . .  but some days are just like that.

I was reading quotes from Mr Rogers yesterday.   Did you grow up with Mr Rogers?  I did and I loved him and his show.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

"Love isn't a state of perfect caring.  It is an active noun
like struggle.  To love someone is to strive to accept that person
exactly the way he or she is, right here and now."
~Fred Rogers

I used to love that song he sang  . . .  I like you as you are.   He was a good man.

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Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  A delicious Chocolate Sheet Cake.

It's a gorgeous sunny day out there today.  I hope it is where you are too.  Have a beautiful weekend!

Don't forget
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And I do too!


  1. Lovely down here as well MArie, the sun is shining out of a blue sky. We will be going up to Chippenham in an hour or so with Peter, his first day as an unemployed man for over 16 years. He said it seemed funny when I picked him up from wokr yesterday...he had to leave his van behind !....still after having the next couple of week "on holiday" he will start in earnest to look for something...he seems to think he will find something....Hope you liked the photo's I have sent of the eclipse as we saw it yeterday, the clouds parted at just the rght moment... enjoy the baptism's today.. and yes we are still given palm crosses on Palm Sunday unfortunately I won;t be at church next Sundayas I am up in scotland...Have a lovely day xxx

  2. Thankfully our snow never reached the window sill here. I do feel for those like your mom that got all that snow. Our church does pass out palms for Palm Sunday. Next Saturday is to be our family Easter celebration. Hard to believe it is so close now. We get together early on as each family also has their own celebrations on the actual date. At least we won't have an egg hunt in the snow. Our news was full of your eclipse . It is an amazing thing to see. Hope you have a super Saturday !

  3. The poor maritimers..I can't even imagine the snow up my kitchen window..the basement windows yes..abut usually not that close to the house..
    I wonder how she gets those chicks to stay put..I remember Mr Rogers..but was it for me or my girls?
    My memories are The Friendly Giant..Magic Tom..Captain Kangaroo,Johnny Jelleybean..Romper Room,Magic Tom..etc..

  4. I did see your photographs Sybil. You had ideal conditions for viewing it down there! How wonderful. I expect Peter will find himself busier than ever. I do so hope that he is able to find another job. The Baptisms were lovely. All little girls, from ages 12, 13 and about 15. Sisters. So sweet to see. xoxo

    I hope you have a super Saturday as well Pam! I wish our church handed out Palm leaves. Oh well!! xoxo

    It's pretty horrific for them Monique. They are dreading when it melts, as my mother's house is prone to flooding. I wonder how she gets the chick to stay put also. She must use a special camera. My memories are The Friendly Giant, Chez Helene, Romper Room, Mr Rogers, Captain Kangaroo. I think that's about it. And of course Mr Rogers. We lived near to the American border so we could get some of the American shows. xoxo


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