
Saturday 14 March 2015

My mind wanders here and there . . .

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I have seen and touched on the opposite of this  . . .  rubbing elbows with folk who have more money and possessions than you or I could ever imagine having.    People who would think nothing of paying out a thousand pounds for a handbag without blinking an eye lid.  The reality being these were the lower end of the scale and that there were others even wealthier with even more to spend.  I have experienced people who throw the change from their pockets into the garbage because it is worthless to them.

It makes no sense this . . .  when people in the world are starving and in serious need.

And yet there was no joy.  It mattered not that they could have whatever they wanted . . .  and they did have whatever they wanted . . .  there quite simply . . . WAS . . .  NO . . .  JOY.

It taught me to be grateful.   Grateful for a life that has always been and will always be a struggle.

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There is a value to be found in struggle.  It helps us to appreciate what we have, who we are, where we are, who we're with and what we are doing with a greater clarity.   Life suddenly becomes more meaningful . . .  richer . . . more worth living.


You learn things . . .  things which could never be learnt if you didn't have to work for them.  How can you know the truly sweet without having tasted the truly bitter?

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You care more deeply about others . . .  because you know what it is to want . . .  to need . . . to suffer . . .  to struggle.  You can empathise with those less fortunate than yourself.   You naturally want to help those who are less fortunate than yourself.   You are willing to share with those less fortunate than yourself . . . not because misery loves company, but  because . . .

there but for the Grace of God go I.

You comprehend the fragility of life and all that it entails,  and this comprehension in turn serves to make life even more meaningful.

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You are able to find the joy in just being . . . in simplicity.  You take nothing for granted.  You find the value in hope and in dreams and in living by faith.  You see the beauty in the ordinary.  Everything is in perspective.  You learn to serve . . .  and to value the gift of being served.

You have friends . . .  instead of contacts.   You know what a holiday is.   The value of  . . . a pair of shoes . . .  a warm coat . . .  food on your plate . . .  a roof over your head . . . to love and be loved . . . clean water to drink in and to wash in . . . laughter and tears.

Life.  Is just.   MORE meaningful.

A life worth living.

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Do we take the time to be grateful for the joy that is all around us?  Do we even know it's there?

If we don't . . .  we should.

Man is that he might have joy. 

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Beauty is where you find it.   Raindrops on roses . . .  raindrops on roses  . . . 

Living life with a grateful heart.

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It's Mother's Day here in the UK tomorrow.  I've got a lot of baked goodies going on in the kitchen today via Dr Oetker.   There is sure to be something to please!

Have a great weekend!  Don't forget . . .
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And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie. It has been a long day with visits to doctors etc. Pathology for mum has come back negative for the flu. She has the common cold.

    Once again you have raised some pertinent and interesting points. Today I have thought long about the people in Vanuatu. The capital Port Villa seems to be very much devastated. We went there in 2008 and the most prestigous school in the country did not have windows! Where could they safely hide? What about their food supply? I know relief will come but they need proper structures etc. That takes money that many do not have.

    God bless you Marie and Todd.

    PS Little Tonks sends you "Whiskers on Kittens."

  2. I think the Saviour taught us that the poor would always be with us. There is a purpose in their poverty if only to show us the value of our own blessings and to teach us the value in acts of service to others. We could never serve is there was noone who needed our help. We will never solve these problems or fulfil these needs overnight, but we can make a difference one tiny bit at a time if we try. The important thing is to try. God Bless you too! xoxo

  3. I meant to add this.

    Not all who wander are not lost. J R R Tolkien.

  4. Morning Marie, not quite first to coment this morning..Suzie beating me as she often does !! BUT I have an excuse this morning if you check the last message yesterday you will see that I was not in bed till after 2am last night. I am amazed that I am up already and awake...well maybe that is a slight exageration..half awake !! It is so sad that so many people do not have that JOY in their lives Marie..I pray that one day they will realise that material things have no meaning at all. HAve a lovely day xxx Are you taking some of the lovely cakes you are baking to distribute at church can never eat them all yourselves can you ?? LOL

  5. Love the Quote from Tolkien Suzan! xoxo

    Sybil, you are up a lot earlier than I thought you would be, having gone to bed so late! I did respond to your comment! I am not going to eat all those cakes myself, for sure, lol. I wouldn't be able to walk if I did! Love you! xoxo

  6. Beautiful words that I can only echo today ! There is much joy in simplicity and much to be thankful for every day! I hope you enjoy a Happy Mothers Day tomorrow. We don't celebrate it here until May.

  7. Have a beautiful weekend Marie.
    We may get wll make some snow melt.
    I made a little rolled cake you might like..I don't know reminded me of something you might enjoy..simple but tasty and pretty.

  8. Thanks Pam! I have to always remember to get my mother her card in March for May. One year I forgot and I couldn't find one anywhere! xoxo

    I hope some of your snow melts for you MOnique. I will look forward to seeing the cake! xoxo

  9. What a beautiful and inspiring post, Marie! I couldn't agree more. And now I want a cupcake :-)

  10. Thanks Amelia! Have a lovely day! Xoxo


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