
Saturday 28 March 2015

How to lose a day . . .


This is the time of year when the house starts to look a bit shabby.  I suppose it's because we have more daylight hours and sunshine pouring in through the windows, but  . . .  we sure can notice the wear and tear of the Winter . . . and one thing just seems to lead to another and to another . . .

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I'm quite sure you know what I mean . . .  you take the living room curtains down to wash because it's been a long Winter and the sun is shining and you just know they will dry perfectly in that fresh March wind . . . and then once they are down . . . you notice that the gas from the stove has made the walls look all yellow, and so . . .

Out the scrub brush comes, and you are scrubbing walls, and then you notice that all of the pictures could use a good cleaning also and before you know it  . . .

you are going around all of their edges with a damp cloth.  We have a lot of pictures.


And then you realize that all of the ornaments could use a bit of a clean also and you are damp clothing it all over the room . . .  well . . . two rooms really because the living area and the dining area are connected by an invisible wall.  (Thank goodness that didn't need cleaning!)

And then . . .

You notice all of the woodwork is looking a bit dingy and could stand a good wipe down . . .  and there are cobwebs gathering around the ceiling lights, and all of the dvd's have gotten mixed up and could use a good sort out . . .  and let's not get started on the cd's . . .  and just look at that tangle of wires behind the television that could use a good sort out as well . . .

And don't you think Mitzie's bed could use a good wash, and you are down washing her bed with a damp cloth and you just can't help noticing that with everything clean and sparkling here in the lounge/dining room . . .

The kitchen is looking a bit dingy as well.   It's the gas you know . . . it coats everything.   Every spice jar, every cannister, every surface . . . and then there are the cupboards . . .  the doors need a good wipe and organization, oh boy do they ever after everything has just been shoved in and out over the last few months . . . and you notice that there are some things which really shouldn't be in here and there are some things which aren't that really should  . . .

And you can't stop until it's as sparkling as the lounge/dining area, but everything looks so fresh and clean and new again, that you feel quite, quite good about it all until  . . .

You go to take something up the stairs and you groan because . . .

The woodwork is all dingy, and there are cobwebs in the corners and the pictures need wiping down and  . . . yada, yada, yada . . .  it begins again.

And before you know it, you've spent a day, and it is gone.   But boy . . .  the house sure looks nice. ☺

A thought to share with you through today  . . .

“After all," Anne had said to Marilla once, 
"I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those 
on which anything very splendid or wonderful 
or exciting happens 
but just those that bring simple little pleasures, 
following one another softly, 
like pearls slipping off a string.” 
~L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Rhubarb Clafoutis.  A springtime delight.

Have a wonderful Saturday and a beautiful weekend.   Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Hi Marie, this sounds like my perfect day, I love love love cleaning! Had a lovely day yesterday thanks, a day of massages,facials, and relaxing by the pool. Just wish someone could come to my house every couple of days or so to keep it up! Off to Birkenhead today to get Georges car fixed. I think the exhaust is on its way out. Cars are such expensive things. A necessary evil though! Have a lovely restful day today. Lots of love xxx

  2. Oh dear about George's car. Yes, Cars are very expensive things! Go safely, it's a nasty day out there today. Yukky after yesterday! xoxo

  3. I need to do all those things. Winter has left things looking pretty blah here too. It all shows when the sun shines. After Easter is over I'm hoping to get lots done here. Hope your weekend is a wonderful one too.

  4. I agree!
    And fun to visit you..the dearest cooker ever!
    Hrere too..I see more of everything that needs spit and polish;)
    Your clafoutis looks delish Marie.

  5. You are right Pam! The sun shows everything up! xoxo

    THanks Monique! Glad I am not alone in this! xoxo


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