
Sunday 1 March 2015

Hello March!

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 The wind is rattling my windows and storming down the chimney brest . . . March has come blustering into the year like a hoydon bursting boisterously into a quiet space!  Where yesterday everyting seemed to be waiting passively for the advent of Spring, this morning is a reminder that Winter is not ready let go of us with her bony cold fingers just yet . . .

Gleams of sunlight stole about the garden yesterday all the day through, and the blue dusk that clung about the day's end was full of the blessedness of an unutterable peace,  but with this mornings advent has come about a dramatic change.

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This new March wind is rampaging lion-like about the garden, roaring here and roaring there, tearing at the roof tiles, shaking the bushes and whirling papers about the garden . . . skittering across the pavement like dry leaves in the autumn.  It is a good drying wind however, so I won't complain,  With any luck Mitzie will be able to gamble about the garden soon.  She misses it so in the winter months.

I think I could forgive March for just about anything . . .  for when she dances into the garden . . .  as rough and ill-mannered as she may appear, she brings with her the daffodils, chiffchaff and the crocus.  The advent of a spring being only a few weeks away.

There is already frog spawn in our pond.  Spring seems to be in a hurry to arrive this year.  I'm not complaining!

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Well I finished the little Bee Doll yesterday.

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And I managed to take some better photos of her.

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You can actually see the details of the little beaded bees on her ensemble now.  I think they are so cute . . .

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And I made her a little stripey handbag to match her stripey undershirt.  It opens and closes.  You can put stuff in it.

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She has gold wired bow wings attached to her jacket . . .

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And plenty of charm. 

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I have one more thing to do and she will be complete.   Watch this space.

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Someone on Facebook said that she reminded them of President Hinkley's six be's.

And she does!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

The power of finding beauty in the humblest things
makes home happy and life lovely.
~Louisa May Alcott

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Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  some delicious Berries and Cherries Biscuits/Cookies.  Scrumdiddlyumptious and kinda healthy too!

I wish for you a very blessed Sunday.   May it overflow with goodness.  Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Morning Marie, What a wild night we have had , certainly a good start to like a lion and hopefully it will go out like a lamb...thankfully has is quite calm now which will be good for the Bath runners it is the half marathin today and 100's and 100's of people take part mostly for charity...I hope that Pam finds a way through town to get over in time for church...
    I just love love little Bea !!
    hope that you have a lovely dry day and that Mitzie will soon get out in the garden, it must seem strange to her not to be able to go out there in winter !!...

  2. Morning Marie,

    I am glad that March has arrived and shows signs of a spring to come. Here March is not allowing summer to relent. It is still too hot for me.

    I do like your little busy girl.

    God bless your day,

  3. March has come in like a lion here too. Another snow some hit us. Hope you stay warm and cozy there and have a wonderful Sunday !

  4. Yes, Sybil, I am hoping we only have the out like a Lamb bit to look forward to! haha Hope you were able to get to church. xxoo

    I cannot imagine the heat you must tolerate Suzan. I could not do it. God bless you. xoxo

    Oh boy Pam, you must be sick up to your eye balls of snow! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday also! xoxo

  5. The Queen Bee:) Love her..the little bee details are adorable:) Bon Dimanche!

  6. Thanks Monique, I am taking your advice on board and painting little cards to go with them! I loved yours. Bon Dimanche a toi aussi! xoxo

  7. Spring here in Western NY is still nowhere near. We have high snow banks and my house is dealing with a frozen and burst pipe. Damaged lower level. At least the son whose room was mostly affected is away at college right now. SO stressful, but always in my mind is how much worse things could be.

  8. Dear Marie,
    I have missed visiting with you here in your little corner. No matter when I drop by for a visit. You always make me smile. I love your little bee dolly. You have such talent. Blessings, Valerie

  9. It is the same back home at my family's Laura. They are dreading the big melt. There is just so much snow. My mother always has problems with the lower level of her house flooding. They end up having to stay up round the clock to bail. ((((hugs))))

    Thanks Valerie! Blessings to you too! xoxo


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