
Wednesday 25 February 2015

Wednesday This and That . . .

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Someone's waiting for a letter.
Do not be unkind.
Take that pen and write that line
to ease somebody's mind.
It's hard to pick up broken threads
when once you let them go.
Someone's waiting for a letter.
Somebody you know.
Mother, father, family,
the old fried, or the new.
Someone's waiting.
Someone's hoping
for a line from you.
~Patience Strong

I read recently that handwritten letters are becoming a thing of the past.   With the instantaneous connection of texting and e-mailing, handwritten letters are somewhat moot I guess  . . .  who wants to wait for a letter to arrive in the post when you can communciate with each other in mere seconds.

When I was a child it was a real treat to get a letter or card in the post.   It was very exciting.  Even now as an adult I am very excited to get a letter or a card.   It means the world to me to know that someone took the time and effort to send me one.   I have resolved this year to write more letters and send more cards if I can.

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My handwriting has gotten really bad however, probably due to lack of use and so to this end I have been practicing my handwriting every day when I can.  I got myself workbooks and I can see it improving little by little.   I think a beautifully written page if script is a precious thing to behold and so I am working on it.   It is an enjoyable pastime.    You never know  . . .  one day you may receive a letter from me.   I have plans  . . .   

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I have always loved stationary.   It's getting harder and harder to find nice stationary though, unless you are close to a shop which specializes in it.   My ex employer had her own personalized stationary, but it was very expensive.  Each year a new set was duly ordered for each member of the family . . .  papers, notecards, envelopes with a personalized letterhead.   I would love to have my own, perhaps one day . . .

I love paper . . .  it's one of my favourite things.  I have always loved paper.  I do have some writing paper I bought years ago in a card shop.  (I love greeting cards also)   It has an almost linen texture to it with a lazer cut and flower shaped moulding around the edges.  The envelopes have disappeared somehow, but I still have about 10 sheets of the paper.  It is beautiful.

I love beautiful papers most of all.   I don't think I am alone in this am I?

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My daughter posted this picture of Maryn on her Birthday morning on FB yesterday.   I can see little Cameron playing in the background with a dinosaur balloon.   I think the cake is one of those characters from Monster's inc?  I don't know for sure as I have never seen the films.   I love her pretty pajamas and those pigtails.  So cute, but most of all I love her cheerful smile.  She looks very happy.   I wish I could see that little house on the table behind her.  I would have loved a little house like that when I was a child.  (I am making up for it now, lol)  In any case she looks very happy and this grandmother does love to see happy grandchildren!  I am sure she had a lovely day.   I wish I lived closer so I could spend time with her, but alas I do not.  Maybe one day I will.  We shall see.

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The Missionary Sisters are coming for supper tomorrow night.  I am thinking I am going to do a tea party for them like I did for the other sisters a couple of years back.  It was so much fun and what girl doesn't love a tea party?  I can't think of one!

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It makes a change from the usual.   It went down a real treat last time and I think it will again.   A tea party is the perfect Winter pick me up I think!  Ariana has never experienced a tea party either and so this will be fun for her too.   Yesterday we were cooking together in the kitchen, or rather she was cooking some rice and I was watching her and we were talking about cooking as she cooked it.  It was fun.  I had forgotten how nice it was to have a woman around to talk with.  She's such a nice young woman and so pleasant to be around.  I hope that she and her fiance Jose will be very happy together.  It's a very exciting time for them both.  I am sure they miss each other very much.  Not long to go now before the wedding though, so . . .

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I was playing with those little dolls yesterday and have tried something new with them.  I can't wait for the sun to be up so I can take some new photos to show you.  I quite like what I have done.  Of course it is a work in progress, this perfecting of a craft.  I think I get better with each one that I make.  Or maybe I don't.  It doesn't matter.  I am having fun and that is what counts!

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There has been a lot of press on the telly this week about the fashions from the Oscars.   I have taped the Oscars and will be watching them today probably.   When I was a little girl my mother would always let me stay up to watch all the film stars arriving at the theatre.  I can remember looking at all of their beautiful gowns in wonder.  Of course when I got older I would be allowed to stay up to watch the whole thing.  It was always something I looked forward to each year.

The gowns this year were spectacular from what I have seen.  There's a few "what were they thinking of" gowns, but for the most part very elegant.  I did watch a bit of the E program on the runway fashions with Chloe Kardashian and Kelly Osborne etc. . . .  they are always so catty though.  I don't like it.  I think too, I have to question the fasion opinions of someone who has purple hair, with shaved sides and a tattoo showing clearly on one side.  (What was SHE thinking, Kelly O?)

Tattoos . . .  I don't understand them.  I have never wanted one, but if I did . . . I don't think I would want one on the side of my head . . . or my neck . . .  or my inner arm.   Oh heck.  I don't think I would want one at all, but then I am very conservative.

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I think this dress on Dakota Johnson was my favourite of them all . . .

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Followed by this pearl beauty on Lapito Dyongo.  Stunning . . . simply stunning.   Very classy.

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I also thought Rosamund Pike looked incredible in this stunner.  I think red was the colour this year.  There were a lot of red gowns.

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 Oprah looked mighty fine also.  For a larger woman, she knows how to dress.   I always love the way she looks and her hair.   She has a great sense of style.

It must be so much fun to be able to dress up in these beautiful designer dresses with the jewelry and hair and make up etc.   What a little girl's dream!

My days for cutting such a fine figure are over, but I can still enjoy watching. I think I need a Barbie Doll to play with.

A thought to carry with you through today . . .


In all things of nature
there is something of the marvelous . . . 

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I'm cooking Perfect Deviled Eggs in the English Kitchen today  . . . 

Have a beautiful Wednesday.   My Visiting Teachers are coming this afternoon, something else to look forward to!!   Don't forget . . .

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And I do too.


  1. I think I am boarding a plane now. How I would like to have tea with you. It sounds like a fabulous idea.

    I shop for beautiful writing paper too. Sadly it is very difficult to find. I have fallen off my letter writing bandwagon of late and have been making an effort to get back to it. The internet is so much cheaper though and I am afraid so many of my cards and letters do not seem to make it to their destination according to Postcrossing.

    Take care and enjoy your little dolls.

    Happy birthday Maryn,


  2. Oh how lovely that would be Suzan to have you here for a tea party together! Maybe one day! I often wonder if my posts gets where it is supposed to go. One never knows unless the recipient acknowledges it. My family never does, so I am always left wondering! xoxo

  3. Hi Marie..Oh those glamour girls;)
    We had our turn..The thought of high heels..OY.
    It is snowing as I type..
    I LOVE a handwritten note..
    Everyone does I think..Your writing is beautiful..and your attentions to nice.
    I have always love papre..quotes..handwriting..
    I think kids like it too.
    I sent Noah a tooth fairy pillow I made him in the mail..and he lives close..Mylène said he was so excited to get mail.
    So I am SURE your grandchildren get excited too:)
    You cucumber sandwiches are the cutes I have seen.

  4. It is raining here Monique. Dull and overcast. That's winter for the most part over here. I think snow is a lot prettier than rain, but a lot harder to deal with! I am not sorry I no longer have to shovel snow, etc.

    OH why do we not realize what we have when we are young and have it? I think now I was quite attractive then, but then, I did not think I was. Boy, would I love to have the figure and the looks I had back then now! haha

    How wonderful that you sent Noah some mail, even if he lives close to you. You are a super Grandmother! Love you to bits! xoxo

    PS - am so excited as my sequins have arrived that I am going to use to make little bumble bees on the dollies clothing, etc.! I can't wait to do some and show them to you! xxoo


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