
Sunday 8 February 2015

Standing on the promises . . .

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One thing that I remember doing as a Girl Guide, which had held me in good stead almost all the days of my life was the things I did for my Religion in Life Badge . . . one  of which was to memorize the 23rd Psalm . . .

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall  not want.  He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.  He leadeth me beside  the still waters . . .  He restoreth my soul . . .

I was probably eleven when I memorized these verses of Scripture and they have stayed with me all of my life . . .  bringing comfort to me oftimes throughout the years.  They are beautiful words.

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I probably didn't realize the significance of the words when I memorized them, or how very much they would come to mean to me in my life when I was eleven years old.   They were quite simply a means to an end at that time . . .  something which I had to do to get my badge.

He leadeth me in paths of righteousness for His names sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me . . . 

Life is hard.  I don't believe that anyone leads a charmed life . . .  even those who appear to do so.   The rain falls on the righteous and the unrighteous alike.  It has ever been so.  When rain has fallen in my life . . . I have found great comfort in the words of this passage of scripture . . .

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To me they have been like the warm arms of the Saviour . . .  wrapped around me in love.  I can feel His presence and I know I am not alone.   I have never been alone . . . He will not ever lead me astray and if I follow Him . . . things will get better.   I know this to be true.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Despite any trials  . . .  I have always been able to salvage something good . . . a tender mercy to add to my cup of life which does overflow with beautiful things amidst all the sorrows . . .

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And it is enough . . .  I am able to draw from the well of contentment, despite all the slings and arrows life throws at me because . . . HE . . . IS . . . ENOUGH . . .  I do feel His love.  I do feel His presence.  I know that there is nothing I can feel that He has not already felt . . .  and that is not brainwashing . . .  that is peace.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

And yes  . . .  there are days that I struggle.  But I always get through them and with the light that comes with each  day that begins anew, I know I can start over again . . .  afresh and comforted . . . renewed.  I may not always see the light but I know that it is there . . .  and knowing is enough.  Knowing helps me to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Because I trust in His promises.

No thought to carry with you through today  . . .  but a song.  Pause the music at the top of this page and have a listen.   You will be blessed for doing so.  I promise.

I hope that as you listen you can feel of His love.

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In The English Kitchen today . . . . Chocolate Fudgie Wudgies.   Dangerously tasty. 

Have a full and blessed Sunday . . .  don't forget . . .

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And I do too! 


  1. Good Morning Marie,

    I was about the same age whenI learned to sing the 23rd Psalm. It lives with me still. I have many problems memorising scripture but I can sing it with ease. And I do. If I am in the car alone I sing. The same when i am in the house alone. I praise the Lord and am thankful that there are those who write the music that helps me do this.

    My children and I took mum and dad out today. What a joy. They all behaved. The food was great. Dad was the centre of attention. Will took dad to the necessary for me and when they returned there was no way Will was going to let go of his grandfather's hand. The delight on dad's face when Pip went up to him and asked him, "Do you want to bust out of here?' will live with me such a long time.

    God bless.

  2. And the promises are true. Scriptures often keep me going...good to memorize some. Happy Sunday !

  3. How wonderful Suzan that you were able to have another great day out with your Dad! I find it easier to memorize scripture with music as well! Love what Pip said to your dad! God bless you all. xxoo

    You have a Happy Sunday too Pam! xoxo

  4. Your faith is a thing of beauty Marie.

  5. Awww thanks Monique. There are times when I need it more than others. I am just grateful that I have the well to draw upon. Hope your Sunday is as special as you are! xoxo

  6. Thank you for your uplifting post Marie. You certainly plant seeds. Blessings to you! xoxo

  7. Thanks Valerie! Blessings to you also! xoxo


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