
Sunday 1 February 2015

Pinch punch . . .

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 It's hard to believe that we are in February already.  I know I seem to say it with every month that passes, but I think January went by awfully quickly!  I know I am not alone in feeling this way.  Say it ain't so  . . .

February is the soul's month . . .  the month of whispered hopes.  The month where we can at least begin to turn our faces towards the sweet promise of Spring, even amidst Winter still  raging on our doorsteps.

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Flower beds and borders become peppered with green tips and the air is filled with the tinkle of a hundred snow drop fairy bells . . . you can hear them midst the teeth of a raw wet wind . . . mere hints of Spring in the offing . . .

Will the ground hog see it's shadow?  One hopes not.

The das between Candlemas and St Valentine are days in which we must be content with mere glimpses and hints of Spring for Winter is not done with us yet . . .  but my listening heart has caught the not so faraway sound of Spring on the wind . . .  and my  hope will denyed no longer . . .

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It is the month of loves sweet promise also . . . Happy Valentines Day . . .  a day when lovers throughout the world unite and celebrate the love they share with each other . . .

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I did this little matchbox greeting for Todd a few years back  . . .  what will I make for him this year.   Valentines are always nicer when they are homemade don't you think?   I think so anyways.

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This little heart pendant necklace was the first Valentine's Day present that Todd gave to me.  It is hard to believe that was fourteen years ago . . .  I may think that January fled past, but the past fourteen years have flown by even quicker!!

They say time flies when you're having fun.   I must be having a ball!

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This month too brings Pancake Day.   The day when we traditionally cook and eat pancakes for supper.  When I was a child that was the only time my mother ever made pancakes!  They were a real treat.   Ariana loves pancakes.  She said to me the other day is it true there is a day just for celebrating pancakes?   She was quite excited when I said yes.   I will have to make sure that I do some special ones for her this year.  It is nice to have young people around to help and celebrate these things!

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Even if our Pancake Racing Days are long since gone . . .

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These are my sisters latest needle felted creations.   I just love them.  Robin's eggs.  I can't wait til she opens her shop.   The smaller one of these is only the size of a spice bottle.

I have a pile of dolls in various stages of completion sitting in a bag at the end of the sofa.  All have been sewn and stuffed.   Three are put together completely and embroidered, three are waiting to be put together and embroidered, and then I will just have to paint the painted bits (shoes, legs, eyes) and make their clothing and accessories and then I will have them up for sale.  

The wind is howling down the chimney breast this morning.  It feels cold.   The sound of the wind always makes a day seem colder don't you think??

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

Living moment by moment,
and seeing everything afresh 
without judgement and worry 
lets us experience life
rather than simply get through it.
~Dr. Patricia Collard

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Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Chelsea Buns.  Scrumptious!

I wish for you a happy First of February and blessed Sabbath.  

 Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie. I love the pendant. It is so special. Enjoy your Sunday. God bless.

  2. Thanks Suzan. It's very special to me. God bless you too. xoxo

  3. Morning Marie, It sure is a very cold but so far dry morning. I was chatting to my friend in Thetford, Norfolk a wee while ago and they had been hit be a dreadful storm during the night her husband was outside with neighbours at 2.30am looking at damage to roofs etc she thinks they have about 10 missing tiles Dave said he had never seen or heard anything like it the men were haning on to each ther and now they have lashing rain..I am hoping it dos'nt get into teh hosue through the missing tile bit...So although its cold here we are lucky...I love that pendant that Tod gave you all these years ago..he really is a love aint he !....I am not feeling 100% this morninng but hopefully as teh dat gets started I will get going LOL...must get to church as I will be away next 2 weeks..Lovely thought that this time next week we will be landing in SIngapore and lovely warm/hot days ahead... Hope you have a lovely Sunday...if you do go out take care and wrap up well xxx

  4. Feb is very different there than here..Nothing poking up but ice:)
    I do go out though..yesterday I went to the library sale..I should go more often..I found little moderately priced..and things that are vintage.It's a tiny basement area of the old library..and so packed with people I usually shy away..
    I just had an urge yesterday.
    Love the ♥..your little box...Have a great day..Cannot wait to see your dolls.
    You must feel lke a little girl.

  5. I love the felted eggs--So delicate and simple. And your matchbox! Yes! Handmade Valentines--and just about anything else--are best, for sure. ♥

  6. Sybil, I hope you have a lovely time in Singapore! You sure get around girl! Good on you! Can't wait to see your pics when you get back! Xoxo

    Thanks Linda! They are pretty good for sure! Xoxo

    The sale sounds lovely very Monique! Can't wait to see what you picked up! Xoxo

    You are a pretty crafty person too Val! Can't wait to see what you create for your beloved this year! Xoxo

  7. Your writings are like poetry. I enjoyed reading all of your thoughts on February. I do think February is a month of hint of spring and love is in the air.
    I love your sisters nest with blue eggs. I will look forward to seeing your dolls.
    I love pancakes too and I think we will have them dinner sometime soon.
    You have inspired me to figure out something homemade to give to my love on Valentines.
    Blessings, love and hugs for you!

  8. Thanks LeAnn! I think Roger would adore something homeade from you! Blessings and hugs to you too. xoxo


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