
Thursday 19 February 2015

Five Things About Me

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This isn't me, but it reminds me of me.   Yep, it's Thursday and it's another five things about me post!  My mother told me this story and so I believe it to be true.   When I was 4 1/2 years old we lived with my maternal grandparents for a time as we had come back from Germany and my father had been posted out to Gimli, Manitoba.   Because we didn't have a house to live in there yet, my mother, sister and I lived with her parents until my father could find one.  That was one very full house because besides all of us and my grandparents living it it, there was also Ronnie (my Grandmother's foster child), my Great Grandmother Best and my Aunt Freda and her husband Uncle Harold.  Oh, and their little boy Danny.  My mother was also pregnant with my brother.  As you can imagine with so many people in the house, there was bound to be an upset every once in a while.   I guess I must have gotten into trouble for something one day.  My mother remembers looking out at me sitting next to their dog Pasty on the veranda, my arms around Patsy . . .  saying, "You still love me Patsy."  in a very forlorn manner.

Even then I had a love for dogs and felt a kinship with them.   That's number one!

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I am loyal to a "T" and I love with all of my heart.   If I call you friend, I am your friend to the end.  You got a friend for life who will always have your back, and on whom you can rely and depend.  Faithful, loyal, and reliable.  That's me.

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I love the art of "Keeping House."  I have always been a homebody and have always loved being in the home, doing all the little things that make a house a home.  I love puttering and cleaning . . .  tidying up, dusting, ironing, doing laundry, making beds etc.   Household arts.   It's all I ever wanted to do or to be from the time I was a little girl . . .  Homemaker, Mother, Wife.  I did not really aspire to be anything else.  Oh, I have always loved writing and drawing.  Yes, but you can do those even if you are at home.  Home is where I am happiest.

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I love jam full stop, but my favourite jam of all is strawberry jam.   I could never tire of it.   On toast, on buttered bread, in a peanut butter sandwich, filling cakes and cookies . . .  by the spoonful.   I just love it any way, any how, any time, any where . . . .

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I love story telling.   Already written stories, making up as you go along stories . . .  the classics, fairy tales, fables, etc.   I love story telling.  I love to read out loud and put expression into what I am saying.   Even when I am asked to read a scripture out loud.  I tell it like a story, with pauses and expression.  People may think I am corny, but I don't care.   If it's worth telling, it worth telling well.  Laugh if you will (and I am sure many  have done or at least have wanted to)  Stories are just better if you put a little bit of heart and soul into them.

And that's my five things for this week.

Today I have featured the artwork of Mabel Lucie Attwell.   Mabel Lucie Attwell was a British illustrator. She was known for her cute, nostalgic drawings of children, based on her daughter, Peggy. Her drawings are featured on many postcards, advertisements, posters, books and figurines.  I loved her illustrated books when I was a child.   I have always admired her work.

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I added a gingham ribbon peplum to the dress.  It's a double ruffle.   I also added the heart charm.  I think I will do her her very own dollie.  Probably not today as the missionaries are coming for supper, but I will do it soon.

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If you haven't already seen it, I highly recommend that you go to see "The Theory of Everything."  We went and saw it yesterday.  (Two for one Wednesday's with EE.  This is the last week for that offer as well.  EE is phasing it out on the 25th February.)This was one of the best films I have seen in recent years.  It is well worth the cost of a ticket.  I cried off and on all the way through it, and I think Eddie Redmayne was seriously believable as Stephen Hawking.  He did such a super job.   It was as if he was Stephen Hawking.  If he doesn't get an Academy Award for his performance I will be seriously disappointed!  Anyways, if you have a chance to go and see it, do go!

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

Knowing when to walk away is wisdom
Being able to walk away is courage
Walking away with your head held high
is dignity.


Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Cherry Granola Breakfast Buns.   Delish and simple!

Hope your Thursday is fabulous.  Know always that  . . . 

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And I do too.



  1. I love the idea of a dolly with a dolly. She is gorgeous now but another little doll would be cuteness overload.

    I thought The Theory of Everything was excellent. The actor must have been so stiff and sore holding those postures over. He displayed physical disability so well. The storyline was great and I thought his wife was amazing to care for him, three children and obtain a Ph D.

    Please enjoy your day. Ours has been very wet with at least three more to follow.

    God bless.

  2. Thanks Suzan. I think I will go ahead with that idea! I really think Stephen Hawking's wife was an inspiring lady. And yes, what an accomplisment for Eddie Redmayne to have achieved what he did and so believably. He's an excellent actor and it must have been very uncomfortable for him at times! Very wet here today also, although quite mild. xxoo

  3. Love Eddie..I can tell this movie is great! Glad you enjoyed it..
    Your doll:) So sweet..
    You are gifted at telling stories..and at homekeeping:)
    I love it too..not ironing though.:)

  4. MOnique, you must see it. It's a fabulous film! THanks for your compliments. I have always loved housework, but nowadays my back problems mean I have to take it at a slower pace. Todd has to do the ironing now as I cannot stand at the ironing board and do it for very long. :-(

  5. What a charming post, I love your gorgeous dolly - Can't wait to see her picnic basket!

  6. Thanks Josie and welcome to my page!

  7. Today's five things about you brought a smile to my face. Well, except the first one. That kind of broke my heart. That was me too Marie. I love that you're a great story teller and that you also read the scriptures with gusto and expression. That really makes me smile because I can envision you doing it. Feeling the emotion to your core. That's great! I love that you are you and don't try to be someone you're not! xoxo :-D

  8. Haha Valerie, I think the first one just shows I am a bit of a drama Queen! I know that when I watch the bible videos and the Saviour is speaking in them, and it is word for word from the scriptures, but it's like he is speaking because he uses expression etc. I get so much more from them. I think it is the same with stories etc. Put some soul into it. My dad always changed his voice with the characters when he read to me as a child and I loved it. Love you!! xoxo


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