
Monday 19 January 2015

Small and Wonderful Things . . . .

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best. 

Snowflakes.   Snowflakes that fall on my nose and eyelashes.    Why is water so much nicer when it falls to earth in big downy flakes rather than huge wet plops?  Why is is more filled with wonder?  Seemingly more magical?  It's the same thing . . .  frozen instead of liquid.  But one cannot help but smile at a snowflake.

No surprise that Frozen is one of my favourite films.   I often listen to the sound track and sing along.  It is some of my favourite music to work to.   I have discovered the Frozen FreeFall Game on the iPad, and it's free to play.  I am loving it!  In two days I have managed to beat 88 levels which is pretty good for me, considering I only pick it up here and there and play til I run out of lives, which is taking me a lot longer on this game than others.  In fact I have had to put it down without running out of lives a few times!   It's great fun and nobody dies.  I love matching games.

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Speaking of Frozen . . .  Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?   My daughter finally posted some pictures.   Maryn and what I am assuming is the first snowman of the season.   She looks quite happy with her creation.   Good job Maryn!  I am sure she had some help . . . Do you think?

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But of course!  Two little sweeties bundled up against the cold.  It couldn't get any cuter. That Cam is sure a little cutie pie.  I love those two big baby blues.  A brown eyed gal and a blue eyed boy.  Isn't there a song about that?

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Here's another brown eyed girl who plucks at my heart strings.   Again playing with the camera.  She is looking pretty shaggy at the moment.  You can see all the white in her coat.  If we let it grow out as it should be, she would be more white than black.  Of course I think she is beautiful, short coat or long coat.  She brings so much light into our lives. She helped to heal two broken hearts.

The return to our telly screens of Call the Midwife.  The first of series five aired last night and it was a cracker!  I won't say anything that happened so as to spoil it for any of my North American friends, but it was once again a tear jerker and the highlight of my evening.   Sunday nights and Call the Midwife.   They just go together like peas and carrots!

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . .

Every time you smile at someone, 
it is an action of love, 
a gift to that person, 
a beautiful thing. 
~Mother Teresa

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Turkey Burgers with Cheddar and Spinach.   These are really, really good!!

 Happy Monday!  I hope it gets your week off to a very good start!  Don't forget.

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And I do too!


  1. My girls are anxiously awaiting the new season of call the midwife.

    I haven't had a great day. Went to get a hair cut and the girl was so rude. There were three working there and only one could speak English! the workers kept talking in another tongue and ignored me. I said I was frightened and then the hairdresser started to cut my hair with a hair clipper. I got up and walked out. I have an appointment with another hairdresser on Wednesday before Margaret's funeral.

  2. What a terrible experience Suzan! Why are people so rude? I hate it when people start speaking in a foreign language in front of you. It always makes you feel like they are talking about and laughing at you, and they probably are. Kudos to you on walking out! xxoo

  3. Morning Marie, Just a quickie as I hear my visitor up showering and I still havn't finished my first cup of tea and I do like a cup of tea in teh quiet before I start my day !! and as this is not one I am looking forward to all teh more so !
    Lovely photo's of these to cute wee grandchildren. We are still dry down here maybe frosty this morning but no was a lovely cold sunny day yetserday..although Peter did say a few icy patches on the roads..
    Bye for now Have a lovely day

  4. Now you've got me excited because I know Call the Midwife will be on our TVs soon. Yes, Sunday evenings are definitely British television for me: here in NS, it's The Great British Bakeoff followed by Downton Abbey, of course.

    And that turkey burger looks so delicious. I shall have to try your recipe.

  5. I will be thinking about you over the next few days Sybil, dear friend. I know they will be difficult days. Sending you some extra love. I like a few hours on my own in the morning as well. xxoo

    I really love British television Doris. It's fantastic. I never get to watch the GBBO, but would love to. Todd doesn't like food tv. xxoo

  6. We love British TV too..A class act ..always..Did you know the 2 main characters in the very steamy The Affair filmed in Montauk..are British?
    She won a GG too!
    The little grandkidlets are so cute.. they look stuffed in their snowsuits like ours do here and ours did:)

    Can't wait for CTM..did you get the double CD? The music? It's grand!
    Do you know of Jasmine Thompson? I like her rendition of Frozen too.
    Mouth watering burger!
    Stay warm!

  7. I too will be looking forward to a new season of the Call of the Midwife. We are just now enjoying the newest season of Downton Abby here. I watched episode 3 last night. It was very busy here from Friday till last night with family outings and celebrations and I got little time for being online. This morning all is quiet and today I'm resting. Family time was wonderful but I'm quite worn out. Hope your week is off to a wonderful start. Happy Monday !

  8. I have not seen The Affair. I will have to be on the look out for it. There are a lot of really good British actors and actresses as well as Canadian ones. YOU would never know as they hide their accents so very well!

    I do have the music CD for CTM. it's one of my favourites. You would think with the popularity of shows like this and DA television producers would create more wholesome viewing.

    I think British police/thriller shows are excellent as well. WE also watched a very excellent Swedish one on the BBC last autumn that despite having subtitles was very good! xxoo

    I loved the last series of Downton as well Pam. I am saving up to buy it to add to our collection. Sounds like you had a very busy weekend and deserve a rest today! I hope it's a good one for you! xxoo

  9. You may not like The Affair..It is about unfaithfulness..infidelity etc..and is racy..
    The 2 British actors conceal their beautiful accents to a T.

  10. I will bear that in mind Monique! ;-)


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