
Thursday 8 January 2015

Five Things About Me . . .

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 This is a photograph taken of me back in 1965.  I was ten years old and flying up to Girl Guides from Brownies.   I was going from a pond where I was a very big fish to a pond where I was a very small fish.   Quite intimidating.  Yep it's another five things about me post!

I loved Brownies and I loved the Girl Guides.   Almost everyone belonged to those groups when I was a girl.    I could hardly wait to be old enough to become a Brownie and I remember saving up my own money to buy my uniform.  I was one of the "Little People" six.

"We though known as Little People, aim as high as any steeple."

I can still remember dancing around the toadstool singing that song, and I can remember when first I became a seconder in my six and then a sixer and I was the one to lead the girls in my charge around the toadstool.  It was a wonderful organization and I learned a lot, both in the Brownies and then in the Girl Guides.  Things I am still able to apply to my life today.

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When my girls were growing up they were in the Brownies as well.  I don't think either one of them wanted to go much beyond Brownies.   I was a Brownie Leader.  My name was Happy Owl.   I am holding our Eileen here.   She loved the Brownies.   I loved being able to particpate in something with my children like that.

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(Our Amanda getting ready to fly up to Guides.)

In truth I always participated with my children with their activities when they were younger.  I was either a Sunday School Teacher, a Youth Leader, Brownie Leader, Scouting leader, Awana leader, etc.    I loved being involved in my children's lives.  I hope that at least some of them remember these things.

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I have only ever danced with one of my sons.   This is at our Bruce's prom when he graduated from High School.  He was wearing a Zoot Suit.   Can you tell how thrilled I am to be there and how proud I am of him?

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Look at those curls.  I was so proud of him.  My baby graduating from high school.  It hardly seemed possible and now he is 26 years old with a successful career in the Armed Forces.  I am still proud of him.

I am proud of all my children. No matter what.

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I am happiest when I am creating something.   Be it a cake or a casserole or this, my latest needle felting creation completed.    To me it is very special to be able to create something new and unique from a pile of ingredients . . .  be they flour and eggs, or pencil and paper, or needles, cloth and threads.  Having just said that I begin to feel a measure of how our Heavenly Father must have felt when He looked down upon His creation.   The joy and the satisfaction He must have felt . . . and the sadness in His heart now when he looks down upon it and sees what we are doing to it and each other . . .

I wanted to show you my first piece of art for 2015 today, but I cannot get my scanner to work . . .

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(Approaching the Fells of Cumbria and the Lake District from the M6)

I love to travel and see new places.   Every place I visit quickly becomes my favourite place to be.  I have never been any place that I truly hated. As a traveller I have been all across Canada and back again, visited all of the Northern States with the exception of Washington,  visited France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Austria and of course I have been to Scotland and Wales and live in England.  I have wanted to visit Greece since I was a girl and saw Haley Mills in The Moonspinners and I have always wanted to visit Italy as well.  We live in such a beautiful world.  I love seeing new places, experiencing new things and meeting new people.  I think I would be a great candidate for "The Coach Trip" except that I would not like voting people off the coach at the end of the day so it's just as well I will never be on the show!

Life is exciting to me and I enjoy every minute of it.  New places.  New people.  New experiences, tastes, etc.  I think I must have the heart of an adventurer.

A bonus thing about me . . .

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I have a brilliant sense of direction.   I only ever have to go someplace once and I can find my way back to there and if we get lost I can usually find my way out of where we are.  I think it comes from a fear of being lost.  I always pay close attention to where we are going.  I am never a non-participant in any journey.  I drink it all in, and I never sleep in the car.

And there you have it.  Five things about me and a bonus.   I hope you enjoyed reading them.  I love exploring who I am and why I am who I am.  It's a great exercise for me to get to know me better.

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

When we do the best that we can,
we never know what miracle is wrought
in our life,
or in the life of another.
~Helen Keller 

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It's Cheap and Cheerful Day in The English Kitchen with a delicious Corned Beef and Potato Pie!

Have a wonderful Thursday!   Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Morning Marie,
    I'm sorry not to have been commenting last few days but have been "proper poorly" in fact can't ever remember being so ill. Dr. had even to call and that was a first as well they were wonderful and she came in 4 timesplus phoned me and yesterday her day off she had one of the nurses call...However glad to say all is calm now and although I feel a bit weak and wabbit...I have surived LOL I love all the things you share with us. I was not a brownie bit I was a guide for some time but the guide leader was not very good and she didnt do things I wanted like camping and jusr doing things etc so I left after about a year...Sarah was a great guider though and was a leader for quite some time...she went camping and trecking boo...poor me !!
    ( actually Sarah complained to the Ass. about the Guide Leader) Love the shared photo's this morning.
    Hope you are not going to be blown away over the next couple of days. Take care x

  2. Firstly Sybil I am sorry your were ill. Feel better soon.

    I was in the Brownies but quit as soon as I hit guides. It was not for me. Would you believe our troop didn't have a leader the entire time I was there. How I envied my brother and his active scout and cub life. However, when I was older I did join the Rovers for a while when i worked in the country and I also was a cub leader know as Possum. Much more fun. I never did this with my children I was too stressed and broke but I helped in other ways. Being a scout leader is expensive stuff.

    I have been contemplating my word all day. I cannot go past SERENITY. I love the word and the ideal and have been striving for this for a long time. This year I really want to work on being serene no matter what. I know I cannot change other people's behaviour but I can change my response. So there is my choice.

    God bless.

  3. I forgot to add that I bought dad a box for Christmas and written across it is that precise quote. For now he seems very lost but in God's plans he is not.

  4. Sybil, I am so sorry that you have been poorly. I did wonder. I am glad that you are feeling better. Last night in bed I was thinking about Angie and then I thought about you and how I would ever know if anything happened to you or if you were really sick. I would not. That thought made me sad. :-( I hope we are not going to be blown away over the next couple of days too! xoxoxo

    Suzan, that is a great word! Serenity. It reminds me of the Serenty prayer. xxoo

  5. We must have been writing at the same time Suzan. What a lovely gift for your father! I am sure he feels of your love. xoxo

  6. So nice to see the pictures of your family and you dancing with your son is one to treasure for sure. Hope you get the scanner working, what a bother that is. We are bitter cold here today and many schools have closed. The sun is coming up again, but is bringing no warmth at all but it is still a welcome sight.

  7. We have two choices here in the Winter Pam. Cold and dry or mild and wet. I would choose cold and dry any day! xxoo

  8. You are very welcome to come to Greece whenever you decide to do that.I like travelling, too.

  9. Minus 15 F when I got up.

    Oh Marie we are so different w/ our sense of direction..

    AS my husband says I get lost in a phone booth.

    And I did not become a Girl Guide..because Brownies never worked out for me:)

    I can see you excelling in all those things!
    The love you have for your children is eveident in every photo ..every word..Kitty!:)

  10. Monique, I am sorry that brownies did not work out for you. I can remember just sailing around the toadstool. I always wanted to be a fairy! I used to devour books about fairies and cartoons about them etc. I am a fairy lover and I loved learning new skills, about the stars, how to shine shoes. I think I had every badge going! xoxo

  11. Oh my dear Marie, this was a good one. I always love learning about you. I wasn't in the Brownie program but I was in a 4-H program. It was fun.
    I loved the pictures and especially the one of your sweet son and you.
    We haven't traveled a lot. I would love to tour Europe. I really want to go to Italy; especially when the new temple is completed.
    I have no sense of direction; so know one should follow me.
    Thanks for this fun one and blessings and hugs for you!

  12. Thanks Helen that is so kind of you! I would say the same applies in reverse! You are more than welcome here! xoxo

    My children were in 4H LeAnn! They loved it. Blessings and hugs for you too! xoxo


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