
Thursday 29 January 2015

Five Things About Me . . .

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I never look at lilacs without thinking about my first pregnancy.   I got married the first time when I was nineteen.  Big mistake.   What did I know at nineteen?  Nada!  But my parent's could not convince me any different.  I knew it all . . .  anyways, back to the lilacs.    We lived in a big old house at the top of a hill in a University town, Wolfville Nova Scotia.  Our apartment was on the first floor at the front of the house and we had a veranda out front.   The drive was lined with lilac bushes that were so beautiful that first spring.  They smelled heavenly.  I remember cutting armloads and bringing them into the apartment.   My son was born at the end of May, so it was not long after the lilac bushes bloomed that he made his appearance.

Yep . . .  Thursday . . . Five things about me, and that was number one.

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I love classic films . . . I always have done.   That was something my ex MIL and I had in common.  She used to tape them and then when we went to PEI to visit her, she and I would stay up late watching them together.  My very favourite one is Our Vines Have Tender Grapes, which stars Edward G Robinson in a rare role as an ordinary man not a gangster, Agnes Moorehead, Margaret O'Brien and a very young Jackie Cooper.  I just love it.   It follows the life of a family of Swedish Immigrants in a farming community in the midwest of America just prior to WW2.  It's so well done and I can watch it over and over again and never lose interest.   I also love the old Black and White Television Series.

Call me old fashioned.

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I love old cookie jars.  I collected them at one point.   I actually still have this one I am showing you here this morning.  I also had a very rare sherrif pig jar, but he broke when we moved.    I think I picked up this pretty girl pig one at a yard sale once upon a time.   I don't know how old she is, but I am thinking at least from the 1950's or older.   I love old things like this . . .  dishes, tea pots, etc.

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I don't drink black tea, but I have a great love for china tea cups and saucers.   I think I have about ten or so of them now.  I used to have more, but they have gotten broken through the years.  They are such fragile things.  I like the flowery ones most of all.  They only ever very rarely get used.  Time for a tea party methinks!!

Tea parties are so much fun!    The finger sandwiches, the little cakes . . .

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I have an irrational fear of stinging insects.   It took all my courage to photograph this bee when I did it.   I especially hate wasps.   I was stung very badly by a group of wasps when I was a small child.   I suppose that sort of thing sticks with you.  If one gets in the house I am on pins and needles until it gets routed out and removed.  I am absolutely terrified of them.   They are nasty things and can sting you again and again.  At least bees can only sting you once, but wasps are just horrible.  Bees have a purpose and I don't know if wasps do or not, but I don't think they have any purpose other than to irritate and annoy you!

Bonus thing  . . .

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I try so hard to please everyone that I often end up not pleasing anyone.  I forget that I am only human and only have so many hours in the day and can only do so much.  I take too much on because I can't say no.  I want to be everyone's friend and do kindnesses for all . . .  and then I get upset with myself because I fail at it sometimes and I let people down I am sure.

And that's it for this week.  Nothing too interesting there this week . . .  perhaps I am running out of interesting things about me to share?   I hope not!

A thought to carry with you through today  . . . .

If your actions
inspire others to dream more,
learn more
do more and become more,
you are a leader.
~John Quincy Adams

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I am cooking a store cupboard favourite in the Kitchen today  . . .  Cheesy Tuna Bake.  Quite good actually!  I love Tuna Bakes!

I hope you have a beautiful day.  Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!



  1. Certainly hope tha you have a lovely day, I do enjoy you thurs thoughts,,,well I enjoy every day would be hard to say which day is my fav. I just love you altogether xx...
    It is a lovely but cold morning down here no sign of snow for which I am very grateful as I was worried that if it were icy I might not be able to get up to do teh coffee morning, but as usual Gid answered my prayers....
    looks like teh sun is going to be shining most of the day, just the cold north artic wind... Keep warm Marie and Todd xx

  2. Good morning Marie,

    I loved reading your thoughts. I dislike "waps" too. I was stung between the eyes once. My grandmother promptly halved an onion and stuck it there. I was immediately in trouble for crying. Try a wasp sting and onion juice and try to not cry!

    God bless your day. I have allowed myself a half hour or so of listening to some of my favourite hymns. I love Finlandia and have listened to choirs and various singers this afternoon. What a blessing for a tired woman has spent her afternoon visit mum in one hospital and then dad in a mother place. Mum is fine she had a cardiac device inserted and an iron transfusion. All planned and nothing emergency about this visit.

  3. Thanks Sybil. You are such a dear friend. It's very cold here, but no frost this morning, which is probably due to the cold wind. Brrrrr.... I am glad your prayers were answered and you can do your coffee morning! xxoo

    Oh Suzan, I cringed just reading that. I think a baking soda paste is probably the best thing for a wasp sting! God bless you for all you do for your family. Glad your mum is fine. XXOO

  4. Wasps! I've sprayed them with hair spray before--it immobilizes their wings, which makes it easier to smack them. Wasps are creepy, the way their legs dangle. (I know you're shuddering, but I know you already know what I mean too.) Bees don't bother me, but wasps' bodies just seem creepy to me. Blechhh.

    Let's focus on the gorgeous dainty tea cups, shall we. ;)

  5. That cheesy bake must be sooo good!
    Lilacs bring back my our yard..June 74.I had turned 20 that Feb..
    Time fies doesn't it Marie?

    I hate yellow jackets..the bite stings for days..And they hide:(
    I would hate a tick bite more and apparently there are more and more ticks:(
    Yes let's focus on the dainty cups:)

  6. (Monique, you got married in your [Lilac-filled] yard? How sweet! ♥)

  7. Val, you are right. You made me shiver. Truly! They are hideous! When we lived down south we got huge ones which came over from France. Their bodies were the size of a quarter. And they had orange and black stripes. If one of those stung you, you knew it! Scary hideous things! Yes, lets think of tea cups! xxoo

    Monique, you and I are roughly the same age. I got married at 19 in August of 74. Thought I knew it all, lol. Boy oh boy. Was I naieve! Time does fly and we're not always having fun either! Ticks are scary too! Yes, back to the teacups! xoxo

  8. We loved this tonight!!!! Thanks!

  9. I always enjoy reading more about you. We do have many things in common.
    I love lilac bushes. When I was a little girl I loved being at my grandmas. She had lilac bushes and the smell brings back sweet memories.
    I love old classic movies too. I tend to love the cowboy ones because my Dad took me to a lot of them.
    I love cookie jars too. I have a number of Christmas ones and would like to get more everyday kind.
    My mother and grandmother collected tea cups through the years and I inherited them all. I treasure them and have them on display in a china cabinet.
    I hate bees and wasps and am very scared of them.
    Loved this one and sending hugs for you and have a blessed Sabbath day.

  10. Thanks so much Valerie, xoxo

    LeAnn, two peas in a pod!! Hope Roger is continuing to improve now he's home. There is naught like home and family when you are recovering from illness. Love you. xoxo


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