
Monday 1 December 2014

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

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 "The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.   

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Not only do I love the Christmas season, but Mitzie loves it too.  She loves to lay beneath the tree and bask in the light of a million little fairy lights.   It's true!

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Oh how very much we love our little girl.  What a wonderful light she brings into our lives.    She has us both twisted around her little paw.  No surprise there!!

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I love December when I can write by light of Christmas tree . . . so wondrously magical.  I feel as it I could pirouette across the living room by their light and be as a fairy. *pouf*  They inspire me.

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He's coming!  This should be our shout of anticipation at this time of year when we celebrate the birth of the Saviour.   These few weeks leading up to Christmas Day are a special time in which we can reflect upon the greatest gift ever given . . . the Christ Child . . . whose birth had been predicted and foretold for thousands of years prior to His arrival.  Over 350  prophecies were fulfilled in His birth.  The mathematical odds of this happening were astronomical and yet . . .  it happened!  Glorious amazing wonder!

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Now that December is officially here, I can indulge my "Christmas-ality" with abandonment!  This means . . .

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I can listen to and sing Christmas Carols endlessly without the Grinch grumbling!

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I can indulge in all of my favourite Christmas films . . . without Scrooge bah humbugging them!

I can stuff my face with mince pies without feeling guilty.  Tis the season to be jolly!

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I can get jiggy under the mistle toe with the Ma-hann of my dreams!

And so . . .

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We're so glad you came!

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

“Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories 
and love of kindred, 
and we are better throughout the year for having,
 in spirit, 
become a child again at Christmas-time.” 
~Laura Ingalls Wilder

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . . . Creamy Lemon Layered Dessert.  Light and delicious!

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May your week be filled to overflowing with an abundance of small and wonderful things.


  1. Oh Yes! The most wonderful month of the year is now here. I love the things the comes with it. I always love seeing your sweet gril Mitzie. Share miss my Nina a lot but glad she has a good home. our ex-home teacher took her, she learning live with 3 other dogs and eating raw meet. can't wait to see what you will write next.oooxxx

  2. Thanks Cathy Jo! You are such a sweetheart! xoxo

  3. Have a blessed day. Pip put up our tree.

  4. I am sure it is gorgeous Suzan! xxoo

  5. What wonderful pictures of Mitzie and the Christmas tree. I love the whole month of December too. From the beginning to the end it is a very happy time ! Hope you have a wonderful Monday !

  6. I know that it is not necessarily a happy month for everyone Pam, and my heart and prayers go out to those who find December very difficult, but I am with you, I find it a very happy time from beginning to end! You have a super Monday too! xxoo

  7. I am a wee bitty like your Todd and our feelings about December !! but I do try my hardest to be cheerful expecially for Mary who does not have the wonderful happy memories that I do of Christmasses past...I will soon put up the new tree/well actually what is called a blossom Tree..that I am going to have it is lit with 100 LED lights so should be cheerful blinking in the window and I will hang a few very fav. old decorations in it. Also I have just realised that it is Dec 1st !!! and so tomorrow I must go and unearth the Nativity Box that we have. Each day we open a liitle door and out comes something that eventually builds up to a wooden nativity scene we bought it a few years ago from Lakeland ( I see they still have it in their catalogue same price as at least 7 years ago !!)
    I do wish you a wonderful December looking back on some lovely happy memories...
    Sorry I am very late commenting today my weekend visitor didn't leave till 9.30am and she was an early riser so I didn't quite get my days started in the proper order !!!

  8. That dessert looks like a work of art!
    I love everything December.
    The tree is up !
    Every decoration is cherished..from the 70's..t the newest Alicia ones....wish we had the ones from my youth..

  9. (((hugs))) Sybil. I have never heard of a blossom tree. I will have to look that one up. Most of my Christmas Decs incorporate the Nativity somewhere on them. Even my Jim Shore Santa has the nativity carved into his skirt. I kind of collect nativities. I have one that is only three inches tall! xoxo

    Thanks Monique! It was a fun dessert. I wish I could see your tree. I am sure it is a work of art!! xoxo

  10. I always love the words you write Marie. They make me feel safe and warm and thankful.

    Mitzie looks so adorable with her festive hat. I love that she's under the Christmas tree and enjoys the lights. So sweet!

    I hope your Monday was a great one!

  11. I forgot to say that I love your tree too. It's beautiful! I'll send pictures of mine soon. xoxo

  12. Thanks Valerie! Do your pooches enjoy the festivities?? How is Scout? I would love to see your tree! xoxo

  13. Oh this was a such a lovely post. I especially love the picture of Mitzie. Our Sammy has our hearts too.
    Christmas is such a sweet time of year. I love all of it. I love that He is the gift. I always enjoy the Nativity program we have every year with our grandchildren.
    Wishing for you the blessings of a wondrous Christmas celebration.
    Love and hugs!

  14. Thank you so much LeAnn! All the same to you and yours. xxoo


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