
Saturday 15 November 2014

Whimsical thoughts on a Saturday . . .

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Most of the trees in the garden are bare now . . .  stark dark branches silhouetted against stark grey skies.   Only the oaks cling tenously to their leaves.  Although most of their leaves have already fallen . . .  they still create great gold and russet domes against the November sky . . .

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It is as if the oaks . . . having weathered so many autumn storms, having survived so many cold and bitter winters . . . are determined to hold on to the last . . .

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The end of the road is bounded by a glade of ancient oaks . . .  and when I sit and ponder the rapacity of man and his dependence upon wood, I am surprised that they still stand.  I wonder at the many narrow escapes they may have had . . .

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How many millions of acorns have they scattered upon the floor of the wood . . .  how many winds have caused them to drop a potential forest . . .

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I draw a special strength from the mighty oak . . . especially when their leaves thin out and I glance upon the majesty of their form and the structural strength  in the upward dance and outward thrust of branch and bough  . . .  it inspires and never more so than when chanced upon in the mist of a cold and wet autumn day . . . 

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I heard back from the Art Liscensing people so I breathed a huge sigh of relief from that.   They are on the case after all and a clear direction has been formulated on how to go forward.  I have a lot of work to do over the next few days, but I am more than up to it! There is nothing that inspires me more than a deadline!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .  


"Autumn is the hush before Winter."
~French Proverb


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In the English Kitchen today  . . .  White Chocolate and Macadamia Nut Cupcakes.

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Have a wonderful Saturday!


  1. Oh Marie, what goo dnews you bring us this morning to hear from the Licensing people..Good news indeed. Just what you needed to perk you up a wee bit. I too feel perked up this morning as Mary and I have got booked for another cruise unexpectedly I had a good offer from our usual crruise co. Royal Caribbeas and With a lot of help from good old Mary I we can afford to go so got booked and what was a miracle was that there was a disabled room that had just been cancelled a real miracle as usually they are booke da long time in advance and so never available on a late booking....anyway come Feb we fly to Singapore 3 nights in a 5* !! hotel the 7 day cruise to Vietnam etc. we are so lucky....
    Hope your weekend is going to be a good one. Weather not very nice so far this morning thick mist and chilly...might lift soon xxx

  2. Marie I am so happy that you have heard from the licensing people.

    Sybil enjoy your cruise.

    My dream came true. I saw most of Milford Sound before the rain reduced visibility. I was so ecstatic as I missed out last time. We also went through four other sounds. We were treated to thunder, lightning, rain, sleet, howling wind and snow. I made sure I enjoyed it all. The starting time at Milford was 7 am. It was not a good morning for someone on the pilot boat. He fell in and the seas looked cold. We were later told the man was pulled in very quickly and was safe. Life at sea is not always easy.

    God bless.

  3. Thanks Sybil! I was pretty pleased about that as I was ready to give up! I am so excited about your cruise. With everthing that has fallen into place it must be meant to be! You and Mary will have a fabulous time! xxoo

    Thanks Suzan! I am so happy you got the day you wanted in Milford Soud! It sounds dramatic to say the least, complete with someone falling over board! You don't do things by half do you! haha God Bless you too. xxoo

  4. The fall pictures today are beautiful. I have to say I love the word whimsical. It has a little magic to it. So glad to hear your good news. Busy is wonderful in this case. Hope your Saturday is a super one !

  5. Sigh of relief:)
    Great news..You work so hard!!

  6. Thanks Pam. I love the word Whimsical too! It's one of my favourite words. Just the sound of it makes me smile! xxoo

    Thanks Monique! Relieve isn't the word! Whew! xxoo

  7. Oh, I'm SOOO happy that they finally got back to you! Hooray!!! Blessings with all of that!

    You write so well Marie! Should publish a book besides a cookbook! :-D

    Autumn really was a short hush for us as we are having freezing temps. and snow already!

    Have a happy Sunday my friend! xoxo

  8. Me too Valerie! Right now we are developing my portfolio to create the perfect one! I with I had the same faith in myself that you have in me! xxoo

  9. I always love your thoughts and the pictures were so awesome.
    I am a deadline person too.
    Blessings, love and hugs!

  10. Thanks LeAnn, I rather liked the photos too! Xxoo


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