
Friday 21 November 2014

Friday Finds . . .

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A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!      



This is a brilliant idea for turning a glass container into a pretty candle holder.  No link, but the photos are pretty self explanatory.  Just make sure you apply the tissue paper punch outs on the OUTSIDE of the container as putting them inside might cause a fire as I believe it would be highly flammable!  It's very pretty though! 

 I am loving this holiday collage display thingie.   What a beautiful and unique way to commemorate the holidays and save some precious holiday memories.  Found on Lilikoi Joy.  There is a complete tutorial.


Again, no source, but what a simple and yet very pretty way to decorate a shelf or mantle for the holidays.  I think I have some letters/alphabets upstairs.   I love this.

From Mice Chat, a Disney Inspired holiday ornament.  I love it.   Such a simple idea! 

What a brilliant idea these candy sleighs are!  Why oh why do my grandchildren have to live so very far away!  I would love to make these for them!  Found on Joybobo.  Simple and easy to make. 

I love this simple and yet elegant door wreath decoration.  It's really nice.   From Our Unexpected Journey.  Complete tutorial.  I think it's quite brilliant!

Another brilliant idea.  Dip Mix Ornaments that you can just mix with sour cream to make a tasty dip.   What an innovative and unsual idea.  I love it.  I wonder where you could buy the empty glass ornaments like this?   From Bubbly Nature Creations

I love these little terra cotta flower pot snowmen designed by my friend Amanda Formaro.  You can find the instructions on Craft Town.  I think they are just brilliant.  So cute! 

Gingerbread Play Dough!  It's fabulous!  What a great thing to make to keep the kids busy and I am sure it smells gorgeous!!  Found on Housing a Forest.   That blog is brilliant.  It's just loaded with fabulous ideas.  Make sure you check it out!


Ten magical ways to use mason jars in decorating for the holidays, from Women's Day.  I always loved buying the Women's Day and Family Circle Magazines through the years.   I haven't seen one in years and years now.   I am sure they do have a British equivalent here in the UK . . .  but I don't have a family here so . . . the Tutorial for this is actually at Deco Art and is so easy to do.  A jar, epsom salts, blue and a piece of jute twine and christmas greenery.   Simples!! 

And those are my Friday Finds for this week.  I hope you found something useful.  I know it was a very Holiday type of post, but the holidays are upon us! 


Look what my son Doug cooked for his family last night.   It's Swiss Steak that he made using my recipe from my Big Blue Binder Cookbook that I wrote.   I think he did a super job!  All my sons like to cook and they are good cooks.   I love it!  I told him he should have a food blog.  

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

"A friend is one that knows you as you are,
understands where you have been,
accepts what you have become,
and still gently allows you to grow."
~William Shakespeare

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Chicken Fillets with a Lemon and Caper Sauce.  Seriously delicious!  You will love this!  It's quick and simple! 

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 This week has just flown by!  Have a wonderful Friday!


  1. Morning Marie, Good ideas as usual. Do't know when you find the time to find all thse great sites !! lovely looking dinner that Doug made but what is Swiss steak ? never heard of that one ! your chicken fillets look yummy as well. It;s a rather gery misty morning down here and looks like it might rain soon. I have to go up to chippenham earlytaking a friend for a dentist appointment at 9am ! good job I am feeling a bit better,
    Hope you have a lovely to Tod and an extra cuddle for Mitzie xxxx

  2. Good morning Marie,

    Loved the ideas. I will write tomorrow from home.

    God bless.

  3. my favorite today was the NOEL grouping using the wreath for the O. That is a clever idea. Swiss steak is one of my favorites! My sons are good cooks like yours. They always were in the kitchen watching me cook so they learned. They were hungry all the time growing up it seems. Hope you have a fantastic Friday !

  4. He is definitely a chip of the block:)

    The apple doesn't fall far from the tree..

    Like mother like son..LOL what else can I say?:)

    Fun ideas..! It's coming up for certain!

  5. Sybil, I am very happy that you are feeling better today. It was a nasty day weather wise though! We had company for lunch and I have been away from the computer for most of the day, first in preparation and then of course in the enjoyment of our guests! Hope your visit to the Dentist was painless! xxoo

    PS - Swiss Steak is rump steak, pounded and then browned and simmered long and slow in a tomato gravy with onions and sometimes peppers. It's quite delicious and very tender.

    My goodness Suzan, that cruise seems to have spun by! I do hope you had a lovely time! xxoo

    That was my favourite one too Pam! I loved it most of all. I can't take all the credit for my son's loving to cook. Their dad also loves to cook. xxoo

    Thanks Monique! We are just a family of cookers and eaters! xxoo

  6. Great ideas as usual Marie! I love the fact that your son uses your Big Blue Binder recipe book!
    Hugs! xoxo

  7. It started off as a project for my kids Valerie! The Big Blue Binder and ended up becoming a real book for everyone. I wish I could have found a publisher for it because it would be so much more affordable. Even I had to pay for it, and it wasn't cheap! That's what I gave each of them for Christmas one year! xxoo


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