
Saturday 8 November 2014

Five things about me ...

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I am not good at selfies!  I am the one on the left by the way!  Yep, it's my five things about me post that I missed posting on Thursday!

I am incredibly nostalgic and sentimental.   I  weep at sad movies and keep cards and letters.  Todd grumbles about my need to keep these things.  Men are not nostalgic and sentimental, except in rare cases.  My oldest son is nostalgic and sentimental and so is my dad.  Real men do cry.  I am grateful for a father who was not afraid to show his emotions.

 I grew up believing in fairy tales ,  castles in the sky, happily after . . .  even today, though my rational side knows there really no such things as fairies, goblins and castles in the sky . . .  my heart wants to believe that there is.  I believe that good will always triumph over evil, that angels watch over us, dreams can come true, if you listen hard enough to flowers you can hear them sing . . .  and we can find our happily ever after.  All is not and never will be lost.

  I love butterflies.   When I was a teenager I was known as the butterfly girl because I used to wear clothes that had butterflies on them and butterfly earrings.   I don't wear many butterflies these days . . .  but I still love them.  I hope one day that I can go to The Butterfly World Project in Herts.  I did get to go to a smaller Butterfly room/building when I went to Jimmy's Farm a couple summers ago.   I think they are the most beautiful creatures on earth . . . and they remind me of fairies. ღೋƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღೋ  

In my heart I AM a Princess . . .  and if Todd ever bought me a Tiara . . .  I would react in the exact same way as Amy Farrah Fowler.

Totally.   I love Tiara's.  

I adore cardigan sweaters.  I am not fond of pullovers, but I totally rock cardigans.  I especially love, Love, LOVE twin sets!  I used to have a twin set that had little pearls on the front of the undersweater.   I really like sweaters with unsual buttons, or patterns . . .  sweaters that are screen printed with flowers, or embroidered.  I have a pretty pink one that is totally embroidered and a cream colour one that is not only screen printed with brown flowers but the brown flowers are beaded and sequined.   It's just the best.  I also love sweaters with 3/4 length sleeves.  I do not, however . . .  like my sweaters to have collars.   Collars make me claustraphobic. 

And that is my five things about me for this week.

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

The ordinary arts we practice every day at home,
are of more importance to the soul than
their simplicity would suggest.
~Thomas Moore

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Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Whole Lemon Muffins.
seriously delicious!

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Have a wonderful Saturday!



  1. Good morning Marie. Today I spent my day in a town that was filled with rose gardens. It was such a treat. Butterflies are so precious. They love as a caterpillar and the whole life cycle is a miracle and after all that ugliness they are released to for a few days of magnificence.

  2. It's a coincidence that you mentioned sweaters today. It's definitely gotten to be sweater weather here as it has turned very cold. I either have a sweater or a sweatshirt on all the time and layered with another shirt on underneath too. Hope you have a super Saturday there!

  3. It's always fun to read five things about you.
    I liked your Selfie' but I don't do good at that either.
    my husband is a teddy bear and he is very sentimental and nostalgic. I love that about him. My Dad was the same way.
    I do love a story with a happy ever after ending.
    Butterflies are so beautiful and great for analogies.
    I love sweaters too. I wanted one not two long a go with black background and beautiful red roses. It was way to expensive but I can dream.
    Blessings, love and hugs for you!

  4. Your crack me up with the tiara!!!! Haaa! xoxox

  5. I think the life cycle of the butterfly is magnificent too Suzan! I have been enjoying your photographs on FB! It's nice to see you are enjoying your cruise! xxoo

    Pam it's very cold here at the moment. Feast and famine! Now wondering if we will have snow for Christmas, which would be nice! xxoo

    Thanks Monique! xxoo

    Thank you LeAnn! I feel your pain about the sweater. I would have probably loved it too. I am in the market for a black sweater. Haven't found one I like yet though that I can afford! Blessings and hugs to you too!! xxoo

  6. We must have been on here at the same time Valerie! I love BBT. I think there is a little bit of each of them in each of us! xxoo


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