
Wednesday 1 October 2014

The Simple Woman's Day Book

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FOR TODAY, October 1, 2014

Outside my window ...
The sun is rising.  I am late starting.   I have a very sick doggie on my hands.  I just hope and pray it's not a vet job.

I am thinking ...
"In a world with so much darkness, each new temple brings light and blessings to those who attend."
~Sister Marriott

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With a Temple of the Lord only two hours away, Todd and I need to go more often.  It's the cost of petrol that keeps us from going.   We need to start making more sacrifices so that we can go at least once a month if we can.

I am thankful ...
I am thankful for each new day I am given and for the many blessings I take for granted.   I am trying not to take them so for granted.

In the kitchen ...
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Slumgullion.  I am sure every family has their own recipe for this.   This is mine.   Todd ate it and did not complain overly much.  I think I may be converting him, one pasta recipe at a  time, lol.

On my "To Cook" list ...

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This Almond Joy Bread from Chocolate Moosy looks pretty good don't you think?  Just one problem however . . .  Todd hates baked chocolate goods so I would have to eat it on my own with Ariana's help I guess.   Dare I risk it?   Me thinks I might!

I am creating ...

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I did this yesterday afternoon, based on the talk by President Uchtdorf that he gave at the General Women's Meeting on Sunday.  It's just for my own personal use, as a reminder to me of the things I need to be doing.

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These dinosaur crayons created by melting down old crayons and molding them in chocolate molds are a brilliant idea.   Found on She Knows.

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This Activity Book is just brilliant.  You have to check it out on Cosmo Cricket.  There is a complete tutorial.   I love it!   What a fab thing to make so that you can keep the kiddos occupied during church on Sunday mornings!

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Love these paper leaves, made using old books.   Found on Todolwen, Old to New.
She makes them into nests . . .

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They are so beautiful.

I am going ...
I strongly suspect we shall be visiting the Vet today . . . 

I am reading ...

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The Sisters, The Saga of the Mitford Family, by Mary S Lovell

This is the story of a close, loving family splintered by the violent ideologies of Europe between the world wars. Jessica was a Communist; Debo became the Duchess of Devonshire; Nancy was one of the best-selling novelists of her day; beautiful Diana married the Fascist leader Sir Oswald Mosley; and Unity, a close friend of Hitler, shot herself in the head when England and Germany declared war. The Mitfords had style and presence and were mercilessly gifted. Above all, they were funny hilariously and mercilessly so. In this wise, evenhanded, and generous book, Mary Lovell captures the vitality and drama of a family that took the twentieth century by storm and became, in some respects, its victims."

So far it's a cracking read, especially if you like biographies.  I was intrigued as the last of the sisters died last week at the age of 92 and so I looked them up and found this book and decided I wanted to learn more about them.

I am hoping ...
Mitzie feels a lot better soon.   I don't like it when she isn't well.

Makes me smile ...

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 Eloise Wilkin Illustrations make me smile.  I love them.  They remind me of my childhood and the books I so loved to read.   Little Golden Books.   They were brilliant.  I wish I still had them.

I am learning  ...
Addictive behavior manifests itself in many ways.  I think I have addictions.  They may not be to drugs or alcohol or ciggarettes, but addictions all the same.  An eating disorder is a form of addiction.   Spending money you don't have can be an addictive behavior.  Learning to control them is empowering.   Our church has a very good program on addiction recovery.  You can learn more about it here.

Around the house ...

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How to use furniture wax correctly.  I never knew this.  Found on Painted Furniture Ideas.

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 How to get rid of mold.  Found on The Space Between.

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Make your own Lavender Linen Spray.  From Brown Paper Packages.  Brilliant.  I love the scent of Lavender.

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DIY Natural Room Scents.  From The Yummy Life.  People are so inventive.

I am pondering  ...

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How can one witness the miracle of all that surrounds us from the largest of creations to the very smallest and not see divinity?

A favourite Quote for the Day ...

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"Only the home can compare to the temple in sacredness."
~Linda K Burton  

One of my favourite things ...

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Greengate Ceramics.   I especially love the Fay Blue and White pattern.   I do have a few pieces I have collected.  I quite simply adore them.   I feel truly blessed to have the few pieces I do.

A peek into my day...

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I try to find at least one way each day where I might be a service to someone else.  It doesn't have to be anything grandiose, it can simply be a small act of kindness, or a caring gesture.   I try to be God's hands on earth in whatever way I can, and to find a way to do that each day of my life.  It is kind of selfish really because I always end up getting back far more than I have given. 

  And that's my day book for this week!
⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you! 

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  1. I hope you little Mitzie is better and that you have a wonderful Wednesday!

  2. Thank you Suzan and Pam! She is very quiet and lethargic today. Just laying there, but has not been sick since I got up. so a quiet day for her with plenty of fluids. xxoo

  3. I too hope M gets better w/out a vet so $$$$$$..
    Lots of cute things here Marie..I have made lavender starch for ironing..easy peasy..
    Those ceramics are LOVELY.
    have a nice day~

  4. Thinking of Mitzie....poor baby.

  5. She seems to be feeling a bit better now Monique and Linda. She has just had a nice drink of water and is sitting outside by the back door. And her tail is wagging, so I am hopeful she is on the mend. Todd gave her a blessing. He thought I was crazy to ask, but I figure that she would have asked him herself if she could have! Xxoo

  6. So sorry to hear that Mitzie isn't doing well. Oh dear! Keep us posted on her, please. Today I had my fearful Shiba, Piper at the Vet for the first time. I stressed all day before the appointment for her but it went very well considering she's afraid of people. Friday she will be spayed.

    When my dogs get sick, I boil up some chicken and regular white rice or ground meat and rice. I make it really soupy, to get more fluids in them, and it ALWAYS helps.

    Loved this post Marie. Such wonderful ideas. I won't comment on all because I could write a chapter ;-) but must say the paper leaves make me swoon. I love them and the nests. Simple pleasures! Love the artwork you have been doing lately. The shading on the face and hair on this latest one is so nice.

    Love the dino crayons made with the chocolate mold. The activity book is a great idea and so sweet looking.

    Okay...loved them all and also, the Slumgullion...Yum!!! The Almond Joy Bread looks so good! Maybe you can share a few slices with Doreen and Billy if you think it's too dangerous to have in the house. Hee!

    Love ya Marie! xoxo

  7. Valerie, it's always so hard when our babies are sick, as they can't tell us can they, how they are feeling. I have some rice cooking for her now as I write and some chicken in the oven. That will be her meals today. She started to rally last night and became more interested in us and was drinking lots of water, so I think the worst is over. Thank God. I am sure the blessing helped! I will be sure to share it with Doreen and Billy! They are always appreciative of what I bring over. It's Billy's Birthday on the sixth. Not sure how old he will be, but have his card ready to take and a box of choccies for a treat! Love you too! xxoo

  8. Oh you are so good Marie! xoxo

  9. Well, he doesn't have any family Valerie, just us. And if we ever need help with anything, he's always ready to come and help out. He's a good friend. xxoo


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