
Friday 24 October 2014

Friday Finds

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A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!    



12 ideas for kitchen shelving.  Innovative ways to add just a bit of extra space in your already too small kitchen.  I am loving some of them.   Found on SF Girl By The Bay


 How to pack a carry on like a pro.   If you travel alot, there are some great tips here on One Good Thing.  As much as I used to hate those all night packing sessions at the manor when I worked there, I did learn a lot about packing a lot into a little space.   We used a lot of these same hints and tips.


I just had to show you this.  I always ALWAYS pack far more than I need.   This lady shows you how to pack for two weeks and have it all fit in a carry on!  Brilliant!  From Seventeenth and Irving.  I am not planning on any trips in the near future, but when I do travel, I'm going to take some of these tips and hints on board!


How to make a homemade Cough Remedy, which she says really works on Surviving the Stores.  It uses simple things we probably already have in our house like honey and cider vinegar.   There's also a printable recipe for it.  I am keeping this handy for the upcoming months! 



 Six steps to an organized Linen Closet.   There are some really great tips and information here.  From Tipsaholic


 Thirteen ways to lower your Electric and Gas Bills.  I cannot imagine anyone not wanting to know how to do this!  Found on Condo Blues.   Simple things like making draft dodgers for the doors etc. 


 Interior Design Cheat Sheets for everything from picking a rug to hanging curtains.   There's some really great information shared.   From Honey and Fritz.  Really simple things.

What to prune and when.   From the good old people at BH&G.  You can't beat em!   All you need to know about pruning trees, shrubs and vines.

Cooking tips and tricks from the 1940's and 1950's.  I love it!  Found on Tip Nut.    There is a lot of really valuable stuff here like how to rid your house of cabbage smell, etc.



DUH!  This and a whole lot more on Life and Home.   

Lots and oodles of free printables from maps to flowers and everything in between for scrapbooking, card making, journaling etc.   Found on Madam Kartinki

I could go on and on and on, but I'll save the rest for another time shall I?  Yep!  I have lots on today.  We have to clean the chapel this morning.  Oh and great news!  We had our yearly MOT for our car yesterday. (That's like a safety check)   We got away with only £140 in repairs and that is exactly the amount I had been able to save for it.  I was so worried that it would be more and we would have to take our car off the road.   I had been praying and praying we would be able to pass it and not have to pay much.  It's an old car for sure, but it helps us to bless other people.   Without that car there are two other small families that would not be able to get to church each week.  It helps Ariana to get to work at night safely so that she doesn't have to stand at a bus stop in the dark on her own, etc.   God is good!  We made it!  Whew!

A thought to carry with you through the day . . .

A light heart lives long.
~William Shakespeare

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In the kitchen today  . . . .  Jamie's Toad in the Hole, with an apple and onion gravy.   Delicious! Pinched from Jamie Oliver.

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Have a fabulous Friday!


  1. Good morning Marie. I am so pleased about the car. That is excellent news and just an amazing story. I am off to read your timely packing notes. This time I not only have to pack for mum and me, I have to pack my university stuff as well.

    Have a beautiful day and I hope some more little blessings come your way.

  2. Your are the Queen of finding good tips and treats, Marie! Always fun to see what you come up with each week. So glad all is OK with your car, and not have to pay too much...whew... LOL... Wishing all of you a wonderful weekend ahead! :o) ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  3. I couldn't get a comment to post yesterday but looks like I'm getting in this morning. Great news about your car and loved the tips today. Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

  4. Me too happy about the car!!

    Enjoy your day Marie~

  5. Thanks everyone! We were so happy about the car. It worked out just perfect. Now we just have to keep it running for another year and hopefully by then we'll be better situated!

    You all have a great day too! Love you all to pieces! xxoo

  6. Marie, When we spent a month wandering around France, England, Scotland, and Ireland, in 2004, we each only carried one carry-on size bag. It meant washing things occasionally in hotel sinks, especially undies, but it was possible and we did it. You just need to take mix-and-match stuff and people should stop worrying about a new outfit each day. We travelled so much, it really simplified life. Really glad to hear about the car. Wish you guys could win the lottery or something. Still, you give us all daily lessons on gratitude for all things, no matter how large or small. Thank you for that

  7. Marie, When we spent a month wandering around France, England, Scotland, and Ireland, in 2004, we each only carried one carry-on size bag. It meant washing things occasionally in hotel sinks, especially undies, but it was possible and we did it. You just need to take mix-and-match stuff and people should stop worrying about a new outfit each day. We travelled so much, it really simplified life. Really glad to hear about the car. Wish you guys could win the lottery or something. Still, you give us all daily lessons on gratitude for all things, no matter how large or small. Thank you for that

  8. Marie - You've done it supplied a blog with oodles of wonderful information. I've spent a good amount of time today just browsing through the sites you listed. Thanks for posting....always a good read!

  9. Oh my gosh Marie, these finds are awesome. I have book marked them all. We may try to go to Australia next year to see our daughter and if so we will need the packing ideas.
    Also loved the pruning one and just all of them.
    Blessings for sharing the ideas today; it was just what I needed.
    Love and hugs!

  10. Thanks Lynn. I wish we could win the lottery too Lynn! haha I do confess I try every once in a while, but haven't come up trumps yet!! xxoo

    Thanks Marsha! I am glad you have enjoyed them. That makes it all worthwhile! xxoo

    Thanks LeAnn! I am glad you enjoyed them too. How wonderful that you are thinking about taking a trip to Oz! I hope that you are able to get there and see your daughter!! Love and hugs to you too. xxoo

  11. Love the tips and they are always so useful and welcome.

    Last night at our Chili Cook-off at our Ward, I was one of 4 out of 18 people who won. YES!!! I won "Best Red Chili" category. Several years back I entered it and also won. But the guy who keeps winning for the last several years has a chili recipe that just knocks my socks off. It's so good and different.
    Hope you, Todd and Mitzie are having a great weekend!
    Love ya! xoxo

  12. Congratulations Valerie! WEll done. I want the recipe if it's not a secret! Hope you are having a great weekend too!! Love you much. xxoo


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