
Thursday 9 October 2014

Five Things About Me ...

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Is it Thursday again?  I think it must be because here I am wanting to reveal five more things to you about me!  Here it goes . . .  hang onto your hats, coz it may be a bumpy ride!  ☺

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I loved the program ER when it first started.   The story lines, the characters, etc.  I loved it all, but i had to stop watching it about halfway through the first season because  . . .  I realised I was a bit of a hypochondriac.   Yep . . .  I was looking at every little bump or hiccough as being a symptom of something sinister.   I cannot watch medical programs, no matter how good they are.  They make me feel sick.  Sad but true!   I also have to avoid medical pages on the Internet . . . and I never ever read the papers with all of the side effects on them that come with my prescriptions . . . because if I did I just know I'd  soon start experiencing, or imagining that I was experiencing . . .  the side effects!

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I just adore the written word.  I have always loved books.  Actually this poster kind of embraces two things about me.  One I love to read . . .  two . . .  I am easily distracted.   I can't begin to tell you the number of times I go to clean out a closet and within probably fifteen minutes maximum . . . the closet clearing out has turned into something else, because I will see something or find something and I am off on another tangent.  Please tell me I am not alone in this!

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I adore hats.  Absolutely adore them.  In fact I have a whole board on Pinterest which is devoted just to hats.  I could look at hats for hours . . .  but I cannot bring myself to wear one.  I hate myself in a hat.   I just don't think I have a good head for hats, or a good face.  It's too round.   This is what I think I look like in a hat.

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And even if I don't . . . .  it's how I feel I look in a hat.  I never wear one, even if my head is cold.  I will wear a kerchief however.   (Do they still make kerchiefs?)

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I have never felt comfortable wearing lipstick.  I just don't think I have nice lips.   When I was younger I had a problem with facial hair on my upper lip and so I avoided lipstick, as much as I might have wanted to wear it like the other girls did  . . .  because I didn't want to draw attention to my lips at all if possible.  Now I just have thin lips and of course that old not wanting to draw attention to my upper lip because of facial hair on top of it all . . .  and it doesn't matter that I remove any facial hair via waxing . . . I still have this thing about not wanting to draw attention to my lips.  Maybe in the eternities I will have perfect pouty lips . . .  but not fish lips.  I don't understand why women  people  do that to themselves.  Do they think it looks good?  Uh uh . . . it does not.

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My favourite colour is pink.  I have always loved pink, and actually I look quite good in pink, as well as in sky blue.  Love both those colours. I would love an all pink/pinks bedroom.   Yes, I am a frilly fluffy girlie girl.  But then again  . . .  I adore red too, and look rather good in that also.  Heck I also like green, but can't wear green or yellow at all.  Even though I like yellow too . . .

I love colour.  Any colour.  And here's another bonus question.   I have a problem making decisions.  Don't ask me what my favourite last meal would be . . .  I would never be able to settle on just one thing.  It's always a buffet with me!

And there you have it . . .  five wonderfully weird and unusually obscure, incredibly inane things about me.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

Friendship is a promise spoken by the heart. 
It is not given by any pledge nor written on any paper. 
It is a promise renewed every time we keep in touch 
(¯`•.•´¯) (¯`•.•´¯)☆__ ☆
*`•.¸(¯`•.•´¯)¸.•´ Thankful for you
¤ ؛° ¤`•.¸.•´ ¤ ☆__☆***☆__☆..  


There's more Recipes You Should Know by Heart today in The English Kitchen.   

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Have a fabulous Thursday.  (I can't believe it's Thursday already?  Where has the week gone?  I guess time does fly when you're having fun!!)


  1. Good morning Marie,

    I loved learning more about you. This afternoon Pip and I bought a heap of stuff for her 18th birthday tomorrow. Today she and Will celebrated their birthday quietly. Tomorrow sees the opening night of Cinders and she is in the chorus. So after the show I have organised a cake. So we bought cute little pink boxes to serve the cake in, a soft mint green spotty cloth and some blue napkins too. I love my pastels.

    I love hats but am round faced too. They look strange on me too. I also have sympathy about the facial hair. I can grow beard patches faster than my boy!

    Lots and lots of love.


  2. Happy Birthday to Pip and Will Suzan! You must be so proud of her being in Cinders! Love the colours for the cake/party. Don't get me started on beards! haha Lots of love coming your way too! xxoo

  3. Love hats look bad in them too..
    Thin lips here too..
    Then don't watch THE KNICK!
    It's a great show..Clive Owen is fab in well as most the other characters..but graphic 1800's operations.

  4. I used to love wearing hats, but now I have a coat with a hood and wear that when the weather gets colder. I do have a straw garden hat that I do wear outside in the summer here at home, as it shades my eyes. Hope you have a lovely day !

  5. Enjoyed your 5 things Marie. Lovely mantel or shelf and mirror in the first pictures. Are you and Todd on your way to the ski resorts? ;-)

    We are going to have a rainy day here in CO. It hasn't stared yet but the skies are gray, which is unusual for us. A perfect day for your Cheesy Potato Chowder that I'm making!

    PS. You were right, I couldn't get to sleep last night. Haa! I'm up early to send Kyle off. He's flying to Salt Lake City and then driving to Idaho to visit with Brenna. I hope I didn't throw your day off too much.

  6. I had forgotten all about The Knick Monique! It was on my list of to-watch, but I had somehow forgotten all about it. I'll take it off the list! lol

    Hats make my head sweat in the summer Pam, and my hair flat all year round. With my round face the last thing I need is flat hair, lol. You have a lovely day too!

    You did not throw my day off at all Valerie! It was a most pleasant surprise and I loved every minute of it. I was sorry that it had to end. Next time I will call you. Hope you enjoy the chowder!

    Sorry you could not sleep last night. I didn't sleep well myself last night. Just when we were going to bed I noticed that Ariana had been downstairs with us and left two candles burning in her bedroom, which really spooked me and I was so worried that she woduld fall asleep and forget to extinguish them. We don't have household insurance so if everything went up in smoke we would literally lose everything. I think I need to have a little talk with her about fire safety. They were on her window sil also, by the curtains. Yikes!

    That top photo is Todd and I at Liverpool last autumn. We were in an old house at the Albert Dock. My first selfie! lol Love you! xxoo

  7. Two thumbs up for the Cheesy Potato Chowder! Made the croutons too. Yummo! The family really loved it as well (except for Kyle who isn't in town). It's filling. One bowl and I am stuffed! In a good way, of course! ;-) It rained buckets today so it was a perfect night to have the chowder.

    The candle would worry me to death too! My family think I'm a fanatic about stuff like that but I don't care. It's scary stuff!

    I hope you slept better last night! Enjoy the day!

  8. It was the Harbour Master's House Valerie! It has been bugging me since yesterday that I could not remember the name! Glad I am not the only fanatic and glad you enjoyed the chowder! xxoo

  9. I will look it up the Harbour Master's House. Looks like a nice place. I love early furnishings, etc.

    Can't wait to eat the left over chowder tomorrow!
    My family always says how good your food is even before I tell them it's from you. Only then do I tell them that it's MARIE'S RECIPE!!!

    I'm off to bed. Visiting teachers are coming early tomorrow morning, then I have to make a triple batch of macaroni salad for the funeral, we are going to see, "Meet the Mormons" movie tomorrow night. Wish you and Todd could come along. :-)
    Good night/Good morning! xoxo

  10. I am off Visit Teaching this afternoon myself. Oh I so wish we could see "Meet the Mormons" over here. We will have to wait for it to come out on DVD and then buy it from the LDS Bookshop I guess. They never show films like that over here. Any LDS film we have ever seen, I have had to buy it. I don't mind though because it is nice to have them and watch them multiple times! Sleep well my friend. xxoo


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