
Thursday 16 October 2014

Five Things About Me . . .

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I can't believe it's already Thursday and October is halfway over already!  The time is just flying by.  You know what Thursday means . . . yeppers!  Another five things about me post!   Hope you are not sick about reading things about me yet!

I am a bit of a worry wart.  I don't know why that is.  I try hard to conquer it, but I still grab the ceiling of the car every time Todd gets near a red light . . .  I never sleep the night before I have to fly, give a talk at church, etc. . . . I always cook too much when we have guests for supper, just in case there is not enough . . .  its the same thing when we just have people over for nibbles, always far too much prepared . . . I can't bring myself to eat anything that's even a second out of date . . .  the list goes on and on.  My worry wartness is a great companion to   . . .

My Guilt Complex.   I feel guilty about things that aren't my fault.   I find myself always apologizing.  In grade six the music teacher said that somebody was singing of key in the Glee Club.  I only mouthed the words the whole rest of the year because I was sure that it must have been me she was talking about.   I am sure if World War Three started tomorrow . . . I'd find a way to blame myself for it  . . . perhaps an exaggeration of sorts.  But you get the point.   Sorry about that.   (oops! there I go again!) 

I practice my penmanship every day.  I have workbooks.  I am doing the Spencarian method of penmanship.  I did the MacLean's when I was at school.   I took this up about a year ago because I found that my hand writing was becoming digressingly deplorable, probably due to too much keyboard use.  I hate to think that handwriting might become a thing of the past . . .  it's the same with paper books.  I hope we continue to have both of these things for a very long time . . .

I never do anything by halves.  I'm an all or nothing kind of girl.  That is often a good thing, but sometimes it gets me into trouble and is bit of a nuisance . . .  just ask Todd about my collections . . .  or about my pedantic cleaning habits.  It's also a bit of a pain when it comes to food  . . .  no half slices for me. 

 I wish I was better at using this word.  I often find myself doing things I don't want to really do because I have a difficult time saying "No."  Mind you, I've also had some really lovely experiences because I couldn't say no.   So its not all bad.  But I do wish that sometimes I could say no and not feel guilty about it.

I can't end on a negative! 

 I have a kind and generous heart.  In fact I'd give you the shirt off my back if you asked for it.   I am a giver.  I get far more pleasure out of giving than getting.   Getting embarasses me.  I don't know why that is.  But I love to give.   I have to wait until the last minute to buy gifts because I want to give them away right NOW! Which can make it difficult sometimes.  I just love bringing happiness to others.  It might be a bit selfish . . .  but I can't help giving!! 

And that's it for this week!  Tell me something new about you?   

A thought to carry with you through today . . .


God's love is there for you. It is simply always there.
I promise you that one day you will stand aside and look at your
difficult times and you will realize that He was there right beside you.
~President Thomas S Monson


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I'm baking a kick arse Banana Bread in The English Kitchen today! 

Have a fabulous Thursday!

Don't forget . . .

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  1. Good morning Marie,

    I love that you have a giving nature. Don't let those who take get you down.

    The heart in the lady's heart is so beautiful. I am missing my craft time.

    God bless your day.

  2. Good morning Suzan! Thank you! I love that heart too! I hope that you soon find some craft time! xxoo

  3. I had to copy your banana bread recipe today as I do love it. Hope you have a great day. Happy Thursday!

  4. I love giving too.
    Makes me happier.
    Don't underestimate what your gestures do.
    You see how still crazy I am of my jars:)
    I am a worry wart with a big W,and sadly some things come true:(
    I too love that pic of the coat and heart..jacket and heart..
    Love to practice penmanship..:)

  5. Oh Pam, I hope you like it! I loved it because it wasn't fiddly and baked up lovely!xxoo

    We are alike Monique. I am not surprised! xxoo

  6. I love this Marie really are like you:))
    Im all or norhing too haha :)
    Aw dear:)

  7. BTW I can't believe is thursday!
    Where the week go?
    I told Esperanza we have to make something for halloween!

  8. Oh my! All I'm going to say right now is that you and I really, really are on the same track.

    PS. I thought I always made to much food because I'm Italian. I don't know how to make "Just enough." Never did. Haa!

    PSS. In the last couple of years, I have learned to say "NO" once in a while. And you know what? I liked it!!! ;-) xoxo

  9. I know Gloria! The weeks are just whizzing by! I am almost afraid of how quickly time seems to be passing!! Love you! xxoo

    Valerie, once again I am not surprised!! haha we are like two peas in a pod except I need to learn to say no now and again! lol I owe you an e-mail. I haven't forgotten! xxoo


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