
Tuesday 23 September 2014

The Simple Woman's Day Book ...

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FOR TODAY, September 23, 2014

Outside my window ...
It's six am and it is dark, dark, dark.  Cool, but dry.   Clear skies. Autumn is here.

I am thinking ...
How following the ten commandments is a natural thing.  Natural laws.  Things that have always been, are and always will be immutably wrong.  When you look at these and study these . . .  wrong will never be right.

I am thankful ...
I was brought up by goodly Godly parents.  I am grateful for that.

In the kitchen ...
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Delicious Beef and Broccoli.  There's a story behind it.  This is very good.

On my "To Cook" list ...

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I got to watch Jamie's Comfort Food last night when Todd was picking up Ariana from work and he cooked this.   Shepherds Pie, using slow roasted lamb.   The mash was a crust which encased everything.   It looked really good.   So did his Chicken Kiev.

I am creating ...

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I love this cute little felt needlebook I found on Generation Q.  I love needlebooks.  I love white and red polka dotted toadstools.   The two together?  Just wonderful!

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From The Gilded Hare.   A sewing machine pin cushion.   Absolutely brilliant!

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Love, LOVE these pot holders and tea towels.  Found on Making It Up As I Go Along. Some people are just so very talented.

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I think this basket is just the cutest thing going.  You can buy the pattern for it as a PDF from  Sunday Girl Designs on Etsy.

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These bibs are adorable!  They look pretty simple to make too.  Of course the fabric choices make them all the cuter.  From The Piper's Girls.

I am going ...
Due to financial constraints, we are not going anywhere or doing anything this week.  Hoping next week will be better.

I am wondering ...
I was in bed last night by 8:30 and felt ill most of the night.  I am wondering if I picked up a bug of some sorts.

I am reading ...

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DAUGHTER, by Jane Shemilt
This is a Richard and Judy Book Club title. When a teenage girl goes missing her mother discovers she doesn't know her daughter as well as she thought in Jane Shemilt's haunting debut novel, Daughter. The night of the disappearance. She used to tell me everything. They have a picture. It'll help. But it doesn't show the way her hair shines so brightly it looks like sheets of gold. She has a tiny mole, just beneath her left eyebrow. She smells very faintly of lemons. She bites her nails. She never cries. She loves autumn, I wanted to tell them. She collects leaves, like a child does. She is just a child. Find her. One year later. Naomi is still missing. Jenny is a mother on the brink of obsession. The Malcolm family is in pieces. Is finding the truth about Naomi the only way to put them back together? Or is the truth the thing that will finally tear them apart? Daughter by Jane Shemilt is an emotional and compelling story about how well you really know those you love most.
I am enjoying it very much so far.

I am hoping ...
Hoping my ticky tummy sorts itself out soon!

Makes me Smile ...
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Anything from Brambley Hedge.   We have some of the videos.  We bought them at a charity shop when we thought the grandkiddies were coming over.   They didn't, but we still kept the videos because you just never know. These children's characters are just so adorable.

I am learning ...
Gratitude in all things.  It is an ongoing process.  It's not always easy to feel grateful when you are going through rough times, admittedly.  But hoping one day I will conquer that too!

Around the house  ...
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This is absolutely brilliant.  I wish I coul dhave something like this in my house.   Just look at all that lovely storage space!  Inspired by a Japanese Tansu Chest, from Dorset Custom Furniture.

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 I just adore this look.  The openness of it all, the haphazardness of colour and style . . .  the wood floors, the light.  It's all good.

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This is beautiful too.  No source, but I love the simplicity of it.   The table covering.  The pillow covering.  The pale green walls.   It's all just lovely.

I am pondering ...
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Why do we let the opinions of others matter so much?

A favourite quote for the day ...

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"Stop waiting for Friday, for summer, for someone to fall in love with you,
for life.  Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most
of the moment you are in right now."

One of my favourite things ...

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Penmanship.  I work on mine all the time.  I love beautiful hand-writing   We are losing our ability to write by hand.  We mostly type or keyboard these days.

A peek into my day ...
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Time is always spent feasting on the word of God.  I wouldn't have it any other way.
 And that's my day book for this week!
⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you! 

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  1. It was still dark down here as well at 6.30 Marie, Even now it is very grey as we have a very thick mist. I still can't see over to the rec. even the biggest trees are obscured by the mist. Hope that it cealrs soon and teh sun comes out we had a lovely sunny day yesterday. I went to see Margaret again last night and she is still very poorly Marie please keep her in your paryers...also me as I am a bit low myself...probably just the worry about her and teh thought of going away in just two weeks...had hope dthat she woudl have been better and hopefully home before I left...Ah well I just have to leave it all in Gods hands but it s hard xx Have a lovely day...we haev no need to go away anywhere when we havea warm comfortable house and garden to wander about in xxx

  2. Good Morning Marie and friends.

    My day is ending and your post has cheered me no end. I love the needle book. Oh so many things to do. I don't search anymore I visit you and Mel and I am overwhelmed with creativity and other people's brilliance. Today has seen me writing up about Progressive Non-Fluent Dementia. I pray that we will all be spared from this one.

    God bless.

  3. Sybil, I am so sorry to hear that Margaret is still so poorly. I will certainly be keeping her and YOU in my deepest most heart felt prayers. The sun is shining brilliantly here now! xxoo

    Oh, good morning Suzan! I am so happy that it makes you happy to read what I share. I hope you have a lovely day too! I would not want the PNFD thanks! How horrible! xxoo

  4. I hope you are feeling much better today. Hearing about you practicing your handwriting made me think about the hours I used to spend practicing my calligraphy. I got a special pen and different tips to use and would like you practice some every day. Life got busy here and it was put away. Maybe I need to find it and practice some more. That might be a good thing to do this winter.

  5. i just bought a handwriting book..

    I like doing that..and found some new calligraphy pens on sale..mine were 30 yrs old i think.I have always loved penmanship..

    Love the house..the stair idea.. I am not familiar with the BH movies..will look into that..R u feeling better?
    Hope so..

  6. That sounds like an excellent plan Pam! That is a great thing to do in the winter when we can't go out and about like we want to.

    I always wanted to learn caligraphy. I am very impatient though.I don't know why. I do have some pens and ink. Perhaps I need to dig them out.

    I have been really tired lately. I think I don't sleep well at night and am awake far too early I think!

  7. Thank you for the reminder of the Brambly Hedge pictures. I simply adore them and they're reminiscent of Beatrix Potter which I also love. Just delightful!

  8. Clever what you did with the "I am thankful..." topic. Nephi would be proud. ;-)

    I know that Jamie O. has a new cookbook out on comfort foods. The Shepherd's Pie does sound really good. I made his "Rigatoni with Sweet Tomatoes, Eggplant (aubergine), and Mozzarella" recipe, which was very good.

    The storage stairs - I saw a picture of steps where the person added the storage drawers in a single row in graduated sizes. I told Steve that we should do that. He reminded me that the coat closet is under those stairs (The door is around the corner). Whoops!

    Enjoyed all of the great ideas of your Day Book. Thanks dear Marie! xoxo

  9. Thanks Janet! I used to make dolls based on the Brambley Hedge series, but haven't made one in a long while now. Maybe it's time I did again.

    Thanks Valerie! ;-) Our coat closet is underneath the stairs as well. It's a lovely idea though I think. I can only wish! xxoo


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