
Tuesday 9 September 2014

The Simple Woman's Day Book ...

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 FOR TODAY, September 9th, 2014

Outside my window...
 It looks very dull and overcast.  Of course this may burn off, but it's not looking very promising folks!

I am thinking ...
Yesterday I went to the Doctors because I have had this elongated lump in my left arm near my elbow, on the inside of my arm.  I could feel and tell that it is following a vein or an artery.   Anyways, it is hard and uncomfortable.  It appeared about 2 weeks ago and I thought it was time to have it checked out.   Checking into the surgery it said on the screen that the Doctor was on time.  (Does it ever say anything else?  I don't think so!)  In any case it was 50 minutes after my appointment time that I finally got to see the Doctor and she told me it was a thrombosis and said to put some of the cream on it that another Doctor had given me in June, but it if got hot or worse or reddened to come back.    I tried to tell her it was making me feel very anxious and as she was practically pushing me out of her door she told me if I wanted to talk abut anxiety I would have to come another time.

When did Doctors become so removed from their patients that they stopped caring?  I am not happy about this.  Not happy at all.  It was not my fault she was  running so late and I really think she behaved very unprofessionally.

I am thankful ...
For a husband who loves adores me.  ☺  I waited my whole life to be adored.  It feels good.

In the Kitchen ...

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Rice Pudding with Coconut Milk, Cardamom, Vanilla and Manuka Honey.   This is seriously tasty folks!

On my to cook list ...

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My teeth may not thank me for this, but Homemade Cracker Jack.   I love Cracker Jack and have not had any in years and years.    Saw this on Pinterest and immediately thought, yes!  I have to make it!

I am creating ...

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Loving these free printable Luggage Tags which I found on Knick of Time .  Very nice for scrapbooking, journaling, etc.   Even luggage tags! haha

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This is a bear my siser made.  It has an articulated head, arms and legs . . . meaning you can pose them.   This is another one of the patterns we will be offering for sale in our Etsy shop when we get it up and running.   We are calling it "Two Sisters Needleworks."  It will be instantly downloadable digital patterns for crafts that people can make for themselves.

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I am loving this flip book tutorial that I found on Scraps of Life.   It's just gorgeous.  I want to do a flip book. I would love to go on a crafting day where someone shows you how to do all these types of things.

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I think this little felt gingerbear ornament from Junko Seven is adorable.   

I am going ...
I am going to the General Woman's Meeting for the church tonight at 6 PM at our chapel.  It's being broadcast from Germany and there will be a member of the Presidency speaking.   I am hoping it's President Uchtdorf.  I love his talks.   Then tomorrow morning early I have a fasting blood test.   Mitzie has her yearly check up on Thursday morning.   I am calling my mom Thursday afternoon.   I think that about sums it up!

I am wondering ...
I am needing to wrap the grandchildren's Christmas presents and get them into the post if I am going to send them seamail this year.   I am wondering if I will actually get it done?

I am reading ...

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The Commoner by  John Burnham Schwartz
It is 1959 when Haruko, a young woman of good family, marries the Crown Prince of Japan, the heir to the Chrysanthemum Throne. She is the first non-aristocratic woman to enter the longest-running, almost hermetically sealed, and mysterious monarchy in the world. Met with cruelty and suspicion by the Empress and her minions, Haruko is controlled at every turn. The only interest the court has in her is her ability to produce an heir. After finally giving birth to a son, Haruko suffers a nervous breakdown and loses her voice. However, determined not to be crushed by the imperial bureaucrats, she perseveres. Thirty years later, now Empress herself, she plays a crucial role in persuading another young woman—a rising star in the foreign ministry—to accept the marriage proposal of her son, the Crown Prince. The consequences are tragic and dramatic.

Told in the voice of Haruko, meticulously researched and superbly imagined, The Commoner is the mesmerizing, moving, and surprising story of a brutally rarified and controlled existence at once hidden and exposed, and of a complex relationship between two isolated women who, despite being visible to all, are truly understood only by each other. With the unerring skill of a master storyteller, John Burnham Schwartz has written his finest novel yet.

This is the second time I am reading this book.  I found it completely mesmerizing the first time around and it is equally so the second time around.  I love reading about oriental culture.  I highly recommend this book if you are also interested in  oriental culture.

I am hoping ...
That the thrombosis in my arm heals itself.  Perhaps I need a blessing.

Makes me smile ...
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And yet . . .  there are people who think animals don't have feelings like we do?   Impossible.   This is such a tender photo.  I love it.

I am learning ...
I have always considered myself to be pretty understanding etc.   Last night we watched the film "The Butler" with Oprah Winfrey in it.  It was based on a true story and was about a man who was a Butler in the White House for many years.  I had never seen such a good film on the civil rights movement in America ever.  I was crying at one point at just what a struggle it was for Black American's to be counted as human beings. I don't think I actually have ever understood it before seeing this film, or been able to see it in quite the same way.   It was horrific.  I was only a child at the time.   By the end of the film I could see just how amazing it was for Black Americans to have a Black man elected as President.   I have never been a person of prejudice, but I have never understood their struggle either.  I think I understand it a little bit more now.

Around the house ...

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These pillows are just gorgeous.  Love the colours and pompom edging, etc.  From MadeByGirl .

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No source but  just love these square lace edged plates and that cup is so sweet.

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Again, no source . . .  but  . . .  swoon.   Don't you just love these curtains?   Tres chic!

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 I am loving this Pom Pom window treatment from Zess Fr.  Perhaps in the craft room?  Yes!

I am pondering ...
The intricacies of life.  Will I ever have it totally figured out?  Probably not!

A favourite quote for the day ...
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"Put yourself into life and never lose your openness, 
your childish enthusiasm throughout the journey that is life, 
and things will come your way." 
~Federico Fellini

I believe the Saviour said something quite similar when he admonished us to be as  little children.

One of my favourite things ...

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Gifts for others that I make myself.  Found these homemade flavoured salts on Daily Fix.  What a fabulous gift for a foodie these would be. 

A Peek into my day ...

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I admit it, I spend some time each day browsing Pinterest.  It's a way of collecting things you love without it either costing you any money or having to find a place to store them.   A pleasant way to pass some time.

 And that's my day book for this week!
⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you! 

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  1. Morning Marie, It is a nice sunny morning here, still chilly but slowly getting warmer as the sun get's going it was only 4 deg when I came through earlier. Talking about sending your xmas gifts away I just realise I have almost forgotten my friends birthday card in Halifax...will have too go and get one written so Mary can post when she is up at PO. her birthday is the 16th. so she might just get it with a biit of luck. Please do go and get your presents wrapped Marie and away it is so expensive to post will save £s getting them mak ethat your "must do" for today !!!!
    enjoy tonight, hope you dont fall asleep it's a bit of a late start 8pm !!
    Hope your arm feels better soon. You kno wwhat I feel about your Drs. practice....I just wish you had another you could go to..
    Bye Gid Bless xx

  2. Good morning Marie. We have and a grey day too and I have spent way too much time at my computer studying. It needs to be done but I am not enjoying. I had a glitch fixed today and now find I have over 1000 uni emails with exams etc to go through. I think I will sit here way too long playing catch up.

    I would advise seeing another doctor. Firstly why did you develop this lump? Did you hurt your arm in anyway. Secondly I do not like that you felt shot out the door. This doctor may not be practicing the medicine. God bless.

  3. Thank you Sybil! I feel the same way about my Doctors practice. I wish I had another one to go to as well, but this is the closest one and the only one I could get to easily if I didn't have a car. God bless you too!

    Thanks SuzanI don't envy you the having to catch up with your uni-emails! Whew! What a lot! I didn't hurt my arm at all, it just appeared. I noticed it one day as my arm felt sore and when I ran my fingers over the area I could freel a raised area, which has gotten larger since I initially noticed it. That's why I went to the Docs. It's annoying. I have never seen this Doctor before. There is only one Doctor at the surgery that is regular, the others seem to be showing up randomly. They do not know us as patients and they don't seem to care. I am not happy at all, but then again in Canada where my family lives you are lucky to even find a Doctor within a reasonable driving distance. My father who has a pacemaker has to do an hour and a half drive to get to his Doctor. It's ludicrous.

  4. Oh, Marie... I'm so sorry that yet another doctor visit left you very disappointed, and not really feeling any better all around. I'm not sure what's happening with medical professionals. They are so overworked, party, I know, but still. They seem to forget we're all in this together, that we are not machines they try to fix, but peole with hearts and feeling. I hope this thrombosis will ease soon... My TJ would love that rich rice pudding--must show him that. The homemade Cracker Jack will be for me then. Can't get that here, and very, very occasionally I do have a craving for it! ;o) That tiny gingerbread ornament is too CUTE!! The pompom window lovely reminds me of another pompom garland I'd seen--I'd like to make! Plenty o' yarn around here. ;o) Enjoy your church meeting tonight--sounds like a good combo of fun and learning! Happy Week, my dear friend--be well! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  5. I think it is the modern times we are living in Tracy. People are not connecting to each other on many levels these days. I will let you all know how much I enjoy the meeting! Love you much! xxoo

  6. I'm hoping your arm does heal. Sorry you had such a bad doctor visit. I'm hoping to get done with my painting the porch project today. Hope your Tuesday is a terrific one!

  7. The Butler was a great movie.
    In college I took a Black American Literature Class..
    It was so eye opening for me.
    I cry at every movie that shows the oppression they have lived with and still may live with in parts of the world.
    The Butler moved me too Marie.
    I even got enraged though too..not just sad.
    An anger in me..yes me.

    Do mail your things now:)
    Fun to take an afternoon and get things ready.I have's calming and makes you feel organized:)
    In the medical field.. I think each practitioner should know ..or feel the patients pain..that way empathy would be more present.
    And the desire to find a way of making the person more comfortable..more earnest.
    I have met so many practitioners..and they are all different..and not.
    Grateful for the caring ..ones..especially is they are great in their profession.
    The curtains are precious..
    Take care your thumb all healed?

    Love when you said I think it needs a blessing.
    You have front row access to those.

  8. Pam, I am in awe of you painting your porch by yourself. You amaze me! I wish I had your energy! xxoo

    Monique, I cried and cried at what they went through. It made me sad and yes, also angry. But I was angry not just at the way they were treated and are treated in some places, but also by the way some of the young blacks today behave (not that white youngsters don't behave just as badly or worse in some cases). It made me think of how HUGE a price was paid for equality, and yet they squander that equality and do not make the most of the priviledges they are given or attempt to fulfil the measure of their creation. I cried at that thought as well. I know because I have not had to suffer the same oppression I maybe don't understand things in the same way, but I do try and I do have great compassion.

    My thumb has never healed 100% but it is quite usable now. So I am coping and praying it doesn't act up again!

    I am going to get a blessing probably later today. Of course if it works or not, that is predicated upon my faith and on what the Lord wants for me! Love you! xxoo

  9. This happened to me the last time I saw my 'not really a doctor' doctor. She spent most of the time bullying me into taking a med I don't believe I need, and which upon googling, found that it doesn't really work anyway. Then, when I wanted to ask a question, she checked her watched and said if I had questions I'd need to make another appointment. I have an appointment with a new doctor now. I thought it was just the US that had crappy health care. Doesn't make me happy to be wrong. Get a second opinion.

  10. I've a bit of concern over that "thrombosis." Is there someway you are able to see another doctor?

  11. Marie, I don't really believe in being an "absent, over-seas, doctor", BUT, if that is really a "thrombosis" in your arm, that means a blood clot. I wouldn't rub or massage it, and I don't really think anything you put on the outside of your skin is going to help. Warm, moist wraps might help, but if is truly a clot, keep a close watch on it. Not sure how they decided for sure. Here in the states, it takes some medical testing, etc., and if it was big and there in your arm, it might even require hospitalization. I agree if it gets hot do something quickly but don't rub at it now. Your long distance nurse, Lynn

  12. I'm so sorry to hear of your thrombosis. Also really sorry to hear how bad the doctor treated you. What nerve! I hope that the cream really does help. Sounds like a strange fix. Hope it goes away quickly.

    I am still sick and actually had a pretty bad set back today after I tried to venture out of the house to do a bit of shopping that was needed. With that said, I am tucking into bed early tonight.

    Feel better Marie! Keeping you in my prayers. :-)
    Sending love and hugs! xoxox

  13. Apparently this is a Superficial Thrombophlebitis. An inflamed veing with a small blood clot inside the vein. It begins about 2 inches down from the inside of my elbow on my left arm, through the elbow area and about an inch above it, so about three inches in length. It doesn't hurt to touch it. I am having a blood test today as a part of my annual health check, so will ask the nurse about it. Thanks everyone!

  14. Valerie, I am concerned that you still are not feeling well? I hope everything is alright and that you will soon be back to your old self. Sending you extra love and hugs! And prayers. xxoo

  15. Thanks Marie! I could always use those things! xoxo

  16. I do love your Daybook entries.
    You always have such fun things you are thinking about and doing.
    I really like the bears your sister and you are making patterns far. I may look into making some. I do wish I was more crafty.
    The love birds picture is adorable. I do think animals do have feelings at least our Sammy does.
    I am concerned about your arm Marie; I think the Doctor was awful. I do hope it feels better soon.
    I love rice pudding; so I will try this one.
    Blessings for a fun read!

  17. Blessings for reading me LeAnn! It's always such a long post. I am always grateful anyone gets through it! xxoo


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