
Sunday 7 September 2014

Sunday musings . . .

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I grow no tall delphiniums
I have no holly hocks.

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My estate's a small one;
just a wooden window box.

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Seven inches deep
and two feet six across the sill.

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It doesn't take a lot of work,
this tiny space to fill.

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It's just a pocket plot
a Lilliput affair

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Yet from March till Summer's ending
colour blazes there.

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First come yellow crocuses, then hyacinths unclose
in a richly blended mass of purple, white and rose.

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Next, the feiry splendour of the red geraniums
edges with blue lobelia and gragrant alyssums.

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I don't envy anyone their lilies or their phlox.
I am quite contented with a garden in a box.
~Patience Strong

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See what I made yesterday?   It's called an "Itty Bitty Bear."   My sister and I used to do craft shows together and this is one of the things we used to make.  It's a pattern I developed and we used to dress them in all sorts.   We are thinking about opening an Etsy Shop together and so I was working on creating a sellable pattern yesterday.  

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We'll have to wait and see how it goes.   I don't think people want to pay much for finished goods these days.   They do want to make things themselves however, so this could work out well for both of us.  


Today is the fourteenth anniversary of Todd and I meeting in person for the very first time.   I flew into Heathrow and he met me at the airport.   It was also his Birthday and so I am always teasing him that I was the best Birthday present he ever got!  He doesn't refute that idea! 


Happy Birthday today to the "man of my dreams."   I hope that he has a lovely day.  Seventy six years young.    I am making him a pot of stew and dumplings for his tea and he has a fruitcake chillin in the kitchen.  Both are his requests.  


I couldn't miss this special day
To wish you all the best,
For you my darling husband,
Are a cut above the rest. 
You're honest, true and faithful,
I love you with all my heart,
So I'm hoping that your birthday
Will be perfect from the start.  

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Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Blackberry Pie Bars.  

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May you have a blessed sabbath day today! Happy Sunday everyone!



  1. Good morning Marie. Happy birthday Todd. Enjoy the day. I am doing my Sunday thing and sitting in Maccas while Pip is at rehearsal.

    Today is fathers' day here. It has caused family drama galore. I thank the good Lord that dad is blissfully unaware of the nastiness. He was the happiest man with his bottle of ginger beer and time out chocolate. Poor Beth and Pip have been in tears.

    Today has been a fairly dull day but I am savouring each day that is not hot as we will be reaching around 30 by the end of the week.

    God bless.

  2. WEll a speacial day in your household. Happy birthday Tod..hope that youhave a lovely day. Looks like a good dinner for you to enjoy xx ( I had almost the same last night Peter made it for a change from me doung something) don't go eating tooooo much...I think that Maries food tastes must be so wonderful.
    enjoy the rest o fthe day the both of you and not forgetting Mitzie no doubt she will want to join in the celebrations xxxx

  3. Thanks Suzan! I don't know how you stand those high temperatures you get down under. I couldn't cope at all! xxoo

    Oh Sybil, how I wish I could cook a meal for you! One day I will!! I promise! Love you to bits! And yes, Mitzie will deffo be helping Todd to celebrate the day in style! xxoo

  4. I forgot to say I love the bear to pieces. Pip collects them and we have so many.

    Also it has been a long term dream to fill window boxes with flowers. My sweet peas have relented and now I have 9 white ones, 1 purple and 1 pink. I will try harder next year.

  5. Thanks Suzan! I have been sitting here trying to think of how I can convince Todd that we need some window boxes next year! xxoo

  6. Window boxes can be beautiful for sure. I love the ones you pictured for us today. Hope Todd has a wonderful birthday!

  7. A very Happy Birthday to Todd...and wish him many many more!

  8. Love the PS poem and your pics!
    And T and his festive look..
    Again Happy Happy Birthday!

  9. Happy Birthday to Todd!!!! Happy fourteenth meeting anniversary too!

    Sweet little bear Marie!

    Hope your Sunday was wonderful!xoxo

  10. Thanks everyone, he is enjoying some nazi film on Movies for Men. Blah. He's having a good day for sure! xxoo

  11. Happy birthday Todd! Hope you're both having a lovely day. Love the window boxes Marie. Lots of love xxx

  12. I cannot belive I forgot to comment on your adorb bear!♥

  13. Thanks Kate! He did have a pretty good day I think!

    Monique, no worries! x♥

  14. Sorry I been so besty packing .....Happy birthday. Todd Best wishes always. Love you bothand the puppy Mits. Oooxxx

  15. I hope you have a lovely trip Cathy Jo! xx

  16. I know this is a bit belated but I haven't been reading blogs for a while so I am behind.
    Happy Birthday to your Todd. I am sure you spoiled him good.
    I loved the lovely pictures of the flower boxes and the poetry; just lovely.

  17. Thanks LeAnn! Always happy to see a comment from you! xxoo


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