
Thursday 11 September 2014

Five Things About Me . . . .

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 This is a photograph of me when I was nineteen.  My eldest son Anthony was about three months old here and I was Matron of Honor at my best friend Virginia's wedding.   This was the same dress that my sister had worn as my Bridgemaid at my wedding the year before.  Looking back now, I am chuffed that I fit into it!  Not sure I am liking the hair however.  I have often wondered what happened to Virginia through the years.  We lost touch and I have never been able to find her again.   Sigh . . .  mustn't complain as I've been able to catch up to quite a few other friends.

Can you stand it? Another five things about me post. Yep!

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I'm a half glass full kind of a gal.  I try to always look on the bright side of things, give people the benefit of the doubt, find the silver lining.   Life is just better if you dwell on the positive instead of the negative.  There is great power to be found in positive thinking.

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It seems like I have always worn eye glasses.  I started wearing them when I was six years old.  I'm quite blind as a bat without them.   I did stop wearing them for a time because of vanity when I was in my last few years of highschool.  It was a bit of a pain however having to put them on whenever I wanted to copy things from off the black board.  I don't think I am the only one who stopped wearing them at that age for reasons of vanity.  I think it was quite common way back in the "olden days."  I have no concept of what it is like to look at something clearly without seeing a frame around it.   It's just not in my memory bank.

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I have the soul of an adventurer.  A bit of a risk taker.  I'm also a bit of a chicken when it comes to some things.  I love meeting new people and seeing new places and even having new experiences, but  I do draw the  line at jumping out of airplanes and off of cliffs, etc. that sort of thing.  I have tried skate boarding, learning how to drive a motor cycle and a few other odds and sodds, nothing too dramatic . . .  and I would love to swim with dolphins.  I am not fond of heights or closed in spaces however. That adventurous soul helped me a lot during my years as a Military wife as I was quite adaptable.   I never minded moving or making new friends.  That adventurous soul led me over here to meet Todd and then to create and embrace new life for myself in a foreign country.     I'd never take unnecessary risks however.  It's just not in my makeup.

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I am a great fan of Jane Austin and historical drama and fiction.  I am a great fan of history full stop.   That is one thing that Todd and I have in common.   A love of history and historical drama.    I didn't like it so much when I was at school however.  I think I just found it boring then.  It was not until I got to University that I had a professor for Canadian history that was a fabulous teacher.  He ignited my love for history, which was probably there all the time, but had never been fueled.  I am well up on North American and British History.  I was fascinated by Russian History at the opening to the last Winter Olympics.  Understanding a country's or race's  history helps you to understand it's people.  I firmly believe that to be so.   I have a real interest in oriental culture and history.

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I have a fascination for clocks and other time pieces.  I love the sound of a ticking clock.  It doesn't drive me crazy.   We have a cuckoo clock, a Westminster pendulum clock, a glass domed clock, a little German girl on a swing clock, a tea pot with a cup pendulum clock and a wall clock that is not much to look at but which ticks beautifully clock.   I have three watches.  I once saw a beautiful astronomical clock in Strassbourg.  It was in the cathedral there and was enormous and quite beautiful.  I have also seen what was purpoted to be the world's largest cuckoo clock in the Black Forest in Germany, but I have my doubts as to whether it was actually the world's largest or if there are a lot of cuckoo clocks making that same claim!  I would love to have a grandfather clock one day.  I love the sound of a clock being wound.  I just love everything about clocks.   This one here I am showing you actually runs backwards.  Fascinating!

And that's it for this week.   I hope I haven't bored you!   It's our friend Doreen's Birthday today.  I am going to bake her some doughnut muffins and take them over to her.  They are her favourites.  Tis also the anniversary of 9/11 and I will be remembering that at some point.   The day the world changed forever.

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

"Pray as though everything depended on God. 
Work as though everything depended on you." 
~Saint Augustine 

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In The English Kitchen today  . . .  One dish Chicken and Spanish Rice.   Deliciously simple!

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Have a fabulous Thursday.  Tell me something new about you!



  1. Another facinating glimpse into you Marie. I just love it. You comem up with such interesting things to share with us all. I like clocks as well and find it quite odd when people can't bare the ticking...(it's funny as it was something Pam and I were speaking about on Monday when she was over..) I just love the photograph of you as a looked so beautiful...
    Looks as if it is going to be another nice day. It was only 4c when I got up but now up to 9 so hopefully we will get sitting out for a wee while this afternoon...I have the church tea and chat this morning. Might be quite busy as I am on my own until someone come sin and I can grab them to help !! Marion who is always there has a very bad leg and must stay home till it heals...Thank goodness for teh church worker though as he is alwyas very early and will have the tables etc up so it's just a case of setting them and putting out the cakes/biscuits etc..Still busy hands make the day go no complaints from me.. Hope you and Tod have a lovely day xxx

  2. Good morning Marie,

    You were a beautiful matron of honour. Enjoy your day. I loved your stories.


  3. Thank you so much Sybil. Funny, I did not ever see myself as being pretty or beautiful, but oh boy would I love to look like that now! haha I find a ticking clock quite comforting actually! I am glad I'm not alone in that! Beautiful day here as well. Love to you as always! xxoo

    Thanks Suzan! I hope you are having a good day as well! xxooo

  4. Talking about your being a matron of honor for your friend, made me remember my matron of honor was also a Virginia. I haven't seen her in years either. Funny how we once so close to someone and now have no idea where they are. Hope you have a great day! Happy Thursday!

  5. Oh so pretty!

    Love that pic!

    Surprising facts here:) Swimming w/ dolphins etc..
    Always interesting!

  6. I know, it's kind of sad really Pam. Virginia and I were friends from grade six on up until we both had been married for a while each. But somehow we lost touch. :-(

    I love Dophins Monique. I would love to swim with them. I think it would be inspiring. xx

  7. That is a lovely bridesmaid's dress. They are normally so drab looking but you/your sister must have had great taste.

    I love Jane Austen too, and my fav movie version is specifically the one you posted pics of.

  8. Marie, you look so lovely. So so lovely.

  9. That was my taste Anna Banana. It was pink swiss dot. My sister and my mother were the only two with new dresses for my wedding. I had a borrowed one, and my little flower girl had one that we made for her. xx

    Thanks so much Anna! xx


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