
Thursday 4 September 2014

Five Things about Me . . .

 Guess what!  It's Thursday and it's another Five Things About Me Day!

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad you came?

I love aprons, but I only ever very rarely wear one.  I wore one every day when I was working, usually a tabard type.  I suppose those are the ones I wear most of the time now, but I would so love to be able to wear a regular one.   One of the first things we sewed in Home Economics when I was at school was an apron.   When I got married back in 1974 I was given a few aprons as shower gifts and I loved them.   The most favourite apron I was ever given was one that my ex mother-in-law had made for me.  It was red with white polka dots.  It was a half apron with ties and a little pocket on the front.  June Cleaver always had her apron on when she was working in the kitchen.  If I was thinner I would wear an apron all the time in the kitchen.

 I didn't have a lot of "real" dolls when I was a child, but I did have a lot of paper dolls!  I loved them.  I had a cardboard box filled with them.   My collection started when the girl next door to us in Gimli was getting rid of hers and her mother asked my mother if I would like them.  I was probably about 6 or 7 years old.  They were in a cardboard box and it was a virtual treasure trove of paper dolls.   Of course I added to them through the years.  Some of them were very old, as this girl was about 19 or 20 when her mother gave them to me.   I wish I still had them as they would be real collector's pieces now!  I plum wore them all out though as I played them to death!  I could often be found drawing, colouring and cutting out new clothes for them.   I spent hours with my paper dolls.  I probably enjoyed them more than my real dolls, truth be told!

I think I was somewhat of a peculiar child.  I lived a lot in my imagination.   I believed in fairies and I used to devour books about fairies and brownies and elves and gremlins.    I spent hours in the woods near our home looking for them, but I never did see one.  I still believe in fairies, and I love to paint them.

 photo CopyrightShebelievedshecould.jpg

I haven't painted one in a long time.   I think I need to do one soon I think . . .  If I had the wherewithall and the money my house and garden would be filled with  fairy spots . . . Little fairy doors in walls and trees, etc.   And you would be able to open the doors and look inside and see new worlds.   How very wonderful that would be . . .

My favourite musical of all time is . . .  Brigadoon with Gene Kelly and Cyd Charisse.  I think the first time I saw it was when my oldest son  was very sick and dehydrated.  He was only a baby and I had to stay up all night feeding him a teaspoon of fluids every 20 minutes as that was all he could keep down.  I stayed up all night and Brigadoon was playing on the television.  I never see the film without thinking about that night and how blessed we were in that my son got better.   I loved the music in the film and the premise that there was a magical village that only appeared from out of the mists on a Scottish moor every one hundred years.  The dancing.  The costumes.  The magical quality of the film.   I love it all.


I used to long to have a real Christmas stocking when I was a child, like the kinds you saw in the movies and on the television.  One that you could hang up and then find magically laying at the end of your bed filled with goodies on Christmas morning.  We had a bowl.   My mom had some small melmac cereal bowls, all different colours and on Christmas morning one would be sitting in our places at the breakfast table filled with hard candy and nuts, with an orange sitting on top.  It was not a stocking.   I am grateful that we had what we had but I so wanted a stocking.   I made sure that my children all had them Christmas Stockings which they could hang up every Christmas.  Each one was handmade by myself . . .  embroidered and sparkled with sequins  and beads, etc.   I loved filling them on Christmas Eve.   I have never had one myself.   Never.  I think I am too old for one now.   Who would fill it?   The Grinch???  Todd is too much of a Grinch when it comes to Christmas things.  He would never be able to fill a stocking for me, and in any case we don't have the money.   No worries.   Maybe when I get to heaven I can have a stocking like the ones I used to dream about.   Heaven is filled with wonderful things, and dreams can come true.  I know this for a fact.

And that's it for this week, my five things about me post.   I just watched a HUGE spider crawl down the curtains in front of me.   *shiver*  Here is a bonus thing.  I hate spiders.   Hate.  Hate.   Hate.   It's really creeping me out so I best end this now and get away from this spot.  This spider was like the mother of all spiders.   Yuck.

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

  `*.¸.*´ ¸.•´ (¸.❀⁀⋱‿✿“The true way to live 
is to enjoy every moment as it passes, 
and surely it is in the everyday things around us
 that the beauty of life lies.” 
~Laura Ingalls Wilder  

 photo SAM_6853_zps6ab29137.jpg 

Cooking in The English Kitchen today, a delicious Chicken Shortcake.   Chicken stew with corn muffins.   So tasty, tasty! 

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Have a fabulous Thursday.  Tell me something new about you!


  1. Good morning Marie. Something about me....did you know I taught blind and deaf children? In case you did here is another. I wish I had worn an apron a while ago as my black tee is now covered with peelings and cake makings. I am a naturally messy and untidy soul who is still battling this affliction in her 50's!

    Enjoy your day.

  2. I didn't know that about you Suzan. How rewarding that must have been! Giggling about the apron thing because that is how most of my tops look most days! I am a mucky pup and battle the same affliction!! xxoo

  3. I used to wear an apron when I was younger. I particularly liked the smock type with large pockets. I probably still have them somewhere. They really were handy when you had small children. The chicken stew looks wonderful. I'll be checking out your recipe. Hope you have a great day ! Happy Thursday!

  4. I do like the tabard type which cover me all over Pam, and with a pocket in the front to put things in that you find and pick up. I hope you have a great day too! xxoo

  5. When I wear my aprons..I feel good.
    They are some of my feel good clothes.I really should wear my nicer ones..what am I saving them for?
    I mean honestly.
    You look so happy marie..
    Do I remember that photo?
    Were you out with friends?

    I wish you had had a stocking:)
    Whne i went on my stocking sewing stage to make one for everyone in the family..the new kiddos..son in laws etc..I made one for J and J.
    They are unfilled every year:)
    We don't even give gifts to each other:)
    I am so used to it..I would feel weird if it was otherwise..He loves Christmas..just not into each other gift giving:)
    So the children get lucky..
    See I am fine with that:)

  6. I think aprons are so very feminine Monique. I think I need to make myself some that fit better and then I would wear them. Or maybe I should just lose weight! Bah!!
    That photo was taken a year ago when Todd and I went down to Gloucestershire to visit the farm for the Eblex day! My friend Julie met me at the train station to say hello and took the photo. I probably looked so happy because I was so happy to see her! Meeting up with old friends always brings a huge smile to my face! WE don't do gifts here anymore either. We are happy just to have each other and gift the grandchildren. A stocking would be nice though. Love you! xxoo

  7. Marie, my first apron was made in 4H club (pre-Home Ec classes) but I've seldom worn one through the years. As for paper dolls, I had several as a young girl, including one of Cyd Charisse; but I probably most enjoyed cutting out models and clothes for them from mother's Sears & Roebuck catalogs...I spent hours searching for just the right 'fit!' Christmas stockings have made occasional appearances at our house, but never became a tradition. Thanks for sharing your fairy painting; I'd love to see more. Blessings from Alabama ...

  8. Hi Sharon! You can see all of my artwork on my art blog:

    I think we were a lot alike. It must be the similarities of our generation! xx

  9. Oh, my heart sank when I read how bad you wanted a Christmas stocking and only had a bowl. Maybe your Grandmother used one for your Mom while she was a child??? I bet you were so thrilled to make your own kids special stockings. I remember hand sewing a teeny, tiny stocking for my hamster, Nibbles when I was young.

    I still have a pretty quilted, calico apron that my girlfriend gave me for my bridal shower. I love it just as much as when she gave it to me. The one I wear the most is a green and tan one, (big checked pattern) with "Nauvoo" embroidered on the front. It's not frilly at all but does a good job keeping my clothes clean. I purchased it there in Nauvoo many years ago.

    Love reading your "5 Things."

    Big hugs! xoxo

  10. My mom has never been one to waste money on things that aren't necessary Val! I am the only one of all my siblings that doesn't have a High School Grad Photo. I never bothered to ask if I could have one because I was sure the answer would be no because of the expense. In retrospect I should have asked as my brother and sister both have them! Big hugs to you too! xx


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