
Friday 15 August 2014

Friday Finds . . .

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A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!     

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From Buttercream Bakehouse there is a complete back to school guide with back packs, school essentials and cookie recipes for those after school treats!  I used to bake cookies for my kids to come home to when they were growing up.  I think Chocolate Chip were their favourites, probably followed by peanut butter.    

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For those of us who love to cook,  from BHG a downloadable substitutions chart!  This will come in very handy I think!   I hate it when I start to cook something only to realize I don't have one ingredient.  Todd hates it even more because I send him off to the store.  (Poor Todd!)  Knowing what I can substitute for a missing ingredient, or for something which isn't available here in the UK will be a great help!

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Now here is a really novel idea!  I had heard of Murphy Beds . . . those beds that fold up into a cupboard during the daytime.  This is a Murphy Desk!  Free plans and tutorial.   What a brilliant space saving idea!  I love it.   Found on Shanty 2 Chic.

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Punch Flavoured Ice Cubes!  I love fruit punch and these flavoured ice cubes would add a lot of colour and flavour to the punch bowl I think!  Most ice cubes just dilute the punch.   These would add a lot of pizzazz!!  Found on  Lil Luna!

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This very talented lady has the most beautiful studio and home.  Rebecca Ersfeld is such a talented artist and creative person.   She has a gorgeous home.   I loved looking at all of the pictures and her space where she does all of her creating would be a dream come true for me.   I must, MUST get my own space better organized!  Do it or die!   I like this idea of using curtains to hide what is stored beneath the work space.   My problem is I start to create and then I make a mess.   Sigh . . . not enough hours in the day!

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A delightful blog filled with lots of colour and fun.  Niebieska Chatta (Blue Cottage) is so darling.   It's Polish, but you can translate it with the Google Translate Button.  I was completely mesmerized by all the colour and sweetness on her page.   I adore these pillows.  Don't you?

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How to customize your iphone icons in a very pretty way!  Found on My life as a Super Messy Super Mommy.  It's so attractive!  I wonder if this would work for the ipad?   Hmmm . . . food for thought.  I had an HTC phone a couple of years ago, but I just could not come to terms with it.  I needed a teenager around the house.   Well, I kinda have one now.   No money however, so I must dream on!

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DIY Yellow Cake Mix.   Cake mixes are not really all that common over here in the UK.  You can get them but they are quite limited and I am not sure how they would work in North American recipes which use cake mixes as a base.  From The Brown Eyed Baker . . .  the perfect solution, and best of all . . .  completely natural ingredients.

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For the crafter in you.  How to make your own alcohol inks, shimmer mists, mod podge etc.   Found on Birgit's Daily Bytes.   I haven't tried to make any yet, but bookmarking for future use!

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Make your own natural shampoos.   From Spa At Home, there is everything from a Basic Shampoo to a Dandruff Relief Shampoo and everything in between.   You know . . . this internet is amazing.  You can find instructions on how to do almost anything you want to know how to do on the net.   I know it is a bit of a double edged sword in many ways, but if you only use it for good, it's pretty amazing.

And those are my finds for this week!   I hope you found something of use for you!

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We had some old friends stop by yesterday that we had not seen in a long time!  They were up our way to go to a funeral and stopped by for a cuppa and some muffins.   I think it had been about 6 or 7 years since we had seen each other.  We were living down South at any rate!  They had moved to Oz a few years back as that is where their children live, but they found it far too hot and moved back here to the UK last year  It was so very nice to see them again!  The four of us never shut up the whole time they were here.   We will have to do it again soon!

Boy oh boy . . .  do I ever need to find myself some scarves!  That neck of mine! UGH!!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. 
~Audrey Hepburn"•*¨`*•✿ 

Oh, I do so love my garden! 

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A simple supper in The English Kitchen today . . .  baked Egg and Herb Gratins!  Quite simply delicious!

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Have a wonderful Friday!!


  1. Never heard of Murphy beds ! I have seen something like the beds that fold up but I would not hav ethought of that great idea of a small cupboard on the wall. Brilliant idea in a small I will remember if ever need it....I try to remember ab awful lot of what your "find" for us ..You are wonderful Marie..I only wish that Mum's of today would have nice cookies at the ready for teh bairns as they come home...mor elikely they ar eat work when they get home and have to let themselvs in to an empty house...excuse...they have to work or they might not have a holiday etc etc. I might be wrong but I think the children would rather "see" Mum when they come home..other than for about 1 or 2 hours at most in the day...Sybil get off your hoby horse !!!!! I'm pleased that you saw your old friends..are they living nearby now Marie ?
    HAve a lovely day today whatever you have planned. Mary is up in Scotland so I am having a quiet day !!

  2. Oh that gratin looks relish. I will never have it though. Oh well. I love that desk. At present I am working on my degree using a hospital style bedside table. It is not quite big enough for my small laptop and a piece of A4 paper. One day.

  3. Sybil, I wanted to be a stay at home mom because my mom had worked. Some of my children appreciated it, but I did have one that said she wished I would go out and get a job like the other kid's moms so that they could have nicer things. Our friends live in Lincolnshire, so not too close Sybil! Enjoy your day's quiet!

    Suzan that sounds like me and my cooking! It all happens in a 12 inch square space! Oh, to have a lovely big kitchen. Like you I say one day . . .

  4. I just love Friday's extra much--because you share so many good things here, Marie! LOVE that little Murphy Desk--wonderful idea. I could use an extra work surface like that in the kitchen actually. Out kitchen is the size of some people's clothes closets/cupboards...LOL! Cake mixes are sort of a new thing here too. I don't care for them, so I always bake my own, same with brownies. But it is interesting to note trends sneaking in across the ocean. ;o) At the moment cupcake mixes are the rage--with sparkles and decorations included in the kit. Must check out more closely the link for the make-your-own shimmer mists, etc. Those things are pricy to buy, I think. Sooo nice with your friends visiting--what a special treat! :o) Happy Days to you all there ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  5. Adorb Murphy desk..
    I find you craft room looks like the one you love!
    Cute pic of you two girls..

    Marie.. don't buy scarves for proud of your neck..and how well it works:)

    But I love scarves could make one in a heartbeat..even infinity scarves..

    Look 25 ways to wear scarves:)

  6. Tracy! We must have had the same kitchen designer! I would love a fold out work top like that. Great idea, but I also have no wall space! Very poorly designed! Have a lovely weekend! Love you! xxoo

    Monique, thanks so much. I love LOVED the scarf tutorial video! I think I am going to try making some scarves myself. The missionary sisters were going to show me how to use scarves and what to buy, but they ended up leaving before they had a chance!

    Upon thinking about it, I would rather have my neck than Madonna's arms. I guess you can't have it all! xxoo

  7. As always, I love your Friday Finds. Love the picture of you and your good friend. Hope you have a great weekend. I'm off now to start a busy one. xoxox

  8. Awwww Thanks Valerie! We need to get in a phone call soon! Maybe next week? One can but hope! You have a great weekend too! xxoo

  9. I wear them ALL the time Marie..It is August ..and chilly and I have one on.
    Are they reasonable in the UK?Some are here..

  10. It is chilly here today too. I will have to go and look for some scarves. I wish I knew which size to get that would be the most useful. I will figure it out! I am tickled pink you got your package and were surprised. That brings me so much joy. Bisous! xx

  11. Came so quick..!
    Never ever had such timing w/ overseas.

    The long scarves are best..I love doubling and sliding the tails through the loop at the front of my neck..easy peasy!

  12. I will have to look for some long ones then! xx

  13. You always have the most interesting finds. I loved the put away desk. The pillows are awesome. I love the substitution list; it is one to look more closely at. I will be checking out some links.
    There's nothing better than to see an old friend and catch up.
    Blessings to you dear friend and I think the picture of your friend and you was beautiful.
    Blessings and hugs for you!


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