
Thursday 7 August 2014

Five Things About Me . . .

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 Today is Thursday . . .  time to share another fascinating five things about me post!

I hope you don't mind!  ☺

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In real life I am actually a very shy person.   Oh yes . . .  I know on here I appear brave and out there, but I am really not that way at all.  I am a lot better than I used to be but when I was growing up I was painfully shy and afraid of my own shadow.  This meant I couldn't do a lot of things on my own.  I can remember paying my brother to go to the shops with me because I was afraid to go by myself.  I can remember when I first moved away from home and was working in big old Kentville, Nova Scotia (population about 10,000 back then if that.)  I was boarding with a little old lady.  I used to get up, have breakfast, walk to work, work all day, walk home, have supper and then go to bed and read until I fell asleep.  The idea of doing anything else would have terrified me.  I am a lot braver now, but still quite shy about some things.

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(free printable from Confetti Sunshine)  

I am in love with paper.  Especially stationary.  It is getting really difficult to find stationary these days, or maybe I am not looking in the right places.   I don't write very many letters, but when I do I like to write them on pretty paper.   I have always loved pretty writing papers, cards, notebooks, etc.  Paper thrills me.   I collect scrapbook papers and I don't even scrapbook.  I love the feel of paper, the different textures.  The smell of new paper makes me swoon.  I love paper.

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I have always wanted to have a dutch door.  They fascinate me.

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They often find their way into my artwork, such as this piece.   If I had a dutch door, it would have a heart cut out of it.  I can't think of anything nicer to have than a dutch door with a little heart shaped window in it.  Can you?

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Cake is my breakfast of choice.  If there is cake in the house, that's what I am having.  I suppose it is not that strange.   Many people have muffins and pancakes and waffles etc. for breakfast.   What is a cake, but a different kind of muffin or pancake or waffle.  Oh, I know . . .  the two are nothing alike, but they are from the same family.   The scrummy family.  Why settle for shredded wheat when you can have scrummy.  Yes . . .  I am incorrigible.

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(Beatrix Potter)

My head is filled with rabbits drinking cups of tea, fairies floating down trickling brooks cupped in rose petals, lady bugs that can talk, bumble bees wearing bonnets and birds that can talk.  It always has been.   Inside my head there is always a story waiting to get out, or a picture waiting to be painted, a fairy tale to tell . . . I suppose what I am trying to say is . . .  I have a whimsical mind.  I am not sure what that says about me?   Perhaps that I have my head up in the clouds??

Yes, I am a day dreamer.

And that is it for this week.   Our student arrived and so far everything is going swimmingly well!  She's a lovely girl.  Very pretty.  I think I am going to bake some muffins for breakfast now.   I think she might enjoy one.  I know I would.  (It's that cake thing . . .  again.)

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

“With everything that has happened to you, 
you can either feel sorry for yourself 
or treat what has happened as a gift. 
Everything is either an opportunity to grow 
or an obstacle to keep you from growing. 
You get to choose.” ~Wayne W. Dyer


In The English Kitchen today  . . . .   Jam Margeurites.

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Have a wonderful Thursday!


  1. Enjoy your day Marie. Enjoy the young lady in your home as well.

    I am trying to work up the energy and inclination to cook dinner. It is just spaghetti and meatballs and i can't be bothered.

    Have blessed day everyone.

  2. I do enjoy your Thursday thoughts ! You and I are so alike in many ways...I am also a shy person although most peole don't recognise me as such. When I have to go somewhere I put on my "other self" smile and pretend...I am hopeless at starting a conversaion. I am always thankful for Mary as she is good at chatting...One thing we don't shar is teh love of cake !! can you believe that !!! I am not a cake lover ...I am so pleased that your girl seems to be going to settle in well. She is so lucky to have you and Todd and your lovely home to be lodging in. Are you feeding her as well Marie ?
    Have a lovely day much love winging it's way north xxx

  3. Oh Suzan, you need to teach the girls to cook so you can have a night off once in a while! lol Or maybe (having raised five children of my own) that might be more trouble than it's worth. Probably better to just get stuck in and do it yourself! xxoo

    Sybil I am not surprised we are alike in so many ways! Like attracts like! We are feeding her as well. I made some scrummy muffins for breakfast. They went down a real treat!

    So far dry and the sun is teasing us today. xxoo

  4. I can only imagine you'll be spoiling your visitor with lots of good food. I hope she appreciates the good cook that you are. I love cake for breakfast. Coffee cakes with cinnamon and sugar are a favorite of mine. Hope you have a great day. Happy Thursday!

  5. I am sure she will Pam! I love a nice cinnamon sugar coffee cake too! Hope your Thursday is great! xxoo

  6. She is never going to want to leave!
    How cute is that paper?
    That is one I must have printed because it stole my heart.too cute!
    Oh must make your own stationary! With YOUR art..How cute would that be?
    Even little sets of 10 to fit standard envelopes?
    Even standard envelopes come in colors at craft stores now..You paint the original and print up say sets of 10?

  7. That sounds like a plan Monique! I am going to give it a go! Watch this space! xxoo

  8. Marie, I agree with Monique; with your talent, you could certainly embellish your letters with your own artistic creations. Meantime, you might enjoy printing out some 'freebies' by Susan Branch or Karla Dornacher: or

    Thanks always for sharing from your heart <3

    Sharon in Alabama

  9. Thanks Sharon! Love, LOVE the work of both those ladies! xx

  10. I love everything you posted and I'd fill a page commenting. I'll spare you that...haa! Always enjoy your 5 Things! xoxo

  11. I would love that Valerie! So there! xxoo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!