
Sunday 24 August 2014

A thankful kind of a post . . .

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I felt like I was in a bit of a funk yesterday for most of the day.  I don't know why.  I just felt a bit low.   I suppose we all have days like that every now and again.    It can sometimes be hard to shake it off.  I was up pretty early and I got a lot done in the morning.  I baked a cake for the BBQ, baked cookies, made some hot sandwiches for lunch, etc. and by the end of that I was done in.   Exhausted.

My got up and go . . .  got up and went.  I was pooped.  So pooped we ended up not going to the BBQ.  

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Which means we now have cake in the house . . .  and not just any cake . . .  but Mabel's Picnic Cake.


Having cake in the house is always a good thing.

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And we have cookies . . .  Dark Chocolate Drizzled Ginger Butter Cookies.  That's not a bad thing either.   (Depending on how you look at it I suppose.)

Then I declared it a me day and I took myself off up to my craft room and created.

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I had been working on this one all last week.  I must have done about six sets of wings before I settled on these ones.    I like her caterpillar striped socks.   When you're having a blah day, it's a good thing to sink yourself into creating something  . . .  anything.

 It was pretty good.   It's about a man who takes a cross country car ride with his Jewish mother.  At first I thought it might be going to be a bit lame, but it was actually very good.  Seth Rogan reminds me of my son and I love Barbara Streisand in anything.  Always have done.

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And I worked on my blanket while we were watching the film.   I am not using these colours though . . .  I am using dark brown, pink, teal, yellow, purple and sand.  They look nice together.  Keeping your hands busy helps to keep you awake.   That's my theory anyways.

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And then we went to bed and read for a while before turning out the lights.

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I love our bedroom.  It makes me happy.   I love the colours and the furniture, and the way I have it all laid out.   It's quite comfy and I always feel really happy when I am in it.  These are old photos of it though.   We have fairy lights on the headboards now

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And different lamps.   The bases are wood.  They look nice.  (Dunelm Mill)

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And we have different bedding.   Stripes and Flowers.  In reds and pinks.   We got them from Dunelm Mill a while back.    

And now today is a new day.   A fresh page.  The sun is shining (so far).   We have church to look foward to.  The chance to renew our covenants with the sacrament.    I'll be talking to my mom this afternoon.  I've a clean puppy dog to cuddle and a husband who loves me and a breath of fresh air in the house in the shape of Ariana the nurse. 

 And there's a new post from Susan Branch to read. She always makes me smile.

Life is good. 

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Have a wonderful Sunday.   Remember . . .  there is always, always something to be thankful for.


  1. Good morning Marie. Today the rain has left us slowly and as I drove out into the country this afternoon it was pure pleasure to see green grass and a fresher world.

    I hope today is a better day for you. I came down with a lurgy yesterday and feel a bit better today so I am thankful.

  2. I have seen that movie you mentioned. It is funny and I wish there were more like them out there. I watched Barbara Streisand in concert on our PBS station last night. It's been a long time since I've seen her and like me she has aged, but still sings wonderfully. Memories being my favorite song. Hope you have a restful and relaxing Sunday!

  3. She's so cute..I see her in person:)
    Your room is YOU:)
    We saw The 100 foot Journey Marie..I think it is your kind of movie.We both loved it.
    It's rare for us to go..but we did.Glad about it.

    Thanks for the heads up re Susan's Blog.I subscribe..but never get I check..I caught the last one..but sometimes it takes time..
    Charming as ever and brought back memories.

  4. Ps I forgot to add I love your new bedding! It is so fresh and cuddlesome.


  5. And I forgot to ask you a question:)

    See this recipe?

    It has our names on it I think..But am sure the comments are correct in questioning the 2 cups of oil..
    do you think she meant 1/2?
    I did ask..but no answer..Thought I would ask you:)

  6. Marie, LOVE the butterfly wings! I just finished reading Susan's post before coming to yours; always enjoyable, with interesting links to check out. I watched that movie a while back and, like you, wasn't sure if I'd like it, but found it entertaining. Your bedroom looks very cozy and comfy, and I'm sure the changes you made make it all the more so. Glad you're feeling perkier; I think some days our bodies are just a bit deficient in something or other that throws us out of kilter. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Hi Suzan, today was half sunny, half wet, but they say we are going to be lambasted with rain tomorrow! And high winds! Thanks about the bedding comment. I really do like the colours. I hope you are feeling better soon. The dreaded lurgy is no fun! xxoooooo

    Pam, it was a really funny movie. I Love Barbara Streisand. She has a beautiful voice and I admire her for never changing anything about her nose or her face. She is a beautiful woman and I am glad she never changed a thing! xxoo

    Monique, you are so lucky to have seen her in person. I had a look at the cookie recipe and I am sure she meant 1/2 cup, not 2 cups. If you used 2 cups it would be a soupy mess and far too oily! But the cookies look like ones I would like! I have her cookbook, What Katie Ate, but that recipe is not in her book! I would only use 1/2 cup. xxoo

  8. Sharon, I don't think Susan posts enough! haha I would happily read a post from her every day! I just eat them up! Thanks for your lovely comments. I think a change in bedding is as good as a holiday! xxoo

  9. Marie...I have something to be grateful for today. YES I have manage dto get into yur blog..and stay there !! have had 4 days to catch up on...I still have no idea how these last 4 days I have not been able to "stay and sit awhile " with you. Hope after church today you are feeling better. I know I am and until aout 1/2hr ago it has been a lovely quite warm clouded over and rain on it's way I think... Swe my niece Beth and her husand Max at lunch which was lovely however Alex and his girl friend were still in bed when called at 11 so Beth was not happy about that ..but I said to her "that's teenagers for you love.." !!! Hopefully be with you in the morning xxx

  10. I meant I saw your art in person!:)

    Thanks Marie..:)

  11. I am sending you big bear hugs!!! I hope you were uplifted today. I get that low feeling at times too and also after making food or doing service and then being too tired to actually attend the event. Then I usually give myself a little pep talk. ;-) I'm glad you worked on some projects that was uplifting. Love your artwork!
    Also, the first picture you posted is just so sweet. Always loved pictures like that one.
    Mabel's Picnic Cake and the cookies look so delicious! Your bedroom is nice and bedding looks fresh and welcoming. Thinking of you and love you very much! xoxo

  12. Sybil, yay! Glad the problem is sorted and you can now read again!! Who knows why the internet does the things it does! It is supposed to be a very nasty day today weatherwise. Of course it is! It's Bank Holiday! Mwha ha ha ha!

    Oh, Monique, LOL I thought you meant you saw Barbara Streisand! Blushing here!

    Thanks Valerie! I am not a person who feels low very often or gets depressed generally. I just have the odd off day, and thankfully they pass. I think that when you take the focus off "yourself" and put it someplace else, that usually works well! Love you too!! xxoo


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